第790回例会レポート/The 790th Regular Meeting Report


Today, we had two guests: Mr. I who attends our meeting for the first time and TM O who is our Area Director.

本日は1回目の参加となるIさん、エリアディレクターのTM Oさんがゲストとして参加してくれました。

business session

Our treasurer spoke about reinstating the penalty system. Speakers will pay 10 yen per word in the box(P-chan) based on the Ah-counter’s reported results. Payments are voluntary, and it will be up to 100 yen per meeting. By the way, the “P” in “P-chan” stands for “Penalty”.


罰金制度の復活についてのお話がありました。Ah counterの報告結果に基づいて1単語につき10円をPちゃんに入れます。罰金は任意で、1例会につき最高100円までとなります。ちなみにPちゃんの「P」は”penalty”Pだそうです。


Word of the day

In this meeting, many of members were assigned for roles for their first time. The first member was TM H.S. He challenged to announce “Word of the day.” The word was “Tempting” which means attractive.


1人目はTM H.Sで、Word of the dayのロールに挑戦。


Today’s theme TMOD chose was “food for summer.”

Every role taker talked about their favorite food that reminded them “summer,” like ice cream, somen(Japanese noddle especially for summer season), watermelon and eel. Beer and edamame were especially popular. It’s really YTMC-ish result!





Table Topic

TM T who attended the meeting online questioned about “food” that related to today’s theme. The question using images, “Name five dishes using the ingredients depicted,” was unique and made the respondents groan.


オンライン参加のTM Tが、今回のテーマに合わせて「食べ物」にちなんだ質問を考えてくれました。


Prepared speech

Three members challenged prepared speech.

First speaker was TM S.S. It was her first speech. In a relaxed atmosphere, she talked about her hometown where she was born and raised, and how she came to join YTMC after getting married and moving to new cities.



1人目は今日が初めてのスピーチとなるTM S.Sです。初めてとは思えない落ち着いた雰囲気で、生まれ育った故郷の話から結婚や転居を経てYTMCに入会するに至った経緯を話してくれました。

Second speaker was TM K. It was a tough challenge to a long version speech which became more than 18 minutes. Although the subject was in a specialized field, he explained it in a way that was easy for listeners to understand, using diagrams and photos. He ended his long speech, which was a big challenge, with a nice message, “Do small challenges in your life.”

2人目はTM K。今回は18分を超える長尺スピーチへの挑戦でした。専門的な分野がテーマでしたが、聞き手に分かりやすく図や写真を用いて説明してくれました。

大きな挑戦となった長いスピーチの最後は ”Do small challenge in your life.”(人生の中で小さな挑戦をしてみよう)という素敵なメッセージで締めくくりました。

Second speaker was TM R.S. She is always cheerful, but this time, as she said, it was a serious speech on the theme of “leadership. She presented her considerations based on the results of a test on leadership. She summarized the importance of keeping an open mind and setting short and long term goals.

3人目はTM R.S。いつも朗らかな彼女ですが、今回は本人の言うように「リーダーシップ」をテーマとしたシリアスなスピーチでした。リーダーシップに関するテストの結果を元に考察したことを発表してくれました。TM Sにはリーダーシップの見本となる素敵な上司がいるようです。心を開き、短期と長期の目標を掲げることが重要であるとまとめました。



From TM O to TM S.S

background : clear reason for joining YTMC

episode : easy to imagine her childhood

attitude : calm and confident


From TM M.T to TM K

share experience : how to manage tough project

tone / volume: clear


From TM T.T to TM R.S

visualize : test result

attitude : confident, well-eye contact



TM Oから1人目のTM S.Sへの評価


TM M.Tから2人目のTM Kへの評価


TM T.Tから3人目のTM R.Sへの評価



Best Table Topic Speaker: AD TM O and TM A were tied for first place

Best Evaluator : TM T.T

Best Prepared Speech Speaker: TM S.S received the award for her first speech.

This term, the new board members will be preparing mini certificates for each of us!



テーブルトピック:エリアディレクターTM OTM Aが同率1位でした

評価部門:TM T.T

スピーチ部門:TM S.Sが初めてのスピーチでの受賞となりました。


Comment from guests

AD TM O. described the meeting as “Tempting”!

Mr. I said the meeting was friendly. He will be busy with his hobby during summer, but we are looking forward to having him again!


ADTM Oは”Tempting”な例会だったと評してくれました。

ゲストのMr. Iはフレンドリーな会だったと言ってくださいました。夏の間は趣味に忙しいそうですが、また来てくれるのを楽しみにしています!

At the end of the meeting, the board members announced the next rolls. This was another new trial. I loved it!


We YTMC have full of cheerful and friendly members. I, writing this report joined this club only three months ago, enjoy every single meeting. You can attend meeting as a guest for three times. Don’t be hesitate to contact us. Come and join us!


