It was the last meeting for 2019 and the joint meeting with Yokohama Toastmasters club meeting #705/Yokohama Ocean Toastmasters club meeting #216. The seats were full with over 40 participants and and full of passions. Today’s theme was “Chirismas Carols/Songs”. TMOD Y.A., I, requested all role takers to tell their favorite Chirismas carols or songs and since a phrase wishing everyone would. I also sung the Twelve Days of Christmas which is one of famous Chirsmas carols as counting up and down song such as mother goose. Even thoug I was not good at singing, the audience gave me a warm hand.
■Word of the Day / 今日の言葉
very happy, or likely to make people very happy
It was Chirsmassy choice and easy to use.
■Table Topic by TM A.T/ 即興スピーチ
本日の即興スピーチマスターは横浜トーストマスターズクラブのプレジデントTM. K.O.です。バラエティに富んだ質問に会場が沸きました。
Today’s table topic master was TM. K.O from Yokohama Toastmasters Club. The audience was excited with his various questions.
Speaker TM. H.A. (Yokohama)
Q2.Please tell us the appealing points for your club.
Speaker TM. H.M (Yokohama Ocean)
Speaker TM. A.I (Yokohama)
Q4.What was the best Chirsmas gift that you got ever and why it was the best?
Speaker TM. Iioka (Yokohama Ocean)
Q5.Please pick somebody from the audience and praise him/her.
Speaker TM. S.A. (Yokohama Ocean)
Q6.Please review your new year resolution of 2019.
Speaker TM. W.Y (Yokohama)
Speaker TM. J.S. (Guest)
It was few opportunities for Yokohama members to have a table topic session in Japanese but all of them enjoyed the bilingual table topic. The answer of Yokoahama Ocean’s members with colourful characters was outstanding and they were not hesitate to give an unique answer to the unique question which
■Prepared speech session/ 準備スピーチ
There were 4 speakers and enjoyed various kinds of speeches.
1. “Oshirasama R-18”
by TM. T.N (Yokohama) Time: 9.36 min.
Advanced manual “Storytelling”
Project 1 <The Folk Taler>
He told us a folk story from “Tohnomonogatari” which is about a girl who loves a horse too much to get married and how her story ends with feelings.
2. “She believes”
by TM. R.O (Yokohama Ocean) Time: 6.49 min.
Pathways “Presentation Mastery”
Level-2 Project 2 <Understanding Your Communication Style>
He spoke a cute episode about his daughter who believed in Santa when his family lived in England from a parents’ point of view.
3. “My luckiest thing at YTMC is ….”
by TM. K.T. (Yokohama) Time: 7.39 min.
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-2 Project 3 <Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring>
She intoroduced a mentor system of Toastmasters well with her experience and her viewpoint.
4. “私のコミュニケーションスタイル(CS)”
by TM. K.E (Yokohama Ocean) Time: 6.52 min.
Pathways “プレゼンテーション熟達”
Level-1 Project 2 <自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを理解する>
She talked her communication style which was identified by answering a questionnaire survey provided by the toastmasters, with using “Sazae-san” family charactors as an example.
Today’s speeches were with a wide range such as a folk tale, a seasonal story, toastmasters’ activity and project. I hope everyone enjoyed.
■Evaluation session/論評
1. TM. S.I.(Yokohama) evaluated TM. T.N. (first speaker)
Positive: イメージするのが難しい昔話をジェスチャーを交えて上手く伝えられていた。
The story was difficult to picture but he delivered very well with using gestures.
To be improved: R-18とタイトルに入っているが、ファンタジーなのでなくったかも?
“R-18” in the tile may not be necessary since the story was fantasy.
2. TM. T.S. (Yokohama) evaluated TM. R.O. (second speaker)
Positive: クリスマスシーズンにふさわしいテーマ。
The theme was fit to the Chistmas season.
His speech skill was excel at following project object and consistant speech in order to understand his communication style through a communication between his daughter and him.
To be improved: 娘さんと自身のそれぞれのコミュニケーションスタイルを比較しながらどのように娘さんを説得したのか、もう少し詳細を語れるとよりよい。
It may make his speech better if he could compare his daughter and his communication styles and then talk how he talke her into getting another toy.
3. S.W. (Yokohama Ocean) evaluated TM. K.T. (third speaker)
Positive: スピーチ冒頭に質問をし聴衆に「気づかせる」デモンストレーションステージの端から端まで動き有効に使用していた点。
Demonstrations to raise the audience awareness with a questions at the beginning. Detailed information what she actually took an action as a mentor such as how to act a role and how to do speech.
To be improved: メンターを始めたときの精神的葛藤と終えたときの気持ちの差をもう少し語れるとよかった。話し方が少し早いと感じた。もう少し間を入れるとよい。
Talking about differences between her mental conflict when she started mentoring and aa feeling when she completed her tasks as a mentor may be making her speech better. She talked a bit too fast so give the audience a pause.
4. K.S. (Yokohama Ocean) evaluated TM. K.E. (fourth speaker)
Positive: 自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを紐解く上で、サザエさんファミリーを例にあげ、聴衆がイメージしやすかった。
To be improved: 子供時代の影響から自身のコミュニケーションスタイルがどのように変化していったのかをもう少し語られるとよかった。
Each evaluator pointed good and improvement points with his/her point of view. Grammarian TM.T.S. said she enjoyed the meeting too much to miss grammers to be pointed out. But she picked interesting words used in a meeting instead.
TM. S.H. conducted Evaluation session as General Evaluator.
We enjoyed both Japanese and English mixed meeting.
The table topic was comfortable to answer.
2.For TM. S.I.: ストーリーの概要を説明してくれた。/He explained the summary of the story.
For TM. T.S.: メッセージがクリアだった。/His message was clear/
For TM. S.W.: 歌声と英語の発音がよかった。また論評内容がロジカルだった。/Her voice with singning and pronounciation was good and the evaluation was logical.
For TM.K.S. 話自体が非常にずっと聞いていたくなるような楽しい内容だった。
■Grammarian’s report
TM. Y.A introduced the word of ”Epiphany” which means “a Christian holy day in January (traditionally 6 January in Western Christianity) that celebrates the revelation of the baby Jesus to the world” but “epiphany” can be used with meaning “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you”.
2.TM. K.O.が使ったCheer up。元気づけるはCheer up、応援するときはCheer for。日本人は応援するにCheer upを間違えて使うことが多いので注意。
Ledgend of Toastmasterが面白かった。代わりにIconicも使える。
■Award session:
Best Table topic: TM. M.H.
Best Evaluator: TM. S.W.
Best Prepared Speeker: TM. K.E.
It was a very joyful meeting supported by easy-going Yokohama Ocean Toastmaster members. All awards were sweeped by them. Let’s have another joint meeting to pay back next time.
Thank you for all and a happy new year.