「My Strong Point(s)/自分の長所(強み)」。
Our regular meeting #703 was held at Kaiko-Kinen Kaikan.
Because the number of participants was less than usual, most of participants were assigned a role.
However, the meeting was very paganized, enjoyable and productive.
■Word of the day/今日の言葉
“tremendous” proposed by TM S.T
1.extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
2.extraordinarily good or great
used especially as intensifiers
3.extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact
■Table Topic/テーブルトピック
今日のTable Topic Masterは、TM. S. Hさん。Hさんのテーマの回答は「超健康体であること」!!(驚)家族や職場の方がどんなに体調を崩していても、風邪をひいていても、うつされず、常に元気だそうです!風邪やインフルエンザが流行り出すこの時期、なんともうらやましい長所です!
Today’s table topic master was TM. S.H. She said her strong point is ‘super healthy body’.Even during the winter season, she never gets a sick and she keeps in a healthy condition! Wow!
Speakers/ スピーカー
1, TM.Y.A 2, Mr. O 3, TM.R.K 4, TM.S.T 5, TM.TT 6, TM.Y.O 7, TM.M.N 8, TM.H.M
■Prepared Speech Session
Today’s prepared speakers were all men!!
Thank you for your wonderful speech!
1.”The Leader in Arctic” TM. T.M
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 2nd
Aalthough it was 3rd speech for him since he joined YTMC, it was a wonderful speech and we all enjoyed and learned a lot from his speech skill and his speech story.
入会して3つ目のスピーチであるにもかかわらず、オリジナリティがあるストーリーで、聴衆を魅了しました。今日が最後の出席とのことで、残念ですが、またぜひTM Mさんのスピーチを聞けることを楽しみにして待っています!
2.”Person to Person Call” TM. A. I
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 2nd
He gave us a heartwarming, humorous and story-telling speech about his experience about his wife.
3.”Slips of the Pen” TM. R.K
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 3 <Reserching and Presentation>
4 “Up with you!” TM. A.T
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-2 Project 2 <Introduction to Toastmasters Mentering>
3.TM.R.K and 4. TM.A.T were very experienced members and they gave us well-organized speech and their speeches were followed by speech objectives well. Great job!
TM Kさん、TM Tさんも、マニュアルに沿った題材を選び、聴衆を惹きつけていました。
本日のテーマに関する質問回答/Answer to the question regarding Today’s theme
1, TM T.M.
柔軟性 – どんな状況下でも柔軟に対応できる力を持っているとのこと!
TM Mさんは今日が最後の例会となりましたが、素晴らしい回答をしてくださりました。
Flexibility-ability to control under any situation.
It was a great answer and thanking to his last speech at YTMC.
2, TM A.I.
His speech is always tremendously great despite of his age. His answer was self-torturing with his humor, his strong point was “loosing strength”!! But we don’t feel so!
3, TM. R.K :
He can be friend with anyone!! Great strong point! I believe that he uses the communication skill improving at YTMC!
4, TM. A.T :
He has a special skill which is able to forget bad memories easily. How lucky he is!
■Evaluation : 論評
本日の総合論評は、TM T.Sさんが担当されました。いつもキレと高いエネルギーのある論評をしてくださるT.Sさん。
TM. T.Sさんは、個々のメンバーの良い点を引き出し発表することに長けており、今回の論評セッションでも、Evaluator(論評者)だけでなく、TMODのTM. K.Tについて、サポート役の方々についても触れて、短時間で実りある論評をしてくださいました。ありがとうございました!
TM T.S, one of the experienced member took a General Evaluator’s role. His speech style has always very energetic and powerful. Today’s his general evaluation session was very organized and he gave us clear and precise evaluations for all role takes within a limited time. Thank you very much for your big support!
本日のテーマに関する質問回答/Answer to the question regarding Today’s theme
1, TM. S.I. :
BBQ !! ご自身は「BBQ Masterだ!」とおっしゃっていました。ぜひまたYTMCメンバーでBBQパーティーをやりましょう!
BBQ!! He says he is “BBQ Master”. Let’s have a BBQ party with YTMC members again.
2, TM. Y.O. :
“continuity” is his strong point and special skill as well. I’m jealous of him because I get bored quickly.
3, TM. R.K:
好奇心 何事にも好奇心をもってチャンレンジする意欲と熱意をお持ちのKさん素晴らしい長所です!
“Curiosity”. He has motivation and passion to challenges anything with curiosity.
4, TM. M.N..
忍耐力 多少イヤなことや辛いことがあっても辛抱強く耐えられる力をお持ちとのこと。そういった方は決して多くないので、素晴らしい強みだと思いました!
“patience”. He is very patient person. He can put up with things even he has bad or hard feelings. It is a great strong point since there are no many who can do it.
■Award : 表彰
なんと本日のBest Table Topic Awardを受賞された、TM H.Mさんは、YTMCに入会されて、初めてBest Table Topic Awardをとられたとのこと!!記念すべき初受賞、おめでとうございます!!
Congratulation to all award receivers!! Especially, TM H.M! For her, it was a first experience to receive Best Table Topic Award since she joined YTMC! She did a wonderful job!
【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM H.M
【Best Evaluator】TM A.I
【Best Speaker】※Double Award!! TM S.I & TM R.K
Although the number of participants were little less than usual meeting, all meeting participants had a chance to speak during the meeting, which was great situation and full-filling meeting.
As we-all had a chance to speak and talk, we were able to know and understand each other through the meeting.
Thank you for all participants and guests!