第763回例会レポート / The 763rd Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00 June 4th 2022 / Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online

Our 763th meeting started at 13:58 – 2 min ahead since all participants were prepared for the meeting.There were 26 people (including 3 guests) participated in the meeting. It was great.

We had an induction ceremony for a new club member. He is an Indian working for IT company. The guests are able to participate in our meeting up to 3 times before deciding to join our club membership.

The prospects asked to go out of the room during the discussion among the club members whether s/he is eligible to join as a member. New members approved to join to enter the meeting room with big hands. I like this moment of the ceremony.

Word of the day was presented by TM HN. The word was “Concrete”

TM HK led the meeting as a Toast Master Of the Day (TMOD). He well prepared for the meeting and supported table topics master, prepared speakers, general evaluator and evaluators.

Table Topics Master was taken by TM MK, he is the youngest member of the club. His questions were interesting and challenging for the speakers.

Everyone was struggling to answer to the questions.4 members made prepared speeches for this meeting.

1. TM RS talked about video featured children from internet related to the international children’s day (June 1st)

2. TM TN gave us a very funny story at Valentine’s Day.

3. TM AI threw us the question whether the world after death exists or not.

4. TN SI explained how Japanese Animations has influence to the world.

TM KT went through the evaluation session as a general evaluator.
She suggested some very valid improvement ideas for the meeting, well done.
Also, 4 Evaluators gave feedback to each prepared speaker from technically and psychological stand points.

It was a successful meeting since role takers carefully orchestrated well.

The next meeting will be held at Hatoba Kaikan on June 18th,
It will be the last meeting for the YTMC cabinet 2021-2022 and a small ceremony of changing club leadership to be held.
We would like to express the sincere application for everything done by the officers!


TM HNが本日の単語(Word of the day)Concreteを紹介しました。

TM HKが本日のトーストマスター(MC)としてこのミーティングを引っ張っていきました。彼はミーティングに対して非常に良く準備して各メンバーを助けていました。

テーブルトピックは当クラブ最年少のTM MKが進めてくれました。彼の質問はとても面白く答えるのに苦労する内容でしたが皆さん楽しんで即興のスピーチを行いました。

1. TM RSが6/1の世界こどもデーにあわせてインターネットで見た子供のビデオの魅力について語りました。
2. TM TNはバレンタインデーの思い出をスピーチしました。
3. TM AIは死後の世界があるのかという命題を我々に投げかけました。
4. TM SIは日本のアニメが世界に与えた影響について話しました。

TM KTが批評パートの司会をして、とてもためになる改善のアイディアを提案しました。また、4名の批評人がそれぞれの準備スピーチに対して技術的、心理学的な見地でフィードバックをしました。




