第823回例会(スペシャルワークショップ)レポート/The 823rd Meeting (Special Workshop) Report



Under the clear blue sky of early winter, Yokohama TMC’s special workshop was successfully held in a festive atmosphere created by the victory parade of the Yokohama DeNA Baystars, which coincidentally took place in the neighborhood on the same day. The streets were crowded with people eager to see the parade, as well as those who came to attend our special instructor’s workshop, TM N.T.!


The officers of YTMC had been preparing for this special workshop for months, and at last, the day arrived! The preparations were flawless, and all that remained was to await the arrival of the instructor.



Finally, he arrived, dressed casually with a broad smile on his face. TM N.T. is a four-time champion of the District 76 (All Japan) Speech Contests and ranked in the top 20 of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. We had invited him to conduct a workshop on crafting an engaging public speech through the art of storytelling.




The venue was packed with 50 participants, some traveling from as far as western Japan to hear the champion speak. Not only did he conduct the workshop, but he also performed some of his award-winning speeches. What a treat!


In his workshop, TM N.T. discussed how to add meaning and value to a speech, how to distill personal experiences into a key message, and how to craft memorable phrases. He illustrated these points with iconic quotes like, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” and “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”

He then delved into storytelling techniques, explaining the Three-Act Structure and the concept of the Character Arc. To fully grasp his insights, you really had to be there!

The content was so engaging that participants were furiously taking notes. A group discussion followed, where attendees exchanged ideas and enjoyed collaborative learning.


In the latter part of the workshop, two Yokohama TMC members delivered test speeches. It must have been daunting to follow the champion’s award-winning performance, but both speakers rose to the occasion magnificently. Their courage and effort were truly commendable!

The first speaker, TM M, spoke about what ‘triggered’ her to study English seriously, recounting her initial visit to a U.S. theme park and her transformation as an English speaker. The second speaker, TM O, shared a touching story about an old friend who reread his collection of New Year’s cards on his deathbed, concluding that the most important things in life are people and relationships. After these speeches, group discussions were held, and representatives presented their insights. TM N.T. provided detailed feedback to help the speakers further refine their craft. Undoubtedly, this feedback will inspire improvements in their future speeches!

Before the workshop concluded, TM N.T. delivered another award-winning speech, “You Decide,” which he presented in the semi-finals of the international contest held in Cincinnati in 2013. The speech was so moving and inspiring that the audience listened with bated breath.

Just before the end of the workshop, two test speakers presented the instructor with a golf ball with the instructor’s name on it. The gift was the idea of the officers who heard that TM N.T. liked to play golf.




The workshop ended with a big round of applause for the fabulous instructor, TM N.T. I’m confident everyone gained valuable insights from this experience and felt motivated for the upcoming speech contests next year!

初冬の澄み渡る青空の下、横浜TMCのスペシャルワークショップが成功裡に開催されました。その日は偶然にも、近隣で横浜DeNAベイスターズの優勝パレードが行われており、祝祭ムードに彩られた街は、パレードを見に来た人々のみならず、我らが特別講師TM N.T.を見に来た人々で賑わっていました!(笑)








最初のスピーカーのTM Mは、アメリカのテーマパークを初めて訪れた時に起こった、英語学習に真剣に取り組むようになったきっかけについて話をしました。2人目のスピーカーのTM Oは、亡くなる直前に過去の年賀状を何度も読み返していた友人の話を通じて、友情や人間関係が人生で最も大切だというメッセージを伝えてくれました。

スピーチの後、グループディスカッションを行い、各グループの代表が簡単な論評プレゼンテーションを行いました。また、講師のTM N.T.からスピーチ改善のための詳細なフィードバックもあり、スピーカーたちの今後のスピーチの改善に役立つこと間違いありません。


ワークショップの終盤、TM N.T.が国際大会準決勝(2013年シンシナティ)で発表したスピーチ「You Decide」を再び披露してくれました。この感動的で心を揺さぶるスピーチに、参加者全員が息をのむように聞き入っていました。


ワークショップは、素晴らしい講師TM N.T.への大きな拍手で幕を閉じました。参加者全員がこの経験を通じて多くを学びました。来年のスピーチコンテストに向けての大いなる刺激となった一日でした!




Special Eventカテゴリーの記事