The 785th Regular Meeting Report


The 785th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:00, May 7th, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online

How are you spending your days of Golden Week? Beautiful sunny day of Saturday, we had regular meetings of YTMC! We thought not many participants during GW, but we have many on-site participants here at Hatoba Kaiakan.
ゴールデンウイークをいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 綺麗に晴れた土曜の午後、いつもように横浜トーストマスターズクラブの例会が行われました。GW中なので参加者が少ないかなと思いましたが、ほぼ満室になるほどの参加者が波止場会館に集まりました。

Induction Ceremony
We had induction ceremony for 2 new members. One new member TM. M. She is the old friends of TM and good at speaking English. T. She wants improve her presentation skill. Another new member is TM. R. He is young person filled with energy and he is from Chia. TM. T wants to improve communication skill. Welcome both as new member of YTMC!

The Word of the day: Splendid
This is very useful vocabulary. Instead of using common vocabulary such as “Wonderful” or “Excellent”, this word gives us wider range of expression.

Today`s Toastmasters of the day : TM. T.
This is the second try for TM. T to lead the meeting as TMOD. We are very impressed his preparation of short talk and information sharing!
He choose the theme of this meeting as following sentence, “ What did you want to be when you were a child?”.
He started with introducing the most popular job for child. It was good start to warm up participants. Members shared their ideal carrier of childhood, and it was good ice break to know the memory of each member!
今日のトーストマスター総合司会(TMOD)はTM. Tです。今回が二回目のTMODです。TM.Tはオープニングでの小話やテーマに関係した情報を入念に調べてくるなど、その入念な準備が素晴らしかったです。 テーマは「子供の時になりたかった職業」です。

Table Topic Session: (TM. O)
He said he prepared questions by using Chat GPT!
1. What did you want to be when you were child. (TM. R) Professor!!
2. Who is the admired person when you were child. (TM. M) Teacher
3. How does your dream of childhood effect your current career? (TM. A) The dream to be kindergarten teacher effects current job of communication specialist. Both needs good communication skills.
4. Importance of pursuing childhood dream. (TM. T) It is important to like what you do.
5. Episode of hard work to be your childhood dream comes true. (TM. T) She wanted to be a singer and shared story to be a real singer.
テーブルトピックはTM. Oです。なんと本日の質問はChat GPTに聞いてきたそうです。そして本日のテーマに沿った質問を準備してくれました。今話題のChat GPTですが、ここまでやってくれる時代がきたのですね。

Prepared speech:
1. “Stepping out towards 70% Minimalism” (TM. S.)
 Very interesting story to be a Minimalist.
 Compare with China, her room in Japan is small, but filled with big furniture which she does not need.
 So, she started to be a simplified her room and noticed that she might be a minimalist. She is not 100% minimalist, but 70% she is moving the direction of minimalist.
2. “How should Toastmasters deal with Chat GPT? (TM. N.S.)
 Panel Discussion about Chat GPT with 3 members of Toastmaster.
 TM. S facilitated discussion of favor and unfavorable opinion about Chat GPT.
 Chat GPT is the good tool to develop a speech at this moment. It is similar with Google search, and it is up to speaker how to bring the speech.
3. “Walking with monsters” (TM. N)
 About smart phone game: Pokemon.
 Short story with his colleague to going out for lunch and played game together.

TM. Sは日本の狭い部屋に対応するためにミニマリストになる話
TM. N.S.は25分に及ぶパネルディスカッションのファシリテーションです。ここでも今話題のChat GPTの活用について3人のパネラーの議論をファシリテーションしました。

TM. Nは彼がはまっているゲームについてです。熱中しすぎたエピソードなどを踏まえたスピーチです。
Evaluation Session (TM. O)
1st Evaluator: TM. T
 Use space more!
 More vocal variety!
2nd Evaluator: TM. M
 Paraphrasing is the key for facilitating discussion!
3rd Evaluator: TM. A
 Try to give speech without script!
 Show more emotion!
 Utilize time more!

General Evaluator: TM.O
 Before Evaluation, good to clarify the purpose of speech!
 Use personal experience to give advice during evaluation.
 Them of Table topic is stimulating to inner personality of speaker.
 TMOD: We are very amazed TM. T to have a confidence with small talk!
 YTMC is the club to be able to proceed high level of panel discussion!


AWARD Presentation (TMOD)
BEST Table topic speaker: TM. A
BEST Evaluator: TM. T
BEST Prepared speaker: TM. S

We had 4 guest including former TM member from Mongolia. YTMC is very diverse club, and we are welcome to all guest to enjoy our meeting!

