The 782nd Regular Meeting Report


It was a rainy and chilly day of Yokohama. We had regular meetings at Hatoba-Kaikan.

Word of the day: TM. O, Vibrant  

Table Topic master: TM. O, his last day of YTMC 
テーブルトピックはTM. Oで今日が横浜クラブ最終日でした。

Toastmaster of the day is TM. O,

We had 3 prepared speakers.

1. TM. K: Challenge 挑戦
He talked about his Challenge of his life and he had another 7 minutes for Q&A session!
2. TM. N: Ancient Legend 古代のレジェンド
She talked about the legend of Atlantis! 

3. TM.T: Spring is just around the corner! 春はもうすぐ!
She talked about bitter memory of Spring.

We enjoyed variety speeches from personal story to history of seven wonders.
This is the best point of Toastmasters which we can exchange the knowledge and experiences.

Best Prepared Speaker went to TM. K.
Congratulation and thank you for your wonderful speech.
ベストスピーカーはTM. Kです。



The 780th Regular Meeting Report


Date & Time: 14:00-16:00 / February 18, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + On-line
Attendee & Guests:19 members including 7 on-line members and 3 guests

It was a warm day with the scent of plum blossoms and just felt the spring.
I was lightly walking towards the meeting.

The regular meeting started with President S’s calm and natural “Call-to-Order” declaration, and there were three guest introductions.

TMOD is an experienced member, TM T.
He began by explaining the two important roles of TMOD.
One is to conduct the meeting along the agenda.
The other is to work up role takers.
The meeting theme is “Sweets”. Because of February, Valentine month.
He talked thoughtfully, ”I got a lot of chocolates when I was a student. All is Giri-Choco ???”
His helpers, Grammarian, Ah Counter, Vote, Timer were explained their roles smoothly.

TMODは経験豊かなTM Tさん。TMODの大切な2つの役割説明から始め、2月はバレンタインなので例会テーマは”sweets“

The Word of the Day is TM A.
She introduced the word “affectionate” meaning the word synonymous with sweet.
Her answer of the theme: her little daughter debuted to give a choco to a cute boy.

今日の言葉はTM A さん:
例会テーマがsweets”なので同じ意味の“affectionate” を紹介。
Let’s move on the educational session carpeted with sweet scented words, “sweets and affectionate”

Table Topic Session:
Topic master was TM M saying that it was the first time to take this role.
 Today’s questions were about culture and customs concerned about Japan.
Those questions were often asked him from foreigners.

1. Why do Japanese apologize very often ?
TM T: He himself taught his kids to say “Gomen-nasai”.or “Sumimasen”..
Apologize is like Japanese culture to discipline themselves.

2. What is the difference between temples and shrines ?
TM N: Shrines have Komainu at the entrance.
There is a clearly difference of the ways of worship.

3. Which do you like, Japanese-style wedding or western-style wedding ?
Mr. S (guest): He performed a western-style wedding at her request.
He seemed to recall his own wedding.

4. Why do most Japanese go back hometown during summer vocation ?
TM I: Summer vocation is in Bon Festival, so that many Japanese went back their hometown to visit ancestor’s grave and to meet their old parents and old friends.

5. In some Japanese high schools, students are not allowed to bring their smartphones.
What do you think about this?
Mr. O (guest): Students’ job learns some subjects from their teachers.
But he thought they could check their email in break time.
I myself couldn’t explain clearly to questions about Japanese culture and customs.
TM M gave good questions to us.

Table Topic (即興スピーチ)
 トピックマスターはTM M:この役は初めて受けた。今日の質問は日本の文化・慣習についてです。質問は外国の人から良く聞かれたものです。

TM T:私自身子供たちに“ごめんなさい”と言いなさいと言ってきました。

TM N: 詳しくは知りませんが神社の入り口には狛犬がいます。

3. あなたは日本式の結婚式かウエスタン式のかどちらが好きですか。

  TM I:夏休みはお盆の時期で大勢の人が帰省します。そして先祖のお墓参りや年老いた両親や昔の友達と旧交を温めます。



Prepared speech session(準備スピーチ)
1st speaker was TM T.
The speech title was “closing the Gender Gap is another 100 years away”
He started to talk about his daughter to choose her job after graduation and she finally chose a teacher’s road as gender equality.
He indicated various situation and circumstances about the gender gap and closed it would disappear in another 100 years.

一番目のスピーカーはTM Tさん:娘さんの卒業後の仕事選択の話と娘さんは男女対等の職種として教師の道を選んだ話から始めた。

Recently gender problems are becoming a social issue.

2nd speaker was TM O: This was his first speech in our club, Ice Break speech.
The speech title was “Another challenge”
Started with a story of his backpack trip to the U.S. for about 2 months by a stand-by ticket just before graduation.
He used the projector to show photos, a ticket and some certificate from that time.
In his picture at that time, he said the word, “before & after”. That made us a big laugh.
At the closing, he said he wanted to improve English and “never too late” , and then entered this club.

2番目のスピーカーはTM Oさん:初めてのスピーチ、自己紹介です。
プロジェクターを使用し、当時の自分の写真では“before & after”と会場を笑わせました。
スピーチの終わりに英語を改善したい、“決して遅くない“ だからこのクラブに入会しました。

What a strong message, “never too late!!!”
He used the word of the day, ”affectionate” during delivering his speech and really looked confident. He did a wonderful speech introducing himself.


3rd speaker was TM A:
The speech title was “ I deserve it “
Her first voice, “Show me your wrist, Oh! Older members wear a watch !”
The audience laughed a lot. Then she went on talking the next word, “I’m going to quit my job, so I challenged to take some test for a next job.
On the day of the test, it was not allowed to bring your smartphone.
She struggled to get a watch before entering the exam hall but she failed.
So that she was restless and had difficulty concentrating on the exam.
She didn’t receive the result of the test but I’m prepared.

3番目のスピーカーはTM Aさん:

She always told a touching story through her own experience.
At the opening, she started with a question that made us a laugh and grabbed our attention.
Then started a serious story struggling to get a watch and challenging the test.
True-to-life speech with gestures was marvelous.


4th speaker was TM M: This was his last speech in our club because of graduation.
The speech title was “Hi, Bing!“.
He introduced what Bing was, and chatted with Bing, artificial intelligence.
He asked Bing what his communication style was, and started, “Question-and-Answer session” with Bing. Lastly he got the answer that hit him exactly.

4番目のスピーカーはTM Mさん:この春卒業でMさんの最後のスピーチ。

I didn’t know “Bing”, AI-search engine and was interested in Bing.
After the meeting I asked members how to search it and gained one new knowledge for getting smarter.


Evaluation session:
General evaluator was TM N:
His answer to the theme was “I got a valentine’s chocolate from his vital partner, rather enemy. But she might be my type”
There were 4 evaluators, TM I, TM S, TM T, TM T.
Each evaluator positively and constructively described the strengths and improvements of the Speech to the prepared speaker.
Evaluation session(論評)

GE(総合論評)はTM Nさん。

In this meeting, all role takers talked about their sweets and many speakers used the word “affectionate”.
Today’s regular meeting was adjourned in a sweet atmosphere.


The 778th Regular Meeting Report




Getting big chilly here in Yokohama, but it was full of energy in the town!




Today’s TMOD is TM. N.

Representing YTMC, she had just attended Toastmasters training. She said that adjective vocabulary is important!

今日のテーマは”New Year`s Resolution”. 一月も中盤に差し掛かりましたが、まだまだ今年の目標を立てる時期ですね。

Today’s theme is “New Year`s Resolution”.

It’s time to set goals for the year.

面白かったのがGrammarianのTM. Mがロール紹介の際、「New Year`s Resolutionを作らないのがNew Year`s Resolution」ですといって会場を沸かせていました!

It was interesting when Grammarian TM.M introduced the roles, he excited the audience by saying, “My new Year’s Resolution is not making New Year’s Resolution.”

皆さんお待ちかねのテーブルトピックの担当はTM. Mです。

Smart Phoneがupdateするように、自分自身もいつもアップデートしていきたいとポジティブなスタート。

Today`s table topic master is TM.M. She mentioned that her new year`s resolution is the to update herself like smart phone!

また、彼女は”Die with Zero”という本のコンセプトに則った質問を考えてきました。





She prepared her questions based on the concept of the book “Die with Zero”.

What’s your life’s bucket list? What can you do now? “If you can do anything, what do you want to do?”

The good thing about Toastmasters is that we can know this kind of knowledge at the meeting. I was impressed the concept of the book and just purchased this book from Amazon.

Also, this time, two of the guests were pointed for table topic speech.

Both answered so confidently that I couldn’t believe they were guests.

本日のPrepares Speakerは4人

最初のスピーカは「難しい聴衆をマネージメントする」という課題の TM.O。まるで寸劇みたいで、大笑いしました。

We had 4 prepared speakers at this meeting.

The assignment of TM.O was how to manages difficult audiences.

There were several members who interrupts his speech, but he managed nicely.

It was a great entertainment show and we all enjoyed.

ご自身のリーダーシップ体験を語ったTM.KのLeading by example.


TM.K gave a speech about leadership, title was “Leading by example”, talking about his own leadership experience. What do you do to motivate people? It was very helpful.

TM.Aは”New year`s resolutions: Too much of a good thing”


タバコの止め方Cold Turkeyなど面白い話を交えたプレゼンでした。

TM.A gave a speech “New year`s resolutions: Too much of a good thing”

Educational content using PowerPoint presentations.

It was professional presentation with interesting stories such as Cold Turkey, how to stop smoking.

最後のTM.IはBreaking free from the dependence of scolding



The last TM.I gave a speech, “Breaking free from the dependence of scolding”.

A very sensitive topic from his experience as a schoolteacher.

This is a common problem for ordinary people!

論評ももちろん4名でした。中でもBest EvaluatorをとったTM. Oは明確なポイントを指摘しておりました。本日のゲストもEvaluationが最も感銘を受けたというくらいです。


Of course, there were 4 evaluators. Among them, TM.O, who won the Best Evaluator, pointed out a clear evaluation points.  Today’s guests commented that one of the most impressed things about toastmaster was Evaluation secession.

Evaluator gave useful feedback to the speaker in a limited time, and we are so proud as toastmasters!

General EvaluatorはTM. O,

これは例会全体の論評です。 プロジェクターの光加減から、例会でのメンバーへの話す機会をどのように割り当てるのか?など、改善ポイントをたくさん指摘しました。


General Evaluator was TM. O.

General evaluation is the evaluation for the entire meeting. TM. O pointed out many improvements point such as how we allocate the spacers at the regular meeting and suggested the set up or projector in order to all audience able to see clearly.  By this kind of general evaluation, we can enhance and improve the operation of the meeting!

今回の表彰です。Best speakers of this meeting!

Best Table topic speaker: TM. O

Best Evaluator: TM. O

Best Prepared Speaker: TM. K


It was a wonderful meeting, and we all enjoyed the meeting lead by TOMOD, TM. N. Well Done!!


We all see you in the inhouse contest!!


The 777th Regular Meeting Report


また、今回からYTMCに新たな仲間TM. Oが加わることとなり、インダクションを行いました。

Happy New Year to all readers of the Regular Meeting Report. Today’s meeting was our first meeting of the year and, what a lucky number, our 777th meeting. This year’s meeting was very lively, with most of the participants attending on-site and 6 guests.
We also had an induction of a new member to YTMC, TM. O.

さて、今回のTMODはエリアディレクターのTM. T。テーマは”Be Confident in yourself!”。新年を迎えて、去年自分が自信を持てなかったことに関して、今年はそれを良くしていくぞという心意気を感じさせるテーマとなっていました。今日の言葉は”fresh”、「新鮮味のある」といった汎用性の高い言葉です。

Now, this year’s TMOD is Area Director TM. T. The theme was “Be Confident in yourself!”. The word of the day was “fresh”.

テーブルトピックマスターはTM. O。テーブルトピックは、質問に対して即興のスピーチを行うという、とても楽しいセッションです。今回は、「始めたいまたは止めたい習慣はなにか」や「誇れる習慣」、「意外に思われるだろう習慣」など、それぞれの「習慣」に関する質問をしてくれました。全般的に皆さんは健康と整理整頓への関心が高い傾向にありました。

The Table Topic Master was TM. O. The Table Topic is a very enjoyable session, with impromptu speeches in response to questions. This time, they asked questions about different ‘habits’, such as ‘What is a habit you want to start or stop’, ‘Your habit that you are proud of’ and ‘Your habit that would surprise others’. Overall, everyone tended to be very interested in health and tidying up things.

Next up was the Toastmasters’ main event, the Prepared Speech. This is a session where speakers listen to speeches that speakers made previously. This time, three speeches were given.

(1) 最初のスピーカーはTM. A。タイトルは”Be Positive and Ask for Help!”でした。昨年は夫婦共々、病院に行くことが多かったとのこと。夫が入院した際には、普段の日常がどれほど有り難いものかを実感したようです。また、周りのサポートのすばらしさに感動したとも。病院に行くことが多いなど、ネガティブなことが多かった昨年ですが、なんと最後に喜ばしいニュースが!12月に通院したところ、双子を身ごもっていることが発覚。ご懐妊おめでとうございます!
(1) The first speaker was TM. A. The title was “Be Positive and Ask for Help!” She said that she and her husband went to a doctor a lot in the last year. When her husband was hospitalised, she realised how grateful she was for her normal everyday life. She was also impressed by the wonderful support she had around her. Last year was full of bad things, but at the end of it all, there was a good news! When she went to a doctor in December, the doctor said that she was carrying twins. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

(2) 次のスピーカーは、TM. S。タイトルは”Start where you are”でした。このスピーチは、個人的な今年の目標についてのもの。その目標とは、「恋人を作ること」。どうやら、母親から「結婚しろ」という圧力があるとのこと。また、前回の例会後の飲み会で、「どのような恋人がよいか」ということを、メンバー同士と長時間の議論を交わしたようです。そのためか、スピーチの間、会場は絶えず笑いに囲まれていました。
(2) The next speaker was TM. S. The title was “Start where you are”. This speech was about personal goals for the year. The goal was to have a boyfriend. Apparently, there is pressure from her mother to get married. It also appears that she had a lengthy discussion with other members about what kind of boyfriend she would like to have at the drinking party after the last meeting. This may be why the audience was constantly surrounded by laughter during the speeches.

(3) 最後のスピーカーは、ベテランYTMCメンバーTM. T。スピーチタイトルは”If you make a wish”でした。なんとTM. Tは、今回が初めてスライドを使用したスピーチとのこと。高齢ではありますが、Tの挑戦は終わりません。スピーチの内容は、「七福神」に関するもの。七福神のそれぞれの役割等について語られました。
(3) The last speaker was veteran YTMC member TM. T. Her speech was entitled “If you make a wish”. This was TM. T’s first speech using slides. Despite her advanced age, TM. T’s challenge is not over. The content of the speech was about Shichi-huku-jin, or “the Seven Gods of Good Fortune”. She talked about the roles of each Gods.

今回のジェネラルエバリュエーターは、プレジデントのTM. Sでした。彼の下、ユーモアを交えたエバリュエーションが実施されました。
The last session is the evaluation session. This is the very session that is enlightening and makes Toastmasters Toastmasters. Members can learn from each other through feedback in the session.The Evaluator notes what is good and what needs improvement with regard to the prepared speaker’s speech. The General Evaluator then evaluates the Evaluator and the meeting as a whole.
This time the General Evaluator was President TM S. Under his leadership, the evaluations were carried out with a sense of humour.

The meeting was then concluded with a photo shoot. Due to the large number of people, it was very lively and convivial, and YTMC looks to be well on its way in the New Year!


The 776th Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 December 17th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 25 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

On a sunny day at the end of the year, the 776th regular meeting was held at the Hatoba Kaikan. The room was decorated for Christmas. Participants also wear Christmas props such as headdresses. At the beginning of the meeting, TM. A, who participated in Area C2’s evaluation contest and won first place, was presented with an award.

室内はクリスマスの飾りつけです。参加者も、頭飾りなど、クリスマスの小道具を身につけています。冒頭にArea C2の評論コンテストに参加して1位になったAさんの表彰がありました。Aさん、おめでとうございます。その後、定例がスタートしました。

The regular meeting then began. The TMOD for this meeting was TM.I. He conducted the meeting smoothly. The theme of this regular meeting was “Final Gift of 2022 which I want. This topic is appropriate for Christmas and the end of the year. Before each participant gave a speech, he or she announced the gift he or she would like to receive. We shared our wishes such as going back to their hometown or going to a hot spring.

今回のTMODは、TM.I。スムーズな会議を進行されました。今回の定例のテーマは“Final Gift of 2022 which I want”。2022年の最後に欲しいプレゼント。クリスマスそして年末にふさわしいトピックです。それぞれの参加者がスピーチの前に自分が欲しいプレゼントを発表しました。故郷に帰りたい、温泉に行きたい、などです。

The word of the day was “Dubious. It is a word that we do not usually use. TM. I, a veteran TMOD, repeated it and confirmed it for everyone.


The next Table Topics was moderated by TM.S. She herself collected questions she wanted to ask the members. ‘What is your own dark side, but one that you actually enjoy?’ What is an event that seemed like a loss at the time but turned out to be a good thing in the end?” How do you calm an angry person? How do you make someone over 25 cheerful? These were all interesting questions that were a bit philosophical. And the answers were all wonderful. I was amazed at how they were able to improvise such answers, and it was a table topic that really showed the high level of YTMC.

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Sの司会で進められました。彼女自身がメンバーに聞きたい質問を集めたそうです。「自分自身のダークサイドではあるが、実は楽しんでいるものは何ですか?」「その時は損失だと思ったが、結局はよかったと思った出来事は?」「怒っている人をどうやってなだめますか?」「25才を過ぎた人を陽気にする方法は?」など、少し哲学的で面白い質問ばかりでした。そして回答者が皆さん、素晴らしかった。よく即興でこんな回答ができるなと感嘆しました。YTMCのレベルの高さを実感するテーブルトピックでした。

Following the impromptu speech session, the preparatory speech session began. There were three speakers.

The first speaker was TM O, whose title was “Support Someone who wants to support others. He spoke about his experience of volunteering with his company colleague in a flood affected area. His speech was very persuasive because of his real-life experience on how to gather and motivate people. His speech was casual yet confident.

The next speaker, TM.S, titled “Shame on you, Takako. “ It is a story about how he responded to a person who suddenly posted a fight on the notice board at Toastmasters. It was a fun speech with serious anger, yet humorously put together, and a great summary of how to use SNS.

The third speaker, TM.N., spoke on the theme of “Lost with Translation” and talked about the strange English writing in Japan. He took pictures of strange English signs in various places and showed them to the audience. It was a good reference for me even while laughing.


最初のスピーカーはTM O、タイトルは「Support Someone who wants to support others」でした。洪水被害にあった地域を会社の有志でボランティアした体験を話されました。どうやって人を集めて、やる気にさせるか、実体験だけに説得力がありました。カジュアルでありながら自信を感じるスピーチでした。

次のスピーカーは、TM.S、タイトルは「Shame on you, Takako」。トーストマスターズでの告知板に突然に喧嘩を売るような書き込みをしてきた人への対応の話です。真剣な怒りがありながら、ユーモラスにまとめて楽しいスピーチでした。SNSの使い方のまとめも素晴らしかったです。

3番目のスピーカーは、TM.N。テーマは「Lost with Translation」 。日本にある変な英語の表記について話をされました。たんねんにいろんな場所で変な英語表記の写真をとってそれを見せながらの解説でした。笑いながらも他人事ではないと参考になりました。

After the intermission, General Evaluation session started led by TM. N. There were four evaluators, and they gave constructive and valuable feedback to each prepared speaker.
Then, we moved on to the Award session which was our main event.
The result of Award session was following.

Best Table topic Speaker: TM.M
Best Evaluator: TM.A
Best Speaker: TM.S


最優秀テーブルトピック・スピーカー TM.M
ベストエバリュエーター TM.A
ベストスピーカー TM.S

Finally, we sang “Jingle Bells” while looking at lyric’s cards brought by TMOD I. It was the first time for me to look at the lyrics of “Jingle Bells” and it was a good way to end the meeting.

The next meeting will be held on January 7 at Hatoba Kaikan.
If anyone is interested, please join us as a guest. We look forward to seeing you there.
See you at the next meeting. Thank you!




第775回例会レポート / The 775th Regular Meeting Report


The 775rd Regular Meeting Report
Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 December 3rd 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 20 people including 1 guest participated in the meeting.

Time flies like an arrow. We only have two meetings left this year including one of today. “The year end” is today’s meeting theme. We had a guest, TM MW, from the other club. Today’s Toastmaster of the Day is long awaited TM TT, who is among the most experienced member in our club. Word of the Day is “Magical”, which is familiar and easy to use.

(1) 今年のトーストマスターで思い出深い経験は何ですか? → コンテストに初チャレンジ(YOさん)
(2) トーストマスターコンテストの思い出は何ですか? → 2011年のエバリュエーションディストリクト大会で2位になったこと(MWさん)
(3) 今年一番高価な買い物はなんでしたか? → 新車(HAさん)
(4) 年末までに済ませないといけないことは何ですか? → 家の大掃除(MTさん)
(5) 今年、家族で楽しんだ出来事は何ですか? → 悪い出来事は病気(NSさん)
Today’s Table Topic Master is TM KT, who is the Director of Area C2 and is also an experienced member. She asked five questions related to today’s theme. All these questions were aligned toward the end of this year.
(1) What is your most memorable experience in Toastmasters activity this year? → My first challenge to Contest (TM YO)
(2) What is the memorable magical experience about Contest? → Won the 2nd place in 2011 District Evaluation Contest (TM MW).
(3) What was the most expensive shopping this year? → New car (TM HA)!
(4) What is the stuff that you need to complete by the end of this year? → House cleaning (TM MT).
(5) What kind of enjoyable family event did you have? → A few diseases in my family (TM NS)

(1) 最初のスピーカーはATさんでした。彼は “あ~、またやってしまった!” からスピーチを始めました。このスピーチのために十分な準備をしなかったそうです。その理由は、時間がない、など3つ挙げていました。結論は“準備が肝心”。
(2)2人目は、HNさん、スピーチのタイトルは「My favorite building」。ドラム式洗濯機のような外観の中銀カプセルタワーを紹介しました。この建物には以前から興味があったそうです。取り壊される前に、この建物の観光ツアーに参加できたことを喜んでいました。
(3) 3人目は、HKさん。今日のスピーチの目的は、難しい聴衆の扱い方を練習することでした。そのため、このスピーチでは、聴衆の中に、おしゃべりな人、口をはさむ人、議論する人などの役割を演じる人がいました。そして、そのような聴衆が、彼のスピーチを妨害するのだが、彼はそれをうまく処理した。実に面白かった。
(4)最後のスピーカーは、ベテランのTNさんです。彼は、”I decide, NOT you “と言って、スピーチを始めました。そして、リーダーの3つのレベルについて説明しました。低レベルのリーダーは、自分ですべてを詳細に決定する。中堅のリーダーは、目標達成のために努力するように指示する。トップレベルのリーダーは、適切な権限委譲を行い、メンバーに力を与える。とても説得力のあるスピーチでした。

Next session is prepared speech. We had four speeches today.
(1) The first speaker was TM AT. He started his speech with “Oh, I did it again!” He did not prepare enough for this speech. He listed three reasons, like not enough time, etc. He concluded his speech that “Preparation is very important”.
(2) The second speaker was TM HN with his speech title “My favorite building”. He introduced the Nakagin Capsule Tower, which looks like drum style washing machine. He has been interested in this building for long time. He was happy to be able to participate the sightseeing tour of this building before it was demolished.
(3) The third speaker was TM HK. His speech objective today was to practice how to manage difficult audiences. Some of the audiences played the role of chatter, talker, interrupter and arguer. These role players disrupted his speech, but he successfully managed these interruptions. It was really fun.
(4) The last speaker was TM TN, who is also the experienced member. He started his speech saying “I decide, NOT you”. He explained three leader levels. Low level leader decides everything in detail. Medium level leader tells the members to work hard and achieve the goal. Top level leader empowers the members with proper delegation. Very convincing speech!


The last session is the Evaluation session. Today’s general evaluator is Ms. TS. She is also an experienced member. The evaluators were Ms. KO, Mr. MN, Ms. YO, and Ms. YN. Each evaluator pointed out the good points and areas for improvement in the target speeches. The interesting one was Mr. YO. First he asked the speaker, “Do you prefer the dry version or the gentle version?” he asked the speaker. After this, each member in a supporter role gave his/her report, and the General Evaluator summarized the entire meeting and closed the regular meeting. After the meeting, we enjoyed a drink at the nearby “82” (Scotch bar) as usual.


第774回例会レポート / The 774th Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 November 19th 2022/ Venue: Sakuragicho Pio city + Online
There were 23 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

TMODは熟練メンバーのTM T.N.さんです。

Like the today’s meeting theme “ Autumn”, it was clear and fine autumn weather.
The meeting started with introduction of fun guests.
Toastmaster of the day isTM T.N. who is one of very experienced YTMC members.
The word of the day is enthusiastic. I don’t like the word because its hard to pronounce! But it requires to practice in order to use smoothly. Good choice!

テーブルトピックは熱心なメンバーのTM M.N.さん。

The table topic master TM M.N. is very eager to learn and very enthusiastic member like the word of the day. Aligning to the meeting theme, the table topic is regarding “food”.
What is good to eat for breakfast? what’s your best Japanese food ever? what’s your best foreign food ever? where is the best to eat out on a weekend? Any food to eat but embarrassing. If you open a restaurant, what do you serve? Any embarrassing memory at a restaurant.
These topics were for YTMC, because many of us love to eat. All of the tables topic speakers talked so fluently. Everyone enjoyed the session.
Following the table topic, the prepared speech session starts.

トップバッターは、身長152センチのTM K.T.さん。自分の背が低いことに対してのメリット、デメリットを比較し、高いところに届かない、ズボンの裾上げにエクストラ料金がかかる!
2番目のスピーカーは我がクラブで最も若いTM K.M.
3番目のスピーカーはTM M.T.さん。人前にでることが苦手だったのを(そうは見えない)克服した経験を話してくれました。会社のプレゼンのトレーニング受講に手を上げ、部を紹介するスピーチに選ばれたこと。虎穴に入らんば虎子を得ず。挑戦することの大切さを教えてくれるスピーチでした。
4番目のスピーカーはTM N.A.さん。心の安心について。誰もが求める心理的なの安心についてそのメカニズムや不安を取り除く方法を教えてくれました、スピーチクラブという特性に合ったとてもよいトピックだったと思います。学ぶことが多いスピーチでした。

First speaker TM K.T. talked about her height. She is short (152cm), but there are pros and cons for being short. Hard to reach to higher place in her daily life, always required to get a pants short by paying an extra fees, easy to get through a crowd, get a kid’s size cloth, and so on. Whatever you like your hight or not, just accept it, that was her closing which hit me because I didn’t like my 167cm hight.
The second speaker was TM K.M. who is the youngest member in our club. He introduced a bo-taoshi game which is a traditional game in Japanese militarily. He showed us a video of the game that I never seen before. It seemed fierce and violent! He explained the rule and how to play the game including the player’s role with beginners−friendly words. It was like a rugby game but get a pole held by players to win. Very interesting.
The third speaker was TM M.T. He said he had a stage fright, he doesn’t seem so though,. He talked how he overcame the stage fright he used to have. He voluntarily took a presentation workshops at work and accepted to introduce his department at his workplace. No venture, no gain. We all learnt importance to keep challenging.
The 4th speaker was TM N.A. He talked about psychological safety. He thought us mechanism of psychological safety which all people is seeking for and how to remove anxiety. The topic was great for us because it was matched our speciality saying speech club. We also learnt a lot.

GEは副会長のTM H. O.さん、論評セッションとはをゲストに優しい分かりやすい説明で始めてくれました。
最初の論評者はTM N.S.さん、良いポイントをたくさん挙げてくれ、スピーカーのモチベーションを上げてくれる論評でした。
2番目の論評者は次の日論評コンテストへクラブ代表として参加するTM H.A. さん。スピーチタイトルを上達ポイントにあげましたが、指摘も笑いを取ってくれるH.A. さんの手法はさすがです。論評者をビビらせないように!というコメントが個人的にはツボでした。
3番目はTM T.K.さん。よいポイントとアドバイスを的確にあげ、お手本のような論評でした。
4番目の論評者は、TM T.K. さん。洗練されたスピーチを、かっこよすぎる!と表現したT.K. さんの論評も、役立つアドバイスがふんだんに含まれていてスピーカー本人のみならず、学ぶことの多い論評でした。
TM H. O. さんが最後に総括を順番にしていきましたが、冒頭から一つ一つ丁寧にピックアップしてくれコメントしてくれました。一人一人の論評者のコメントも、みんなが思っていることを代弁してくれ、笑いのある総括でした。クラブのムードメーカーですね。

The general evaluator today was Vice President TM H. O. He started with giving us guest-friendly explanation of what the evaluation session was.
The first evaluator was TM N.S. He gave a very motivational evaluation for the speaker by raising many good points.
The second evaluator was TM H.A. who would be attending the area evaluation contest next day as a contestant. She picked a speech title for an improvement point. She used humor to point out what would be better which was quite technical. Personally, it was fun that she said “please do not scare the evaluator”.
The third evaluator was TM A.T. His evaluation could be an example of “THE” evaluation by raising good points and sound advice.
The 4th evaluator was TM T.S. She expressed TM N.A’s sophisticated speech “too sophisticated”. Her evaluation contained lots of usual advices not only for a speaker but for all of us. We could get a lot from her.
TM H. O. evaluated a whole meeting at the last. He went back to the begging and picked point by point carefully. He also gave a feedback to each evaluators by representing the audience’s minds with a humor. He always lift the mood of members.

Results of Today’s awards
The best table topic speaker: TM Y.A.
The best evaluator: TM T.S.
The best prepared speakers: TM K.T.

We are genderless, ageless and multinational club. Very friendly, kind and homelike. Should you have any interests, please come and visit us!


第773回例会レポート / The 773rd Regular Meeting Report


The 773rd Regular Meeting Report
Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 November 5th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 21 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

Our #773 regular meeting was held in Hatobakaikan as usual. Even the weather was cool and calm, our meeting was very active exciting since diversified generation from early 20s to around late 70s.
A small award ceremony of the evaluation contest was held at the beginning. Congratulations award winners!

The Toastmaster of the day (TMOD) was performed by TM.N from online. He went through the meeting smoothly with a good time management.
The meeting theme was “What books have you been reading recently?”.
Role takers for this meeting introduced variety of books such as novels, business readings, self-development etc.

今回のTMODは、TM. Nが務めました。スムーズな進行で会議運営をしました。

The “Word of the Day” was “enlighten”. It was a bit difficult to use in the speech, but everyone tried to use it during the meeting.
Then, we moved on to the Table Topic session proceeded by TM.A. The questions were based on the books which she read with her daughter.
Two guests joined the session and enjoyed making speech inpromptuly.
1. Do you prefer playing the park or stay home in your childhood?
2. Tell us tips for a good sleep
3. Have you ever wet the bed?
4. What would you like to spend upcoming holiday season?
5. Where is your favorite place to swim?
6. Where do you want to go if you can fly?

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Aの司会で進められました。本日の質問はTM Aが娘さんと読んでいる本を題材としていました。2名のゲストも即興のスピーチをして楽しみました。
1. 子供時代は公園で遊んでいましたか?それとも家にいましたか?
2. 安眠の秘訣をおしえてください。
3. おねしょしたことがありますか?
4. 今度のホリデーシーズンはどうすごしますか?
5. どこで泳ぐのが好きですか?
6. もし空を飛べたとするとどこにいきますか?

Then we moved on to prepared speech session. There were four prepared speakers lined up.
The first speaker was TM.A, he explained the benefit of being an Area Director of toastmasters.
The second speaker was TM S. he shared a story of having been placed the catheter in the heart a couple of weeks ago with humor.
TM M made a speech about the experience she succeeded in reducing 8kg in accordance with the book published by RIZAP.
The fourth speaker was TM N. she told us lessons learned from organizing the reunion party.
最初のスピーカーはTM Oがトーストマスターズのエリアディレクターになることのメリットを説明していました。
2番目のスピーカーであるTM Sは数週間前に受けたカテーテル手術のことをユーモアたっぷりに話していました。
TM MはRIZAPの本に従って8㎏の減量に成功した経験を話してくれました。
4番目はTM Nは同窓会を企画したときに学んだことを語ってくれました。

General Evaluation session started by TM N after 10min intermission. Four evaluators gave valuable and constructive feedback to designated speaker. We expect prepared speakers will make better speeches by taking evaluator’s feedback.
Lastly, we moved on to the Award session.
Award winners were as below.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM. YA
Best Evaluator: TM. AN
Best Speaker: TM. M

休憩をはさんで、TM.Nの進行でGeneral Evaluatorがスタートしました。4人の論評者がそれぞれの発表者対して価値のある建設的なフィードバックをしました。今回の準備スピーチをした方々がフィードバックを受けて次回以降よりよいスピーチをされることを期待してます。

Best Table topic Speaker: TM. YA
Best Evaluator: TM. AN
Best Speaker: TM. M

We were not only practicing speech in English but also learning a lot from all participants in that meeting as always. Also we went to the pub near Kannai Station and deepen our friendship by giving further feedback could not be shared in the meeting.
YTMC meeting is held on the first and third Saturday of every month, we welcome guests who are interested in developing public speech in English and leadership skills.
The next meeting will be on November 19th at Sakuragicho PioCity. Looking forward to seeing you!



第772回例会レポート / The 772nd Regular Meeting Report


The 772th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 October 15th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 22 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

It was a sunny day in late Autumn. Our #772 regular meeting was held in Hatobakaikan. It is gradually getting cool and calm but the meeting was hot and exciting as always.

At the beginning of the opening, the president NS told us about a ten-year diary which his wife brought. It is a nice idea because writing a diary is good not only to look back the event that had happened on the same day for 10 years, but also to improve brain abilities, like prevent from forgetting something like Kanji.


On top of that, this day was a TM.O’s birthday. Congratulations! We all celebrated his birthday by singing “Happy birthday song”.
And then, an award ceremony of the evaluation contest in the previous meeting was held. Congratulations to all the winners and participants!

また、この日は、TM.Oの誕生日。みんなでHappy birthday songを歌って彼の誕生日を祝いました。

After that, the regular meeting started.
The Toastmaster of the day (TMOD) was TM.N who has served as the TMOD for the fourth time. He proceeded the meeting smoothly with a good time management.
The meeting theme was “The most surprising thing this year.” He talked about his surprising story this year which his sensitive coriander censor didn’t work when drinking Coca-Cola. Who knows ingredients of Coca-Cola contain corianders?
Other speakers also talked about their surprising stories this year. They spoke their topics regarding from experiencing great landscape in northern Kanto area, the beautiful sunrise, to being infected with the Covid-19, and also the social issues like former president Abe’s assassination or Ukraine war.

今回の定例のテーマは“The most surprising thing this year.”。 彼の今年一番の驚いたことは、彼の敏感なパクチーセンサーがコカ・コーラで作動しなかったことでした。コカ・コーラにパクチーが含まれているなんて誰も知らないですよね。その他のメンバーからは、北関東の広大な風景や美しい日の出の話やコロナに感染したこと、安部元首相の事件、ウクライナ戦争などの時事ネタまでいろいろなサプライズの話しがありました。

The “Word of the Day” was “eager”. It definitely suited us because we are eager to learn.
Then, we moved on to the Table Topic session led by TM.K. The questions were about “learning”. It sounded like the perfect theme in autumn. There were six questions about a skill they want to get, the benefit of online learning, how to learn the skill, their secret to get a skill, an episode of learning from YTMC and so on. All speakers made their wonderful impromptu answers about their learning ways. Some people said that YouTube has become the best way to learn nowadays.
We noticed that there have been significant changes of learning style.

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Kの司会で進められました。本日の質問は、「学習」について。秋にはピッタリのテーマだと思います。身につけたいスキルやそのスキルを身につける方法や秘策、オンライン学習について、さらにはYTMCから学んだエピソードなど、学習に因んだ素晴らしい即興スピーチがありました。

After the Table Topics session, we moved on to prepared speech session. There were four prepared speakers this time.
The first speaker was TM.A, the title was “Last words”. Starting from an emergency scene of calling an ambulance, it sounded like a serious drama. The story was that she met an old smoker in a smoke free café in Kamakura and she listened to his last words before the sudden and shocking accident that happened to him.
It was a surprising experience for her this year, but an unforgettable one.

最初のスピーカーはTM A、タイトルは「Last words」でした。救急車を呼ぶシーンから始まって、まるでシリアスなドラマのようでした。鎌倉のカフェで偶然出会ったタバコを好きの老人のお亡くなりになる前の最後の言葉の話しでした。この出来事は、彼女にとって今年のサプライズであり、忘れられない出来事でした。

The next speaker was TM.A, her title was “Nervousness Control” That was the story that she could overcome her nervousness by practicing repeatedly her regular routine 30 times with her senior friend to acquire the green belt of Karate, and finally she passed the belt examination. It was a short speech but also like an amazing drama. Congratulations on getting the green belt!

次のスピーカーは、TM.A、タイトルは「Nervousness Control」。緑帯の試験に向けて彼女の同僚と30回の同じ練習を繰り返したことで緊張感を克服し、ついに試験に合格したという、これもショートドラマのような興味深いスピーチでした。緑帯の獲得おめでとうございます。

The third speaker was TM.K, the title was “Millennials and Technology”. He researched and analyzed the characteristic and activities of Millennials from technology point of view through a drinking party with his teammates. He felt generation gap between Millennials who can use Social Media well. They are the same human being, but he said that he felt like they are aliens. It was very impressive.

3番目のスピーカーは、TM.K。テーマは「Millennials and Technology」 。チームメイトとの飲み会を通じて感じたSMS好きのミレニアムズとの世代間のGapについて、テクノロジーの観調査と分析に基づいた素晴らしいスピーチでした。同じ人間なのに、ミレニアムがズエイリアンのように感じたという彼の言葉はとても印象に残りました。

The last speaker was TM.M, the title was “What young people face today”. It was his first speech in YTMC. The story was about three comments from students in the university where he has worked as an academic advisor. All of them were very informative and interesting topics. Especially, it was new to us that people in Australia don’t take a shower every day because of the water service restriction. It was a wonderful speech that we felt that TM.M has given the students kindly supports.

最後のスピーカーはTM.M、タイトルは、「What young people face today」 YMTCでの最初のスピーチとなります。彼の大学での仕事を通じた3人の学生からのコメントについて、情報に富んだ興味深いスピーチでした。特に、オーストラリアの不便なシャワー事情については初めて知りました。TM.Mが学生の皆さんに親切なサポートをしていることを感じることができた素晴らしいスピーチでした。

After the intermission, General Evaluation session started led by TM. N. There were four evaluators, and they gave constructive and valuable feedback to each prepared speaker.
Then, we moved on to the Award session which was our main event.
The result of Award session was following.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM.T
Best Evaluator: TM.O
Best Speaker: TM. A

休憩をはさんで、TM.Nの進行でGeneral Evaluatorがスタートしました。4人の論評者からそれぞれの発表者に対する適切で素晴らしい論評がありました。
Best Table topic Speaker: TM.T
Best Evaluator: TM.O
Best Speaker: TM. A

We enjoyed it and learned a lot from this meeting. This meeting will become the first topic which President NS will write down on this day’s page in the ten-year diary. The next regular meeting will be held at Hatoba kaikan on November 5th.
Please feel free to join us as a guest if you are interested. We look forward to having you! See you at next meeting. Thank you!



第771回例会レポート / The 771th Regular Meeting Report


The 771th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 October 1st 2022/ Venue: Hatoba-Kaikan + Online
There were 17 people participated in the meeting.

Today is October 1, and the weather is clear.
The temperature was still hot at nearly 30 degrees Celsius,
but the air was dry and pleasant. The venue was Hatoba Kaikan.

Today’s theme was “Evaluation Contest,”
so we started the day a little differently than usual.

The order of the contest was as follows by strict rock-paper-scissors-scissors.

The order of the English contest is
1. TM K
2. TM N
3. TM A
4. TM O
5. TM A

The order of the Japanese contest is
1. TM O
2. TM A
3. TM T
4. TM N

The contest was opened by the President, TM S.
TM S. He said that several of the scheduled reviewers had problems today and that he was busy coordinating replacements for them.

The contest chairs were introduced by TM S.
She thanked TM N and TM K for their willingness to fill in for them.

Then, the roles of timer, Vote counter, and web site reporter were explained.
After that, the rules of today’s contest were explained.
As for the flow of the contest, there will be a test speech first,
followed by the commentary by the commentary contestant.

The English contest begins.
The English test speaker will be TM K from Atsugi-Zama TMC.

In contrast to the glamorous Tokyo Olympics,
the work of the network administrator as a sober
and unobtrusive behind-the-scenes worker.
She talked about how she was able to revamp a system that was not working properly and make it work again, how she was moved when her boss recognized her importance,
and how it was a gold medal for her.
I was also moved by her wonderful speech about recognizing each other.

Next comes the Contestant Evaluator.

The first Evaluator is TM K.
Vocal Variety, gesture is also excellent.
I felt that the background of the speech was very well organized with a commentary that there was room for improvement.

The second contingent was TM N.
He spoke about the use of the camera and good facial expressions.
He said that the vertical movement of the camera used for the online speech was correct,
but the horizontal direction was not used effectively,
and that more could have been done about the vocal variety.
The evaluation level was very high.

The third contestant was TM A.
I was pleased with her preparation, body language, and the content of her speech.
In particular, the storyline was good, starting with the Olympics,
followed by the behind-the-scenes story about herself,
and finally, the recognition of her importance and the conclusion that drew the audience in.
On the other hand, the title of the speech could have been improved a little.
I felt it was also well organized.

The fourth contestant was TM O.
There were three good points.
First, the contrast between the glamorous Tokyo Olympics
and the behind-the-scenes work of the Olympics,
but being recognized by one’s superiors was good.
Comments were also made on areas that could be improved.

The fifth contingent was TM A.
She started off calmly.
It was noted that simple phrasing and speed were appropriate.
Second was the effective use of gestures.
Third, the message was clear.
It was emphasized that it was good that she was talking to the audience rather than giving a speech.

Next was the timer’s report, all of whom were in 3-3.5 minutes,
which was appropriately timed.

Moving on to the interviews. The interviewer was TM T.
Interview with test speaker TM K.
She had an interesting story about how she came up with the speech.
As for how she learned gestures and facial expressions,
she said she practiced using ZOOM.

Next, we interviewed TM K.
He said he was a little nervous because the contest was decided on short notice due to circumstances,
but he enjoyed it.
He answered humorously that the waiting room was on the 4th floor, so it was difficult to move around.

Next was an interview with TM N.
He also said that he had a hard time because the contingent was decided on this morning on short notice.

Next, an interview with TM A.
The speaker’s speech exceeded her expectations, and she expressed her gratitude.

Next, an interview with TM O.
He told us that he was a little nervous, although he is not usually nervous.

Finally, an interview with TM A. Since it was the last contestant,
she talked about what she was thinking while she was waiting with a sense of humor.

The English contest is now complete and we are going to take a break.

The Japanese contest begins.

The Japanese test speaker will be TM M.

This speech is about avocados.
That although avocados are tasty and popular,
there are negative information about them such as environmental destruction,
being a source of income for gangs, etc.,
and that they have become the “avocado of fear.
By looking at the news a little differently, she has learned that tomatoes,
which are produced more than avocados, use more water,
and that production is increasing in Asia,
where gangs have less influence, in addition to South America.
The speech was about learning that we need to look at the news more broadly.

The first Evaluater was TM O.
Three good points.
The title was interesting, the atmosphere was good with natural smiles, and the speech was persuasive.
The improvements were that it felt like he was reading a manuscript, which she may not have read, the way she compared the water usage of tomatoes and avocados,
and the fact that he was a little hard to follow
when he changed from talking about avocados to social speeches.

The second Evaluater was TM A.
He made three good points.
Three good points: first, the title;
second, the honesty was well conveyed;
and third, she learned the beauty of changing perspectives.
The only thing that could be improved was the overall monotone of the presentation,
which could have been better with a few more changes.
Also, there was a suggestion that it would have been more memorable
if the main focus had been on her own personal experience
rather than what she had researched.
Finally, she made a comment about the avocados stored in her freezer,
which made me laugh, and I felt that it was a commentary that made a difference.

Third was TM T.
What was good was the speed and tone. The story line was also good, starting with the food, then the health and social aspects, the fear of avocados, the research done and the generalization of it.
Suggestions for improvement were that the food should be viewed in a more positive light.

Fourth, TM N.
There were five good points:
1) the title,
2) the development of the story.
3) The addition of specific figures to the explanation.
4) Explanation of the importance of another viewpoint by generalizing at the end.
5) Daring to reduce the number of movements,
which made the story easier to understand.
As for points to be improved, it was suggested
that actual avocados and fewer movements would be acceptable,
but that it would be better to change the facial expression
from happy to sad during good news stories, and darker during scary news stories.
The suggestion was persuasive, as it was about the power of expression that TM N is usually good at.

Next was the Timer’s Report, and everyone was on time.

Moving on to the interview section. TM T was in charge.
TM M, the test speaker,
commented that being a test speaker for an editorial review contest was more nerve-wracking than she had imagined, which I felt was very raw.
The four contestants were also a little less nervous now that the commentary was over,
and they continued to make pleasant comments in the interview corner.

As for the final ranking

<English Contest
1st Place = TM A (3rd reviewer)
2nd Place=TM O
3rd Place=TM A (5th reviewer)

<Contest in Japanese
1st Place=TM O
2nd Place=TM N

The first place winner will move on to the Area Contest on November 20.

In this commentary contest, I heard various comments on one speech, and I learned that people evaluate speeches in different ways, and some of the comments were very impressive.
I listened as a reporter and learned a lot.
Thank you very much.


本日のテーマはEvaluation Contestということで、いつもと少し違った感じでスタートしました。
1. TM K
2. TM N
3. TM A
4. TM O
5. TM A
1. TM O
2. TM A
3. TM T
4. TM N

開会はPresidentのTM Sからスタート。

コンテストチェアはTM Sが紹介されました。
TM N、TM Kが代役を快く引き受けて頂いたことへの感謝の言葉がありました。

そして、タイマー、Vote counter、WEB site reporterの各役割の説明を実施。

英語のテストスピーカーは厚木座間TMCのTM Wが行います。



最初のEvaluatorはTM Kです。
Vocal Variety, gestureも素晴らしい。

2番目のコンテスタントはTM N。
vocal varietyについて、もっとできたのではないか?という求めるレベルが非常に高いEvaluationであると感じました。

3番目のコンテスタントはTM A。

4番目のコンテスタントはTM O。

5番目のコンテスタントはTM A。

インタビューに移ります。インタビュー担当はTM T。

テストスピーカTM Kにインタビューです。

次にTM Kにインタビューです。

次にTM Nへのインタビュー。こちらも急遽今朝コンタントに決まったので大変だったと言う話がありました。

次にTM Aへのインタビュー。スピーカのスピーチが予想以上で、感謝の言葉がありました。

次にTM Oへのインタビュー。いつもは緊張しないが、少し緊張していたという話がありました。

最後にTM Aへのインタビュー。最後のコンテスタントであった為、待っている間何を考えていたか、



日本語テストスピーカは、TM Mさんが担当します。


一番目の論評者はTM O。

二番目の論評者はTM A。

三番目はTM T。

四番目は、TM N。
普段のTM Nが得意としている表現力について提案があり、説得力がありました。


インタビューコーナーに移ります。担当はTM T。
テストスピーカのTM Mさんが、論評コンテストのテストスピーカは想像以上に緊張した、というコメントが生々しいな、と感じました。


1st Place =TM A(3番目論評者)
2nd Place=TM O
3rd Place=TM A(5番目論評者)

1st Place=TM O
2nd Place=TM N


