Today, the temperature was 22 degrees Celsius! It is unseasonably hot, which blows away the Christmassy atmosphere, but the venue is in the Christmas spirit! Well, what kind of meeting will it be?
本日のTOMDはダブルロールで今年入会したTM S.S and S.Hさん夫婦です。初めてのTOMDですが、出だしから盛り上げてくれ、堂々のデビューです。
Today’s TOMD is TM S.S. and S.H. who joined this year as a double roller. It was their first TOMD, but they made a lively and impressive debut.
Today’s event is structured to start with the prepared speech.
1人目のスピーカーは、TM M.Nさんです。
The first speaker is TM M.N. The title of his speech is “LastSanta.
The title of his speech is LastSanta. This speech is about Santa Claus. It was a heart-warming episode about a family and Santa Claus.
2人目のスピーカーはTM K.Rさんです。
スピーチタイトルは、Chirstmas:Speical Seasonです。
The second speaker was TM K.R.
His speech title is Chirstmas: Speical Season.
He talked about Christmas dinner. In Japan, KFC has become a tradition, but why is that? There were many interesting episodes about eating and what good the food we eat on special occasions can do us.
3人目のスピーカーはTM R.S さんです。
スピーチタイトルは、Listen to the nature‘s musicです。
The third speaker was TM R.S.
The title of her speech was Listen to nature’s music.
She shared her wonderful experience about trekking. Her speech was so expressive about how she was moved by spending time in the nature of the mountains that it was as if she was in the nature himself.
4人目のスピーチはTM T.Mさんです。
The fourth speech was given by TM T.M.
This speech is about mentoring. He talked about mentoring at work and Toastmaster’s mentoring, and the necessity of having a mentor.
After the prepared speeches, we had a special program for this meeting, Christmas gift exchange. Everyone formed a circle and passed around presents to the song “Joy to the world”. What did everyone receive?
After a short break, congratulatory messages for the 800th anniversary were presented by alumni and others.
After getting into the swing of things, it was time for the table topic.
Today’s table topic master is Mr. Ohno, a veteran. This time, the maximum length of the speech was 1.5 minutes in order to allow many people to speak. It was an enjoyable session full of topics related to the holiday season and proceeded at a good tempo.
論評セッションの総合論評は、トーストマスターも結婚生活も経験豊富なベテランTM S.N and S.T夫婦のダブルロールです。
The General Evaluator for the evaluation session was a double roll by experienced couple TM S.N and S.T., for both Toastmasters and married life.
The first evaluator was TM M.K. It was a great commentary on the project, with a good speech that was heartwarming but also informative, but also had some issues with gestures and other aspects of the speech.
2人目の論評は、TM A.Hさんです。
季節感のあるスピーチタイトルで、構成が良かったとのこと。もう少し色付けがあると良いとのこと、Speed、Position。Punchiline、Eye Contact、Emoion、Clear Voice、Hand Gesuture、SPEECHの冒頭をもじった論評に全員感服していました。
The second evaluator was TM A.H.
She said that the speech title was seasonable and well structured. She said that a little more coloring would be nice, and all were impressed with her evaluation, which was a play on Speed, Position, Punchiline, Eye Contact, Emoion, Clear Voice, Hand Gesuture, and the beginning of SPEECH.
TM A.Hさんがホワイトボードに書いたポイントを使いながら、良い点と課題を交えた論評はお手本になる論評でした。
The third evaluator was today’s guest, Mr. W.
Using the points written on the whiteboard by TM A.H., her commentary with good points and issues was a model for others to follow.
4人目の論評は、TM N.Mさんです。
The fourth evaluator was TM N.M.
His evaluation was very passionate and motivating to the speakers, listing both good points and issues.
ベストTB Guest K and K
ベストEV TM A.H
ベストPS TM R.S
ベストドレッサー TM T.M
Best TB Guest K and K
Best EV TM A.H
Best PS TM R.S
Best Dresser TM T.M