祝700回!「伝統」と「挑戦」2つの価値観でYTMCはこれからも進化し続けます! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第700回記念例会レポート



Finally, we reached 700th meeting on Oct.5th,2019!! I was very honored to be Toastmaster of The Day at the memorable meeting. A venue was Sakuragi-cho Pio City. Many member and guests came to our special meeting. The number of participants was more than 40! We could feel special atmosphere to the meeting. However, our agenda remained VERY standard.


■Today’s Guest / 本日のゲスト


The number of guests of this meeting was 17.
(6 non-toastemasters guests and 11 other toastmasters members)



■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

Presented by TM.S.T.


1《口語》 すばらしい,すてきな
a marvelous dinner [suggestion] すばらしいディナー[提案].
marvelous power 不思議な才能

extremely good, enjoyable, impressive etc
類義語 wonderful
e.g.‘How was your holiday?’ ‘Marvellous!’



Presented by TM.M.F.

He brought a Toastmaster magazine and introduced an episode of “influence to others” with using a broccoli. He is one of speakers in YTMC who has humor in his speech and action.



Presented by TM.T.T.

She introduced two jokes. These jokes were so cute and characteristic of her.



■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

Today’s table topic was presented by TM.H.O. with no special theme but primary related to Toastmasters.

【Q1】How do you explain Toastmaster to your friend or family who doesn’t know about Toastmasters at all?
Speaker TM. S.G Time:1.20 min.

【Q2】What was your best speech that you ever made? Why you feel so?
Speaker TM H.M Time:2.25 min.

【Q3】What is the moment you feel most, “a table topic session is beneficial”.
Speaker TM.Y.O Time:1.48 min.

【Q4】If you could go back in your time tell younger yourself, what advise do you give him/her?
Speaker TM Y.S (Guest) Time:1.17 min.

【Q5】If you travelled with naked to 200 years ago, how do you prove that you come from future?
Speaker TM.S.A Time:1.41 min.

【Q6】If you want to switch a lives with someone for a day, who it would be?
Speaker TM.H.T Time:1.49 min.



We had Tips, Joke and Table Topics session before a prepared session. That progress is a traditional style that YTMC has been continuing for more than 30 years. After that, 4 speakers and evaluators gave their speech and evaluation with their own character. I’m sure that all participants enjoyed our standard session.



■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Speech title: “Picture your audience naked?”
Pathways “Presentation Mastery” 5-7 min.
Level-1 Project 2
Speaker TM Y.A Time:7.04 min.

She talked about five terrible speaking tips to ignore.




【2】Speech title: “Did you meet Yokota?”
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2
Speaker TM A.I Time:6.46 min.

His speech was about an incident occurred due to pronunciation in two different languages with his humor.




【3】Speech title: “Let’s grab a coffee!”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-2 Project 3
Speaker TM R.K Time:7.26 min.

He gave a speech about a communication method between mentor and mentee which is very helpful to Toastmasters club.



【4】Speech title: “700”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-1 Project 2

Speaker TM T.S Time:8.21 min. (over time)
She showed science how to fall in love and analyse the steps of love.

He introduced that the pathway to the 700th regular meeting of YTMC with photo and history.



We celebrated the anniversary with TM.H.M handmade cake cut by the current president TM. K.O, TM.S.I who contributed to YTMC long time and TM.H.M who made the cake and TM.S.O as representitive of guests.



■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM K.T Time:3.36min.

Happy anniversaryと初めの挨拶で聴衆の注意を引いた。
Good opening with a greeting “happy anniversary!” and drawing attention of the audience.
Contents with triggered by the actual incident happening in the regular meeting and quoting the expression that the native English speaker actually use.

Not only intorducing five terrilble speaking tips but also talk about her experience may makes her speech better and persuasive.
Send the evaluation sheet in advance.


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM W.Y Time:3.37 min.

How he talked made the audience picture the situation easily without any visual aid.
Keywords “Yokota” gave the audience imagination how’s the story going on.
Smooth delivery with his style.

Make a pause during the speech, the audience has difficulties to follow due to smoothness of his speech.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM M.N Time:3.07 min.

Opening with confidence and drawing the audience attention.
Comfortable way of his talking.
The speech contents had a perfect match to his project.

Time management. There was not enough time for a conclusion.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM N.S Time: 3.08min.

The speech content are matched with the 700th anniversary with a visual aid of the very first regular meeting of YTMC and also story of the pot.

Tendency of fading out his voice at the end of sentence.



■General Evaluation / 総合論評

1.TM M.FのTipsは生のブロッコリーを掲げて、聴衆の注意を引いた。大勢の前でジョークを披露したTM T.Tの勇敢さに感謝。
Tips presented by TM M.F with row brrocoli was good to draw the audience attention.
TM T.T were brave to take joke roke

Good conduction of the table topic.

3.TM K.Tの “good!” というときのジェスチャーに説得力がある。
TM W.Yの行儀のよい整理された論評。4つの良い点を挙げるのはなかなかできないこと。
TM K.T, her gesture when she said “good!” is persuasive.
TM W.Y, well-organized and well-mannered and picked four good points which is usually hard to do.

4.TM M.Nが行った二つの利点というフレーズは、通常良い点というのに比べてスマート。
TM N.Sはリラックスしており、ネガティブなコメントもシリアスにはならず、スピーカーの気分を害さないコミカルな話し方がよい。
TM M.N, he said two advantages, not good points which sounds smarter.
TM N.S, he looked relaxed, he gave a negative comment but sounds not too serious and very comical which did not make a speaker offended.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート

The sequence of tenses.

Pronounciation. Unclear pronounciation may cause a massage undelivered.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM H.T (Guest)

【Best Evaluator】TM N.S

【Best Speaker】TM S.I



YTMC is one of traditional clubs in Japan. There are tons of valuable things which former members had created. Our club still keeps some of them like the standard agenda. On the other hand, we try to do something new and welcome new members actively. What our attractive thing is that members join meetings with accepting both sense of values.Now, YTMC will take one step from the next meeting again!




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