The 582nd Meeting Report


YTMC #582 Regular Meeting on Oct.18th Meeting Report by Kahori Takanashi
The YTMC #582 meeting was held on Oct 18th at Free-Flat-Nogeyama with 17 members and 2 guests.
I (TM K.T) enjoyed doing TMOD role today!!
The meeting started with opening remark by our President TM Taketomi.
During Business session, he informed the result of In-House Contest and Area 42 Contest.
After that, TM M.H accepted to take a vacant role, which was Word of the Day and Gracho role as volunteer. Thank you for your kind support!
Today’s Word of The Day represented by TM M.H was ‘wonderful’. I really liked this word!
Timers were our new member TM Y.S and M.Y and Vote Counter was also our new member, TM W.Y.
Even though, it was a very first time and first role for them, they did their job very well!

Today’s Tips Master was TM S.I. He introduced one interesting article from Toastmaster magazine September Edition. And also, he encouraged our members to read the magazine.
Today’s Joke Master was TM T.N and he challenged to introduce some American Joke.
Some of them were difficult to understand for our Japanese. It means the point of Laugh is very different by each country.

Table Topic Session was conducted by TM T.T. She gave us very unique and seasonal questions such as autumn and sports. We enjoyed her questions and listening to the answers of Topic masters.

Today, there are 3 Speakers and 1st speaker was our new member TM M.O. She did a great job as Ice Breaker!! During her speech, she introduced the background of her life in China and Japan and her future vision etc.
Congratulation to complete her very first speech as TM!
Second Speaker, TM R.K made a speech about his experiences in Special Committee on Disasters in his company.
There were many useful information and messages his speech.
Last speaker was TM S.I. The title ‘I love Whisky’ and he started with his body language by drinking Whisky. We all laughed and enjoyed his humorous and unique speech very much. We also learned the history of Japanese Whisky which nobody knew. I felt that Japanese Whisky has very interesting and dramatic history in the past.

We had a special Work Shop session by TM T.S. He made a presentation about how to resolve the conflict with using Power Point slides. The visual aid was very supported and easy to understand his message.

Today’s General Evaluator was our President TM A.T and at the beginning of GE Session, he informed us that the evaluation is the most important part of toastmaster’s activities. With evaluation, we can know what we need to improve, what is our given strength and characters.
3 evaluators (TM M.T, TM T.S, TM N.S) made wonderful evaluation for each speakers according to the manual.
Especially, the evaluation for CC#1 Ice Break Speech is very difficult in a way but TM M.T, he did great job!

TMOD(I, TM K.T) conducted the award session.
Best T.Topic Speaker was TM W.Y, Best Evaluator was TM T.S and Best Speaker was TM M.O.
Best T.Topic Speaker was TM W.Y and Best Speaker was TM M.O.are very new member!! Congratulation!

During the meeting, many members use ‘Word of the day’, ‘Wonderful’ !! The word made us feel happy!
All role takers thank you so much for all your great support!! I really appreciate your kindness.

I believed that not only TM members but also 2 guests enjoyed today’s meeting.
Please come and join our meeting next time. Thank you!!



The 581st Meeting Report


Thank all YTMC members, for giving me an opportunity of TMOD.
It was my first experience of particular role.
I try to help this to business.



The 580th Meeting Report


image image imageIt was my first time to take a Contest Chair in TM activities.
I have been joining the contest as a contestant for 3 years. Then I focused on making my speech and enjoyed giving the speech to members.
However I had to manage YTMC In-house Contest at this time. My priority was to collect many contestants. And I needed to create the stage that contestants give each speech with a good feeling. I felt that I gave my speech comfortably because Contest Chair created the stage for me.
As a result there were 10 contestants in English and Japanese Contest!! I thought our In-house Contest in2014 was successful. But success couldn’t come without member’s cooperation! I really appreciated all members, and all contestants! Thank you very much!
Lastly I announce prize winners of our In-house contest in2014 at both contests!!

1st TM Y.T
2nd TM Y.N
3rd TM T.S

1st TM K.T
2nd TM N.S



The 579th Meeting Report


The YTMC #579 Meeting was held close to Nogeyama Park at the Seishonen Kouryu Centre. It was a hot day and summer was back with a last weekend of hot weather. To my delight and maybe because we had a huge venue reserved, almost 30 people were able to make it and enjoy my first TMOD session. However I believe they were really coming for the Speech Marathon and especially for TM Y’s presentation on the “Road to DTM”.

The schedule was tight so we omitted a theme for this meeting. The word of the day ultimate was used well throughout ultimately enhancing the atmosphere of the meeting. We managed to keep the time fairly well giving us the opportunity to hear 4 Table Topic Speakers give wonderful short speeches. This was followed by quickly moving into the Speech Sessions containing 6 Speeches with a wide variety of topics. First we were introduced to one of our recent new members via her Icebreaker Speech, then we moved to the beauty of Himeji Castle before taking a turn towards the Humorous side with speeches about Unusual Signboards, Primate Humor and great information about the Fall Speech Contest!

After a very brief intermission, it was our treat to have TM T.Y present his experiences/expertise on “The Road to DTM”. He broke us into workgroups and gave us questions to present later. Each group could quickly list down answers and present to the greater audience. TM T.Ythen elaborated on the answers given and gave a great overview on the baby steps required to reach the final goal of DTM. Thank you TM T.Yfor your presentation.

We wrapped up the meeting with a quick Evaluation Session and our President/VPE reminded everyone of the upcoming Fall In-House Humorous Speech Contest. It was a great first experience as a TMOD and I look forward to doing it again, this time with a theme!
Thank you!





The 578th Meeting Report


Dear friends,

Thank you for perticipating #578 regular meeting despite Bon vacation.

Your contribution helped me a lot to move the meeting forward as first-time Toastmaster of the Day.

Especially, I thank TM K from Yokohama Ocean TMC and TM S from Yamato Bilingual TMC for taking their roles.

I enjoyed the meeting very much and hope you did likewise.




The 574th Meeting Report


YTMC 574th regular meeting is the last meeting in this term.
I was happy to take TMOD at such a special day!!

At this meeting, we had Installation Ceremony. New officers were selected in the last meeting. YMTC makes a new start on July.
Before that I really want to appreciate current officers. Especially I’d like to say “thank you” to our president TM Nirupam!! He thought of YTMC members first and he chose members who contributed greatly to development of YTMC. He called them “Star of YTMC” and gave some materials like Trophy or pin badge to them. His attempt made many members active to YTMC meeting. Unfortunately, he left Japan on last February, and he couldn’t continue to lead YTMC as the president. But I think that he served as YTMC president!!
Next month I am the president of YTMC. It is very big role for me, but I work for our club members, and create splendid club at Yokohama!!!


Let’s enjoy New YTMC together!!


The 575th Meeting Report



*** The comment from TMOD ***

The YTMC ♯575

I have been in Den-en Toshi TMC for 22 years, which was built by one member of Yokohama TMC. Den-en Toshi TMC has the different atmosphere from that of Yokohama TMC, as it’s members are relatively elder, and it’s atmosphere is stable, reliable, and traditional.

Yokohama TMC, I joined last year, has been vivid with many of young members, and it is led by young officer team, though the elderly members contribute a lot. I like Yokohama TMC members’ attitude, which are enthusiastic in learning Communications, enthusiastic in learning English abilities.

In many of the meeting, always young guests people have attended Yokohama TMC.
This shows Yokohama TMC is attractive and friendly club.

Let’s learn communications and leadership, positively, in friendly atmosphere!!




Award Session!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 577th Meeting Report



imageYTMC meeting #577,8/2 at Seishonen Kouryu center

Dearest all officers and members

First af all, Thank you Continue reading


The 573rd Meeting Report



*** The comment from TMOD ***

The YTMC #573 meeting was held on June 7th at Seishonen-ikusei Kaikan.

In spite of heavy rain and 16 members joined today’s meeting. Also, we had 3 guests. The meeting started with VPE R.K.(acting President)’s opening remarks and at the beginning of today’s meeting, we had an officers Election! Nominating Committee members (TM T.M and TM S.I) and VPE R.K conducted the election and it run smoothly.  Then…. new offices from this July were all elected!! I believe that new officers will build more attractive club and make all members more fun!!
<New Officers>
President :TM Taketomi, VP Education : TM Sato, VP Members : TM Takanashi,
VP Public Relations : TM Saito, Secretary : TM Sakai, Tresurer : TM Nakanishi, Sergeant-AT-Arms : TM Koganei

After the officers election, the meeting control was passed to today’s TMOD, KT(‘me’!). Today’s my meeting theme is “Rainy Season”. As I hate the rainy season,
I had asked all role takers ‘how do you enjoy rainy season?’ All role takes gave me very unique idea and good advisements to enjoy the rainy days.
For example, in rainy season, someone said that he will enjoy watch World Cup Soccer game, and someone said that he will visit Kamakura area as middle of Jun is the best season for fireflies watching in Kamakura area. That was sound great !

Today’s Table Topic Master was TM S.I. At first, he showed one scene from cartoon film. Then, he gave us some questions about our imagination of next story and next scene of the cartoon film. It was a very new and unique way for all members!

After that, we had 3 speech sessions. One of the speakers, TM T.Y gave us his speech about how to get DTM award! He showed 2 DTM award plates and explained about his effort and episode about them. Through his speech, we all knew and learned how difficult it is and how much he did hard work during his Toastmasters club activities.

At the evaluation session, TM T.S gave us a great feedback to each role takers even it was a short time. Also, today’s Gracho, TM T.M, gave us sound advices.
It is not easy to find the mistakes of grammar and use of sentences but he pointed out those errors and explained us correctly. Thank you for giving us advicements!!

Although today’s agenda was a tight schedule, all role takers conducted their roles on time. In today’s meeting, one of our new members, TM M.F took his first role as Vote Counter, and he did a great job without any issue, congratulation!

We will have a #574 regular meeting on June 21th @Yoshino-cho Plaza Meeting Room ( See you then!!


New Officers!

DTM award! Congratulations!

Award Session!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 572nd Meeting Report



*** The comment from TMOD ***

The YTMC ♯572 meeting hold on May 24th at Hatobakaikan

In this time we hold the meeting at the different week, because previous week was District conference. Due to very irregular schedule, relatively less member could participate in this meeting. Then we felt little bit difficult to assign each role.
But, despite such a difficult situation, we could carried out this session by cooperating with each other. TM S undertook double roles , as a speaker and an evaluator. I’m sure this was really tough challenge for him. But he delivered very humorous and inspirational and humorous speech. And he also gained best evaluator award!He made rally good job!!
And TM N take took charge of sudden role as supporter (Vote counter).
Other speakers preformed very well with their original and informative speeches.
With many voluntary cooperation of each member, we could achieve this meeting very successfully. I ‘d like to say many thanks for all members as TMOD!!


Award Session!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!
