第817回例会レポート/The 817th Regular Meeting Report



会長のオープニングスピーチ 会長は双子のお子さんが同時に歩き始めたという微笑ましいエピソードで、参加者の心を温めました。まるでタイミングを合わせたかのように成長する双子に驚きと喜びを感じた様子でした。

ビジネスセッション 会計担当のTさんから、10月からの会費の支払いについての案内がありました。また、前回入会されたHさんには、入会記念のリボンとピンバッジが贈られ、クラブの一員としての歓迎が行われました。

今日のテーマ: ボディケア 今回の例会では、TMOD(例会進行役)を担当したNさんが「ボディケア」というテーマを掲げ、参加者全員がセルフケアに関する話題で意見を交換しました。Nさんは、毎日お風呂に入る習慣について話し、日々の体をいたわる大切さを強調しました。サポート役のメンバーも、それぞれのボディケア習慣について共有しました。

  • 文法係のTさんは「毎日運動し、体重を管理している」と語り、健康管理の重要性を強調しました。

  • AhカウンターのIさんはスキンクリームを活用していることをシェア。

  • ボートカウンターのHさんはランニングで体調を整えていると話しました。

  • タイマーのNさんはヨガの実践を紹介しました。

テーブルトピックセッション テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ)の進行はNさんが担当し、ボディケアに関連したユニークな質問が飛び交いました。

  1. 変わったボディケア方法に関する質問には、Mさんが「豆腐ダイエットはやってみたけれど、お勧めしない」とユーモアたっぷりに応えました。

  2. Tさんは、「変わったエクササイズはしていないが、学生時代にハードな陸上トレーニングをしていた」と振り返りました。

  3. もし一生使うグルーミング製品を一つ選ぶならという質問に対し、Mさんは寝ぐせ直しを選んだエピソードを語りました。


  • Aさんは、自身の履歴書を使いながら多彩な経歴を紹介し、自己紹介スピーチを披露しました。英語会計の資格を持つ彼のスピーチは、仕事にまつわるユニークなエピソードで参加者を引き込みました。

  • Tさんは、クラブの魅力や役職の挑戦を振り返りながら、クラブ愛に溢れたスピーチを行い、感謝の気持ちを表しました。

  • Sさんは、日本の少子高齢化問題について、自身の故郷である長崎の現状を交えた深い洞察を披露し、人口減少が地域社会に与える影響を強く訴えかけました。

表彰セッション 今回の例会では、以下のメンバーが表彰されました。

  • ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー: Mさん

  • ベストエバリュエーター: Sさん、Oさん

  • ベスト準備スピーチスピーカー: Sさん

まとめ 今回の横浜トーストマスターズクラブの例会は、ボディケアをテーマにした充実した内容で、笑いあり学びありの楽しい時間となりました。参加者それぞれが自分の意見や経験をシェアし合い、スピーチや即興力を磨く良い機会となりました。次回も皆さんのご参加をお待ちしています!


Yokohama Toastmasters Club Meeting Report (September 7, 2024)

On September 7, 17 members attended the meeting in person, with 2 more joining online, making it a lively gathering. The theme for this meeting was “Body Care,” and participants shared various ideas and experiences about daily self-care, leading to a lively and laughter-filled discussion.

President’s Opening Speech
The President warmed the hearts of the attendees with an endearing story about her twins, who had both started walking at the same time. The synchronized growth of the twins was a source of both amazement and joy.

Business Session
Treasurer T reminded everyone about the upcoming membership fee payment for October. Additionally, H, who had recently joined, received a commemorative ribbon and pin, officially welcoming them as a club member.

Today’s Theme: Body Care
TMOD N led the session on “Body Care,” inviting participants to share their thoughts on self-care. N highlighted the importance of taking care of the body by sharing their own routine of taking a bath every day. Other supporting members also shared their own body care practices.

  • Grammarian T emphasized the importance of daily exercise and weight management.

  • Ah-Counter I shared their use of skincare cream.

  • Vote Counter H talked about maintaining their health through running.

  • Timer N introduced their yoga practice.

Table Topics Session
N led the Table Topics session, where unique questions related to body care were posed.

  • When asked about unusual body care methods, M humorously replied, “I tried a tofu diet, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  • T reflected on their student days, recalling rigorous athletic training from their track and field days.

  • In response to the question of choosing one grooming product to use for life, M shared their choice of a hair-styling product to fix bed hair.

Prepared Speech Session

  • A gave a self-introduction speech, using their resume to showcase a diverse career background. With a qualification in English accounting, A engaged the audience with unique work-related anecdotes.

  • T reflected on the challenges of their club role while expressing their deep love and appreciation for the Yokohama Toastmasters Club.

  • S provided profound insights into Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population, using their hometown of Nagasaki as an example. They emphasized the significant impact population decline is having on local communities.

Awards Presentation
The following members were recognized during this meeting:

  • Best Table Topics Speaker: M

  • Best Evaluator: S and O

  • Best Prepared Speech Speaker: S

This Yokohama Toastmasters Club meeting, with its focus on body care, was a well-rounded session filled with laughter and learning. It provided a great opportunity for participants to share their opinions and experiences, while honing their public speaking and impromptu skills. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

If you’re interested, we encourage you to attend one of our meetings. Yokohama Toastmasters Club is here to support your growth!


第816回例会レポート/The 816th Regular Meeting Report



Yesterday’s typhoon has gone and the severe heat is back.
Today’s meeting is not at the usual Hatoba-Kaikan, but at Piosi City near Sakuragicho.
It’s nice to have a change of scenery once in a while for a change of pace.


There was a bit of line trouble at the beginning, but we started with 17 plus 2 guests.
Since the President was on her way home today, veteran TM.S. took over for her.

今日の言葉は、”sleep on it”です。

First of all, here is today’s Word of the day.
The word of the day is “sleep on it.”
If I were to weave this phrase into my speech…sleep on it.


TM.T, a.k.a. Mr. YTMC, started today’s TMOD.
Today’s theme was “Your habits in your daily life”
It was interesting to see the various habits of each speaker revealed.



After the role description of each role holder, the next step is the Table Topic Session.
Today’s table topic master is TM.A.
Today, eight questions that children have about war were presented on the screen,
The nominated respondents were to choose one of them and give a speech about their answer.
I think this was a very timely topic since two days ago was the anniversary of the end of the war.


1人目のスピーカーTM Nさんはトーストマスターズでの7年間のスピーキングの旅についてお話されました。
2人目のスピーカーTM Nさんは趣味のちぎり絵について実物を見せながら熱く語ってくれました。
3人目のスピーカーTM Kさんは釣りを人生に例えて面白いスピーチを展開されました。
4人目のスピーカーTM Iさんの「統計でウソをつく方法」という書籍を引用したお話はとても興味深いものでした。

Then next, the prepared speeches. Four people spoke today.
The first speaker, TM N, talked about her 7-year speaking journey in Toastmasters.
The second speaker, TM N, spoke passionately about her hobby of chigiri-e showing actual pieces.
The third speaker, TM K, gave an interesting speech comparing fishing to life.
The fourth speaker, TM I, quoted from the book “How to Lie with Statistics”, which was very interesting.


Next, the evaluation session began, moderated by TM.S, the general evaluator.
The four evaluators accurately pointed out the good points and areas for improvement of the four speakers.



Finally, the awards were given to the best speakers.
Best Table Topic : TM.T
Best Evaluation : TM.M
Best Prepared Speech : TM.K


Yokohama Toastmasters is not only an English speaking meeting, but also a place for people of all ages and backgrounds to interact. You can visit for free up to three times, so please feel free to come and visit us.


第748回例会レポート / The 748th Regular Meeting Report


Meeting #748 Oct. 16th at Hatoba Kaikan 1F.
The meeting theme today was Sleep! Why? Is everyone working too hard?
It was our toastmaster of the day, TM K who sleeps only 3 hours every night…

Our club always attract many guests and today we had several guests.
Today’s meeting was held hybrid style. Onsite 14 members looked extra happy to see each other while online 9 participants enjoyed the convenience of joining from home.

TM K was given certificate as a winner of the inhouse Rookie’s contest!
Today’s word of the day is Sophisticated. It really is a good word choice.
前回の例会は、新人戦のクラブ内コンテストでした。優勝されたTM Kに賞状が手渡されました。

TM T offered workshop for easy-speak.
Now the table topic session comes.
TM I was the table topic master today.

Please tell us the beautiful dream you had in the past while you were sleeping.

Please tell us your dream in your life.

Please tell us your dream society.

Please tell your dream actor?

Here comes the prepared speech session.

1.Lesson Learned from DQ: TM O used Dragon Quest as an example as leadership success story. He said that it is important to focus on strength and develop people!

2.Change the Recipe: TM I used creative movie from his kitchen to talk about management!
TM Iさんは、奥様の調理動画を有効活用したユニークなスピーチをされました。

3.My Lifeline Chart: TM S showed his very private life chart with our members to reflect his life.
  TM Sさんの人生をチャートで勉強。大変参考になりました。

One of my favorite sessions of Toastmaster meeting is Evaluation Session.
We evaluate each other to learn to improve our presentation.

TM M for TM O The structure of the speech was very good. TM M advised that emotion could be more added in the speech.  
TM T for TM I Fried rice was so attractive! The speaker looked very confident. The usage of vocal variety would make the speech more delicious.
TM M for TMS The QA session was very smooth. We leaned a lot!

Finally, Toastmaster of the day announce the Awards.
The best TT speaker is TM N
The best Evaluator is TM M
The best Speaker is TM S
What a fantastic meeting!
See you again!



第747回例会レポート / The 747th Regular Meeting Report


On October 2nd, instead of our regular meeting, we had a special event, the Kanagawa Regional Rookies’ In-House Contest. (Full online)

Toastmasters has an official international speech contest once a year, but this time it was only for the Kanagawa district. It is a speech contest for new members who have been members for less than a year, and on this day, the preliminary round was held in YTMC.

The process was different from usual, and was conducted as if it were an official contest.
The contest rules were explained, staff members were introduced, and the chief judge explained the judging process.
There was a tense atmosphere as if it was a real contest.

Finally, the speeches began. Four contestants participated in the contest.
The first contestant, TM. N, gave an interesting talk about how we see colors. The second contestant, TM. K, gave an emotional talk about how he achieved his dream in Japan. The third contestant, TM. K, gave a logical talk about why he studied German and how he made decisions. And the fourth contestant, TM. N, made a speech about the importance of “repetition” in improving English, using songs and gestures.

All the speeches were so impressive that it was hard to believe that they were all newcomers. It was impressive to see how each of them devised their way of speaking in the special situation of giving a speech through an online screen.

After the speeches, an evaluation session was held like regular meetings.
This time, all the evaluators were experienced speakers. In addition to the usual good points and areas for improvement, they also talked about points to keep in mind that are unique to contests. I think it was very helpful to the new members.

Finally, the results were announced, and TM K won first place!
Ms. K will be participating in the Kanagawa Rookies’ Contest at the end of November.
All YTMC members will be rooting for him!

It was a contest for newcomers, but everyone’s level was very high, and I felt the bench strength of YTMC. I’m really looking forward to next month’s contest and next year’s contest.

Web Site Reporter F


第746回例会レポート / The 746th Regular Meeting Report


Autumn is the season for harvest festivals. This meeting’s theme is a special recipe.
We can’t go to a restaurant or tavern due to the declared state of emergency in Corona.
So then, TMOD proposes to the member. to cook for themselves.
Various favorite recipes are introduced by the members.
Very spicy and tasty Yakisoba, Highball made with ginger ale, TKG (rice with egg), Rice Topped with grated yam (Yamaimo no Tororo), Chinese noodles
What kind of recipes do you like?


Today’s word is “feasible”.
For example, use it like this.
a feasible plan,
a feasible explanation,
a bay feasible for yachting.
We defined this as feasible,



Always exciting session is the table topic.
The questions from The Topic Master S are
What is your favorite Food?
favorite TV program?
favorite Sports?
favorite Subject when you were a student?
favorite A country?
favorite Drink?
favorite site seeing place in Japan?
favorite Music?
The best answer is to the question “Subject when you were a student?”
“Science. Science was my life.”
Tips from TMT.
“Let’s use full of speaking time limits when you talk.”


常にエキサイティングなセッションがテーブルトピックです。 トピックマスターSからの質問は


Next is the speech session.
A report from a country in the Middle East.
Topic about the favorite car.
The life’s purpose.
And the costs associated with business opportunities.
Every speech is a very interesting talk.


The final session is Evaluation.
The general evaluator is Mr. K, who challenges the first time.
It goes very smoothly.
Tips from individual evaluators are
Make it clear what character is in the story.
Speech in line with project objectives.
The feasible image is important.
It might be better, show the visual aids a little more longer.
Check speaking time and volume of contents.



Finally, Toastmaster of the day announce the Awards.
The best TT speaker is TM I.
The best Evaluator is TM N.
The best Speaker is TM N
What a fantastic meeting!
See you again!

                                                                                Web Site Reporter。




第745回例会レポート / The 745th Regular Meeting Report


第745回の例会はフルオンラインで行われました。TMOD(総合司会)を務めたのは今回初チャレンジのTM Kさんです。TM Kさんが決めたテーマは「Passion」です。みなさんはどんなPassionをお持ちですか?例会の中でスピーカーの皆さんがTMODの質問に答えて自身のPassionについて紹介してくれました。テーマはTMODが自由に決めるのですが、いつもメンバーからどんな答えが聞ける楽しみです。


テーブルトピックでセッションはTM Kさんがメールに関する6つの質問をメンバーにしました。私たちにとって身近なツールですが、答えを聞いているとそれぞれいろんなストーリーがあって面白かったです。ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーに選ばれたのはTM Oさんでした。笑いありの面白い即興スピーチでした。

一番のメインイベントの準備スピーチセッションでは、4名のメンバーがスピーチを行いました。どのスピーチもとても素晴らしかったです。TM Sさんのスピーチは、最後にピアノ演奏が登場したのが印象的でした。旦那さんとのコラボによりダイナミックなカメラワークでテンション上がるスピーチでした!TM OさんのスピーチはSNSによってチャンスを掴んだストーリーにみんな釘付けでした。TM Oさんのほっこりスタイルとメッセージ性があるという絶妙スピーチでした。TM Tさんのスピーチはチャット機能を使ったオーディエンス参加型のスピーチでした。TM Tさんの楽しいトークとスライドに引き込まれてしまったとても楽しいスピーチでした!最後のTM Tさんのスピーチは横浜トーストマスターズクラブの新しいプロジェクトに関するものでした。トーストマスターズのスピーチはPathwaysというマニュアルに従って進めるのですが、このようにプロジェクトの計画を立てて実行するためのスピーチも入っていて、あわせてリーダーシップも学んでいけるところもいい点です。TM Tさんのスピーチはとてもよくまとめらてれて素晴らしかったです。


最後にTMODを務めたTM Kさんは、初めてとは思えないスムーズな進行をしてくれました。お疲れさまでした!それではまた次の例会でお会いしましょう!

The 745th meeting was fully online. TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) was TM K. The meeting theme was “Passion”. What kind of passion do you have? In the meeting, the speakers introduced their passions in response to TMOD’s questions. The theme is decided by TMOD and it is always fun to hear the answers from the members.

In the table topics session, TM K asked the members six questions about email. Email is a tool that we are all familiar with. Hearing the answers from our members, they all had each unique story or idea. That was interesting. The best table topics speaker was TM O. It was a funny impromptu speech.

In the main event, the prepared speech session, four members gave speeches. TM S showed a piano performance at the end with dynamic camera work by her husband. We are all exited and enjoyed her speech! TM O’s speech was a story of how he got his chance through social networking and everyone was glued to his speech. TM O’s speech was exquisite in combination with his warm style and message! TM T’s speech was an audience-participation speech using a chat function, and the audience was drawn in by her funny talk and slides. The last speech by TM T was about the new project of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club. It is a great way to learn how to plan and execute a project and also leadership through Toastmasters Pathway manual. TM T’s speech was organized well!

After a break, we had an evaluation session. Four evaluators gave speeches to each prepared speech that include what was good point and what should be improved. It is a very good system, isn’t it? I believe all speakers got precious feedbacks.

Lastly, TM K, who served as TMOD, conducted the meeting very smoothly. I can’t believe it was his first time. Thank you for all your work!

See you all at the next meeting!




第744回例会レポート / The 744th Regular Meeting Report


 プレジデントのTM S氏による、14時ちょうどの開会宣言で始まった第744回のミーティングは、前回同様フルオンラインでの開催です。

本日のTMOD(Toast Master Of the Day =総合司会)は今回初チャレンジのTM Iさん。
そんなTM Iさんが今回のテーマに選んだのが「TOKYO2020」。

最初のセッションは、テーブルトピック(= 即興スピーチ)。
マスターはベテランのTM Aさん。6月より着任した新オフィサーのメンバーにまつわるエピソードを紹介しつつ、それに関連したお題を出していくという初の試みです。


続いては、Prepared Session (= 準備スピーチ)
トーストマスターに通う意義を3つのポイントからスピーチされたTM Kさん、船員のコロナ対策の現状について論理的にスピーチされたTM NMさん、英語に関西弁をミックスするという斬新さが光っていたTM NTさん、サーフィンの楽しさと経済性を湘南の浜辺の情景を情緒たっぷりに述べながら話したTM Oさんと、興味深いスピーチが続きました。

Evaluate Sessionでは今回初のGeneral Evaluater(= 総合評価者)となるTM M氏。しかし本セッションの堂々たるコントロールはベテランの風格を感じさせる差配でした。

TMODのTM Iさんはオリンピックの表彰台をイメージしたグラフィックを用意しての発表で、タイムリーな演出が光りました。

The 744th meeting started at 2:00 p.m. with the opening remarks by TM S, President, was held fully online as in the previous meeting.
Although we couldn’t meet, but Zoom screen was filled with the faces of 27 people, including three guests.

Today’s TMOD (Toast Master Of the Day) was TM I, challenged himself to TMOD for the first time.
He wanted to grip the flow of the event by being in charge of TMOD.
And TM I chose “TOKYO 2020” as today’s theme.
Each Role Player talked about the impression of Tokyo Olympics in their speech beginning.

The first session was Table Topic (impromptu speech).
The nominated person answers in impromptu by the Table Topic Master question.
The Table Topic Master was TM A, a veteran, introduced the new Officer members with their episodes, and posed table topic questions related to their episodes.
This is a new approach.

The nominated respondents were answering questions extemporaneously, each with their own witty answers, and they were all great.

The next session was the Prepared Session (=prepared speech).
Four people competed with each other with their prepared speeches.
TM K gave a speech on the significance of attending Toastmaster from three points of view, TM NM gave a logical speech on the current situation of corona measures for seafarers, TM NT was brilliant with his novelty of mixing English with Kansai dialect, and TM O talked about the fun and economy of surfing while describing the scenery of the Shonan beach with a lot of emotion.
All of the speeches were very interesting.

In the Evaluate Session, TM M was the first time to General Evaluator.
But however, his excellent control made us think that he was a veteran.

Now, it was time to announce the Grand Prize winner for each session. The winner will be decided by the votes of all the members who participated today.
TMOD’s TM I prepared a graphic of an Olympic podium, and his timely presentation shone.



第743回例会レポート / The 743rd Regular Meeting Report



The 743rd meeting was held fully online due to a declared state of emergency. There were 27 participants. Following the last meeting, we had another Induction Ceremony and welcomed two new members. We are very happy that they chose Yokohama TMC because of our long history and introduction from the former member.

本日の言葉はTM Mより紹介された「Above and Beyond」。オリンピックの感動を表現するにも最適な言葉で、洗練された素敵な言葉のチョイスでした。

“The Word of the Day” is “Above and Beyond” introduced by TM M. It is a great word to express the excitement of the Olympics, and it was a sophisticated and wonderful choice of words.

総合司会はベテランメンバーのTM Iさん。例会のテーマは「暑い夏をどう凌いでいるのか」ということで、そのテーマにまつわるお話を聞いているだけで、なんだか涼しい気持ちになれました。TM Iさんの司会はさすが、とてもスムーズで、新しいメンバーが多いYTMCでは勉強になった方が多かったと思います。このようなベテランメンバーから学べるのもこのクラブの良いところですね。

The TMOD was TM I, a super experienced member. The theme of the meeting was “How are you avoiding the hot temperature?” and just listening to members’ episodes about the theme made me feel cool. The procedure was very smooth, and it’s one of the good things about this club that we can learn from such experienced members.

テーブルトピックでも、TM Nさんのしっかり準備された進行のもと、楽しく進めることができました。今回のテーマは「夏」でしたが、季節によって話す内容が変わることも飽きずに活動できる理由なのかもと思いながら聞いていました。新メンバーも指名され、どんな方なのかを知る良い機会になりました。

The table topics were well prepared by TM N and we were able to have fun with them. The theme this time was “Summer”. The topics changed depending on the season, and which might be the reason why we could keep working without getting bored. New members were also nominated, and it was a good opportunity to get to know about him.

そしてメインとなる準備スピーチ。今回の4名のスピーチはまた、どれも素晴らしかったです!!ユーモアたっぷりに結婚へ至るエピソードを話してくれたTM Fさん、経験を通してリーダーシップスタイルについて語ってくれたTM Mさん、コミュニケーションにおいて大切なものをご家族の素敵な例を挙げながら伝えてくれたTM Mさん、タイムリーなオリンピックと関連付けながら過去の自分と比べた今の自分についてメッセージをもって話してくれたTM Aさん。どれもあっという間のスピーチで、刺激をたくさんもらいました。

Then the main session, “prepared speeches”. The four speeches were all great! TM F spoke about the episodes leading to his marriage with a lot of humor. TM M talked about her leadership style through her experiences. TM M talked about what is important in communication, using wonderful examples from his family. TM A spoke with a message about the current self compared to the past self while relating it to the timely Olympics. All of the speeches were awesome and I received a lot of inspiration.

最後はTM Nさんが初めて総合論評にチャレンジ。しっかりマニュアルに沿った進行をされながら、とても心のこもった温かい総合論評でした。

Lastly, TM N challenged himself to General Evaluator for the first time. He proceeded according to the manual and, at the same time he gave a very heartfelt and warm review.
Although there were not many guests this time because the meeting was online, it was an even more fulfilling meeting than usual, making me feel like “Oh, I wish more people could see this! It was a hot meeting, as hot as the hot summer!


第742回例会レポート / The 742nd Regular Meeting Report



開催日時: 2021年7月17日(土)
会場: ハイブリッドミーティング(横浜市開港記念会館)





今回のToastmaster of the day はベテランのSさん。さすがにスムーズな例会進行でした。本日の言葉は「dignified(威厳ある)」でした。使いやすい単語で多く使われました。テーブルトピックはIさんが担当しました。「目標達成に必要なリソースは」など、独自の視点から面白い質問を提供してくれました。準備スピーチは4本でした。今回のスピーチを聞きながら、改めて、良いスピーチとは聞き手のことを考えながら自分の本質(考え)を自然体でオープンに伝えるものなんだなぁ、と思いました。

 当クラブではブーケ & ブリックバッツ (花束と酷評)というセッションがあります。私は今期から当クラブのテクニカル担当するFさんに大きな花束を贈りたいと思います。当日は、幾つかのトラブルがありましたが、それでもなんとかハイブリット例会を運営できました。Fさんは、ハイブリッド例会の為に事前に多くの時間を割いて様々な検証を繰り返し、また協力者に丁寧に説明し準備していました。そんなリーダーシップスタイルに本当に頭が下がります。そんなFさんの姿勢に今後もFさんへの協力を惜しまないぞ、と思っています。


YTMCウェブサイトレポーター: TM K.




The 742nd Regular Meeting Report

Date: Saturday, July 17, 2021
Venue: Hybrid Meeting (Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall)

The second meeting of the new toastmaster’s term was a hybrid meeting held at the historic Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall and online. The meeting with 13 participants at the venue and 16 online. Toastmaster(TM) KM, the new Area Director, joined the meeting as a guest, too. And the meeting started off in a festive atmosphere.

We had an induction ceremony for Mr. K at the beginning of the meeting. Also, Mr. A and Ms. T, who were guest participants as a couple, declared their membership. Mr. K, Mr. A, and Ms. T are all foreign nationals. Our club has become an international club with people from 6 countries including Japan. We are off to a good start this term.

Our club has introduced an online voting and commenting system designed by TM M from this meeting. We can easily vote and send comments from our smart phone. Since we started holding hybrid meetings, there have been some issues such as unclear tasks for the vote counter, less comment exchange, and high workload for the Zoom host, but I think they will be improved in the near future.

The host(we call it TMOD: Toastmaster of the day) this time was TM S, a veteran. He managed the meeting very smoothly. The word of the day was “dignified” (dignified). The word was easy to use and was used a lot. TM I was in charge of the table topic. He provided interesting questions from his own perspective, such as “What resources do you need to achieve your goals?”. There were four prepared speeches. As I listened to the speeches, I realized once again that a good speech is one that conveys one’s essence (thoughts) in a natural and open way while considering the audience.

In our club, we have a session called Bouquets & Brickbats. I would like to give a big bouquet to TM F, who will be in charge of our club’s technical issue from this term. TM F spent a lot of time in advance for the hybrid meeting, repeating various examinations, and carefully explaining to his supporters as preparations for the meeting. I was really impressed with his leadership style. I will continue to cooperate with TM F because of his attitude.

I am sure that the next meeting will be a fun one.
I hope everyone will join us onsite or online.

YTMC Website Reporter: TM K.



第741回例会レポート / The 741th Regular Meeting Report




開催日時: 2021年7月3日(土)
会場: 完全オンライン (一部緊急用: 波止場会館)


開会冒頭、S会長が背後の壁に吊り下げた今期スローガン「Aspire to Inspire / 感動させるスピーカーを目指せ」のバナーをみんなに披露してくれました。直接見せて驚かせるつもりだった会長は少し残念そうでしたが、彼女の音頭で全員がスクリーン越しにスローガンを唱和し、気分が高まりました。
また、ビジネスセッションでは新設のサポート役「ウェブサイト・レポーター」(→私です!) が紹介されました。これは、YTMCのウェブサイトに掲載するために、例会の内容をつぶさに観察してレポートを書く役柄です。

Word of the Day (本日の言葉) は「Proactive/ Proactively (積極的な、前向きな、先を見越した)」で、この言葉にまつわる自分の体験を交えながら、TM Mが流ちょうに紹介してくれました。実体験をもとに紹介してもらうと、言葉への理解が深まりますね。

この日のTMOD (Toastmaster of the Day / 司会者) はTM HMでした。なんと彼女、突如サプライズのウクレレで「カントリーロード」の弾き語りをはじめ、観衆を大いに盛り上げてくれました。今期初の例会を記念して、何か特別なことをしたかったそうです。彼女のおかげでスペシャル感たっぷりの例会になりました。ありがとう!

もうひとつスペシャルだったのが、「人間タイマー」を演じた計時係のTM KOです。通常計時係は、時間経過を緑・黄色・赤のカラーカードで表示しますが、なんとTM KOは三色のTシャツを着こみ、時間経過と共に1枚1枚脱いでいくという「人間タイマー」に大変身! TM KOのあられもない姿に、Zoomスクリーンのギャラリーは爆笑の渦と化しました。

テーブルトピックと呼ばれる即興スピーチセッションは、はじめてセッションマスター役に挑戦するTM Nの司会で行われました。彼女は質問ごとに準備した美しい写真を集めたスライドを共有し、参加者の目を和ませ、知性を刺激してくれました。残念ながら機会に恵まれませんでしたが、「なれるとしたら、どのドラマ/映画/本の主人公になりたいですか?」という質問には、ぜひ答えてみたかったです。私の答えはもちろん「マトリックスのネオ」です。ネオのように弾丸をよけ、空が飛べるようになれればいいですよね!


TM RKは、昨年度受賞した「縁の下の力持ち賞」をもらう元となった功績について熱く語りました。
TM MKは彼の人生における「チャレンジ」についてユニークな視点を披露してくれました。
笛を吹きながら始まったTM Mのスピーチには驚かされました。彼曰く、建設現場の危険区域に足を踏み入れた時、同じような笛の音による警告を受けたのだそうです。
TM AIの「哲学と教育」と題されたスピーチは、哲学教育を取り入れたフランスのバカロレアと日本の教育を比較した、大変興味深く深遠なもので、彼のスピーチが見事ベストスピーカー賞を受賞しました。

休憩をはさんで始まった論評セッションでは、前期プレジデントのTM Oが采配を振るいました。さすがプレジデント経験者だけあり、彼の総合論評は非常に示唆に富み、役立つ内容でした。各論評者の論評もそれぞれ激励も兼ねた役立つ内容で素晴らしく、特にTMC (Toastmasters Club) の頭文字を同音異義の頭文字 (TMC=Top, Message, Clear Voice) に置き換えて、建設的な論評を披露したTM Aがベスト論評者賞を受賞しました。

ブーケ & ブリックバッツ (花束と酷評) の時間には、TM FがZoom Meetingのホスト役を会場で補佐してくれたTM KとTM Iに対して、また会長が緊急時に臨機応変に対応してくれたメンバー全員、そして素早く心強い支援で彼女の早期決断を後押ししてくれたオフィサー仲間に対してそれぞれ花束を贈りました。


YTMCウェブサイトレポーター: TM TS.



The 741st Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00, July 3rd
Venue: Full Online (+ Hatoba Kaikan for emergency)

The 741st meeting of YTMC was switched to be held fully online at the last minute due to the stormy weather. What an ominous start of a new term!
However, despite the short notice, everybody got together without mishap and the first meeting of this term was opened on time by the new President S.

At the beginning of the meeting, President S showed us the banner of our new slogan “Aspire to Inspire”, which was displayed on the wall behind her. She was sad that she wasn’t able to show it directly to the members, but she made us say the slogan together and boosted our spirit.
In the business session, she also introduced an implementation of a new supporting role “Website Reporter”, which is ME!
This role’s job is to write a report of each regular meeting, which is to be uploaded to our Website later.

The Word of the Day was “Proactive / Proactively” announced by TM M, who introduced it with his own episode related to it, which helped us gain a better understanding of the word.

TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day, a MC) was TM HM, who surprised us with her ukulele performance and singing of “Country Road”. She said she wanted to do something special to celebrate the first meeting of a new term. It sure was SPECIAL!

Another special feature of this meeting was a “Human Timer” presented by the timer of the day, TM KO. Usually, the timer shows the colored timing card (green, yellow and red) to indicate time, but he wore colored T-shirts instead and when specified time came took it off one by one like a human timer! His ingenuity engulfed us with uncontrollable laughter!

Table Topics Session was facilitated by TM N for the first time. She shared with us a smart presentation material with beautiful pictures, which was pleasing to the eye and stimulating to our minds. I personally wanted to answer her question “Which hero/heroine do you want to be in which drama/movie/book?” My answer would’ve been Neo in the movie Matrix!

The fun impromptu speech session was followed by the Prepared Speech Session, in which four speakers presented the variety of speeches.
TM RK talked about his achievements as a “Driving Force Behind The Scene” in the last term.
TM MK presented his unique understanding of “Challenge” in his life.
TM M made an unforgettable opening by blowing a whistle, which was exactly what he was done when he tried to step in the dangerous construction site.
TM AI made an interesting and profound speech titled “Philosophy and Education”, which won the Best Prepared Speaker Award for the day.

The Evaluation Session was facilitated by the IPP (immediate past president) TM O, who made an insightful and helpful general evaluation. Each evaluator gave an encouraging feedback, but TM A’s idea of using TMC (Toastmasters Club) as an acronym of another TMC (Top, Message, Clear voice), which represented the key words of her evaluation, was most unique, and she won the Best Evaluator Award.

In the Bouquets & Brickbats time, TM F expressed his gratitude to TM K and TM I for their IT supports, and President rendered her appreciation to all members for their resilience (in weather emergency) and to fellow officers for their formidable support enabling her to make a quick decision.

Our first regular meeting of the new term turned out to be an eventful, yet fabulous one with two guests, and I’m looking forward to the upcoming meetings of YTMC in this term. I bet they are going to be great!

Written by YTMC Website Reporter: TM TS.
