第674回例会レポート #674 TMOD Meeting Report
今回はスピーチマラソンを開催し6名の方が準備してきたスピーチを行いました。TM. Sから本日のWord of the Dayは「Memorable」であることが発表されました。今回は新しい門出へと旅立つ方もいて、まさにMemorableな会となりました!
各Role Takerから役割の説明があった後、TM.Nによるテーブルトピックセッションが始まりました。この即興のスピーチセッションはトーストマスターズの神髄です。このセッションはランダムにスピーカーを当てて、その場で2分間のスピーチをするというもので、会場はドキドキモードになるのですが、今回はTM.Nによるリードのおかげで皆さんリラックスし、楽し気なユーモア満載のスピーチが多かったです。その中でもTM.Aのガールズトーク的なネタをベースにした小話に会場は笑いの渦に巻き込まれました。(もちろん、TM.AがBest Table topic speakerです)
今回はスピーチマラソンなので、なんと6名の方が畳みかけるようにスピーチを行いました。 TM. Aによる「トーストマスターズと私」を皮切りに、TM. Hによる「フォスターケア(里親制度)」、TM. Mによる「飛行機が飛ぶ不思議の解明」、TM. Tによる「大問題!日本のホームレス」、TM. Sによる「病気になる計画」、TM.Nによる「少しだけ私について」です。
今回は社会的なスピーチや、自分の家族を題材にしたユーモア満載スピーチ、型にはまらない自由な表現のアイスブレークと多岐にわたるジャンルのスピーチがあり、学習あり、笑いあり、納得ありの連続でした。なかでもTM.Aの親子三代でトーストマスターズに入会したい!という意気込みが皆の心をとらえ、Best Prepared Speaker に選ばれました。TM.Aは産休に入り少しお休みをとります。元気な赤ちゃんとともにトーストマスターズに戻ってきてくださいね!
今回のGeneral EvaluatorはTM.Kです。今回の会は私とほぼ同時期に入会したメンバーが主要なロールを担当した会ですので「2018年入会組」による会といってもよいでしょう!TM.Kは適格にTime Managementの重要性を伝えておりました。
Best General Evaluatorは飛行機シュミレーションゲームはまっているTM.Iです。
The 674th regular meeting was held at Hatoba-kaikan where is one of the best location of Yokohama city on September 1st(Saturday). It is getting cooler and we felt the sign of Autumn. This time, we conducted “Speech Marathon” event that 6 speakers gave the prepared speech. Today`s word of the day is “Memorable” introduced by TM.S. Today, we had members who has a Journey to the next step, so it is truly Memorable day for us.
After the explanation of each role, the table topic scission was begun. The table topic scission is the most exciting part of Toastmasters and each member is giving around 2 minutes of impromptu speech without any preparation! Usually, all members are little bit nerves, but this time, by fantastic lead by TM.N, everyone was so relaxed and enjoyed giving speeches with humor. Especially, the speech by TM.A which are based of story of ”Girl`s Talk” was always full of big laughter. (Of course, TM.A got the best table topic speaker!)
This time, we had 6 speakers gave wonderful speeches..
“Toastmasters and Me” by TM.A,
“Foster Care” by TM.H,
“Reveal the mystery of flying plane” by TM.M,
“A big issue: Homeless in Japan” by TM.T,
“Plan to get Sick” by TM.S,
“A little about me” by TM.N.
There were wide range of topics from serious speech about social issue to humorous speech about family. Among those, TM.A who will have a maternity leave showed her wish to attend Toastmasters over three generation! She was elected to Best Prepared speaker. Please come back to this club with your beautiful baby!
TM.K took the role of General Evaluator. Member like me and him who joined the club this year starts taking important role of the meeting. TM.K pointed out the importance of time management. TM.I got Best Evaluator and he commented that he played the freight simulation game as introduction to his evaluation of TM.M speech about aviation.
We had 2 members who are returning to their country and it was their last attendance of Yokohama Toastmasters club. TM.T will return to Vietnam and TM.S will return to Taiwan. It was so sad since we all enjoyed their speech about overseas! President F pass the present which are message board from everybody in this club. Please stop by to YTC when you visit to Japan!
This is my first try as TMOD. It is the task of TMOD who put energy into to the meeting and brings participant higher engagement. It requires all kind of skills which we can learn in Toastmasters such as impromptu speech, sense of humor, gesture and intonation. I felt I need to lean more. By attending more meeting of Toastmasters, I felt I can do much better next time!