会場係謹製の卒業ソングセレクションで会場は一気に卒業ムード。和やかに華やかに英語スピーチを楽しみました 第686回例会レポート


第686回例会レポート #686 TMOD Meeting Report

#686レギュラーミーティングを平沼メモリアル ゲスト ハウス 2階にて3月16日に開催しました。例会前の会場では、”卒業写真”が流れていました。ユーミンの曲です。日本では、3月は別れの季節です。学生の卒業、FYの終了等。本日のテーマは「別れ」です。

Our #686 regular meeting was held at Hiranuma memorial rest house 2F on March 16th.
As I arrived at the room, I heard “Sotsugyou shashin”. It is a famous song by Yumin.
Yes. In Japan, March is a good-bye season. Students graduate schools or financial year ends, etc. Today’s theme is “goodbye”.


However Oppositely, 3 newcomers joined YTMC through induction ceremony. Welcome to our club! Hope you improve your skill.

TM N(アー カウンター)は、奥様が「古着は捨てて」と言いますが、思い出が沢山詰まっているので捨てられないとのことです。彼の持論では、女性は男性より物を容易く捨てる傾向にあるとのことです。そう思いますか?

TM N(whose role is Au-counter) told that his wife often says “throw away old clothes”, but he doesn’t throw them away, because having a lot of memories. He says women tend to throw away stuff easily than men. Do you agree with his opinion?

ジョークセッションでは、TM Oは、親指の話で大いに笑わせてくれました。何人かのメンバーはストレスとさよなら(別れ)をしたいと言っていました。笑いは人を幸せにします。ジョークは、彼らのストレス解放を助けたと思います。

Joke session, TM O made us laugh a lot by thumb story, some members told they want to say goodbye to their stress. Laugh make people happy. I believe TM O helped them through his story.


At the table topic session, each speaker gave a positive or negative speech about a subject which was written on the card.

準備スピーチでは、4名がオリジナル ストーリーを披露しました。どれも興味深い話でした。しかし、残念ながら、3/4が規定時間を超えました。時は金なり。時間は守りましょう。

At the prepared speech session, 4 people spoke their original stories. Each of them was very attractive. However, Unfortunately, 3/4 prepared speakers were time over. Time is money. Why don’t you keep the time? The only 1 speech that kept the time was about generation X. I confirmed around 1/3 is generation X.


At the evaluation session, all of them were veterans TM members. I felt their confidence to make prepared speakers more wonderful.

YTMC はいつもモチベーションを持った人を歓迎します。

All of YTMC members are very motivated. April 6th, after the meeting, some members listen
RAKUGO to improve their speaking skill.
YTMC always welcomes motivated newcomers!

Thank you.



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .