第761回例会レポート / The 761th Regular Meeting Report


The 761st Toastmasters Club meeting was held on May 7 at Yokohama Hatoba Kaikan with 23 members and guests.
First, Madam President TM S, who will be participating in the English speech division of the national contest, talked about her wish. Although she is not representing the Yokohama Toastmasters Club this time, but from another club, she has brushed up her speech at YTMC, and we hope that she will win a prize.
Next, we had a ceremony to welcome a new member, O. TM. O visited many Toastmasters Clubs before she finally deciding to join YTMC.

Then there was the election of new officers starting July 1. TM. S., who was elected as the next President, is an experienced Toastmaster. And among the new officers were four relatively new members. I am sure that they will lead Yokohama Toastmasters Club with their flash perspectives. There was also a greeting from TM. O, who is participating in the election for District Director.
For table topic session, TM. I, who is also a school teacher, asked a variety of questions he often receives from children. It was a stimulating topic, although they were quite difficult to answer.
That is becausechildren often ask essential questions.

Three TMs gave prepared speeches.
The first, TM. M, talked about her experience of running a 100-kilometer marathon. She talked about how her feelings changed during the race and how she was determined to try again.
The second TM. M talked about leadership. He talked about the relationship between purpose, means, and vision, citing the actual example of the Tohoku earthquake.
The last speaker, TM. T, talked about the transition of his hobbies. He finished the speech with the wonderful conclusion that he can now say that studying English and the Yokohama Toastmasters Club are his hobbies.
The awards were given to TM. O, who talked about not needing friends as a table topic, and M, who talked about his 100km marathon. And Mr. T for evaluation of TM. M’s marathon topic..
Finally, the next joint meeting was explained. The meeting of the four Area 52 Toastmasters clubs will be held on May 28. We are looking forward to it.

まず最初に全国大会の英語スピーチ部門に出場することなったプレジデントSさんからその抱負が語られました。今回はYokohama Toastmasters Clubの代表ではなく、他クラブからの代表ですが、YTMCでもブラッシュアップしたスピーチですので、ぜひ入賞を目指してほしいです。
次に新しいメンバーをOさんの入会セレモニーがありました。OさんはこのYokohama Toastmasters Clubに入会する前にいくつものトーストマスターズクラブを見学して最終的にYTMCクラブに決めてくださったそうです。
そして7月1日からの新しいオフィサーズの選挙がありました。次期プレジデントに選ばれたSさんは経験豊富なトーストマスターです。そして新オフィサーの中には4名の新人が入りました。フラッシュな視点で今後のYokohama Toastmasters Clubを引っ張ってくれるものと思います。またディストリクトディレクターの選挙を控えるOさんからの挨拶もありました。
最後のTさんはご自身の趣味の変遷を語られました。今は英語の勉強、そしてYokohama Toastmasters Clubが趣味と言えると言う素晴らしい結論でした。

