第751回例会レポート / The 751st Regular Meeting Report


Meeting #751, December 4, 2021

The weather condition was so good and it was no doubt that the club members who attended the meeting on-sight were happy to go out from home today. The meeting theme was, “Ambitions for the next year in YTMC”. The TMOD who joined the club in 2013 wants to share his experiences with new members.


We had 4 guests from a variety of locations: Kamakura, Shiga and Vancouver and this could add something ornate atmosphere on the meeting while they were an online participant. In the beginning, we had an induction ceremony for a new joiner and a brief guidance for the coming speech contest in 2022. The word-of-the-day was, “Cozy” prepared by Mr MF. All members were encouraged to use it in their speeches as much as possible.


In the table topic session, conducted by today’s Table Topic Master Mr SI, we had a timely topic, winter:
1: What do you recommend eating in winter?
2: What do you want for a X’mas present?
3: What do you recommend for a sight seeing spot in winter?
4: What sports do you recommend watching in winter?
5: What movies do you recommend watching in winter?
6: What books do you recommend reading in winter?

1: 冬にオススメの食べ物は何ですか?
2: クリスマスプレゼントには何が欲しいですか?
3: 冬の観光ではどこへ行くのがオススメですか?
4: 冬に観戦するスポーツは何がオススメですか?
5: 冬に鑑賞する映画は何がオススメですか?
6: 冬の読書は何を読むのがオススメですか?

In the prepared speech session, we had 4 speakers:
1: HATO BIRDS—Ms HM demonstrated her confidence she acquired through Toastmasters journey. Her speech was accompanied by playing a guitar and she mentioned that was something to prove she was no longer being shy.
2: 5 ROUND SYSTEM “NEW STYLE OF ENGLISH EDUCATION”—Ms HA, who are working as an English teacher of a public junior high school, introduced her challenge on a new education method at school that is to be enrolled in the whole country next year.
3: AN FORGETTABLE TEACHER—Ms KN shared her experience she was taught from an excellent teacher when she was in US. She said a demanding or strict teacher was not necessarily a bad teacher.
4: LEADERSHIP STYLE—Mr NS delivered a challengeable speech. In accordance with his Pathways requirement on this speech, he had to invite counter arguments from the audience during his speech and he had to deal with them practically. The content of the speech was to introduce a variety of leadership styles.

1: 「ハト・バーズ」HMさんは今までトースト・マスターズで活動してきたことが、人前で話をすることに自信がつくことに繋がったということをスピーチされました。今日、こうしてギターを携えてスピーチをしていること自体が何よりの証拠とのことでした。
2: 「英語教育の新たな方法ー5ラウンド・システム」HAさんは現役の中学校英語教師でもあり、来年度に全国的に導入される新たな授業方法について説明をしてくださいました。
3: 「忘れられない先生」KNさんは在米中に出会ったご自身の素晴らしい先生との体験を具体的に披露してくださいました。厳しかったり口うるさい先生は良い先生のようです。
4: 「リーダーシップ・スタイル」NSさんの今回のスピーチは、トースト・マスターズのカリキュラムに基づき、スピーチ中に「聴衆者からの反論を求め、それに対しての説得を行う」という難度の高そうなものでした。スピーチの内容は様々なリーダーシップ・スタイルを紹介するというものでした。

In the evaluation session, it was a valuable opportunity for everyone to learn an improved speech and presentation.
1: Mr YO suggested never allow yourself to show your nervousness to the audience.
2: Ms YN praised a well-organized structure and a variety of the voices.
3: Ms TS said the speech entertained the audience effectively because they could imagine what happened easily.
4: Mr HN was so impressed in managing the difficult task on the speech.

1: YOさんからは、スピーチをする人はみだりに自分が緊張をしていることをわざわざ聴衆者に表明すべきではないとの指摘がありました。
2: YNさんはスピーチの構成と声色の使い方を称賛しました。
3: TSさんからは、とても聴衆者を楽しませたスピーチであり、何が起こっていたかを思い描きやすかったとの指摘がありました。
4: HNさんからは、難しい課題をやり遂げたスピーチに感銘したとの感想がありました。

In the grammarian report, Ms YA gave a remarkable note in usage of ‘-ing form or infinitive’ with ‘recommend’. Do not say ‘recommend (someone) to do something’. Say recommend doing something or recommend that someone (should) do something.


Finally, TMOD announced the awards:
The best Table Topic Speaker: Mr DM (Guest)
The best Evaluator: Ms YN
The best Speaker: Ms KN


What a fantastic meeting today! See you again!


Reported by M.N


