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Joint meeting with Kanagawa TMC and Yamato Bilingual TMC was held on Jan. 25th. It was big opportunity and very exciting time! We would like to continue to promote the relation between clubs!!
*** The comment from GE ***
The joint meeting of Yokohama, Yamato Bilingual, and Kanagawa TMC was held on Jan.25th. On this time we had a very precious and marvelous opportunity that many splendid Toastmasters from each club got gathered and collaborated to try this unprecedented attempt.
TMOD is TM S.T. from Kanagawa TMC, which was the host club of this joint meeting. Despite such a huge meeting, she provided us with best-suited venue and she also managed the all of progress in the meeting very well.
In the beginning of meeting, we had a special table topic session. Table topic master was TM T.N. from Yamato Bilingual.
On this time, 3 representatives from each 3 club competed each other. As a relay style, we could enjoy this irregular very thrillingly. From our club, TM A.T, TM M.K. and I, TM T.S. participated in this session.
In the prepared speech session, Japanese and English speeches were held at the same time. Japanese speakers were TM S.W. from Yamato Bilingual TMC, TM Y.S. and TM M.S. from Kanagawa TMC. English speakers were TM K.T. and TM M.T. from our club, and TM A.E. from Yamato Bilingual TMC. I was fascinated by their very energetic and originative speech. Despite unusual environment, all speakers delivered their speech very confidently and inspired entire of audience. Each evaluator also gave appropriate feedback and encouraged speakers very well, with giving them good suggestion for improvement.
The best speaker was TM M.S. from Kanagawa TMC.
The best evaluator was TM M.K. from Yamato Bilingual TMC.
The best table topic was Yamato Bilingual TMC.
We could also learned a lot from two workshops of TM S.K. and TM R.K. They gave us many new beneficial ideas to be much better evaluator and to make much better speech.
Overall we all member could really enjoy this new excellent meeting. It was great pleasure for me to work as a general evaluator.
Workshop from TM S.K.
Best Table Topic Team, Yamato BTMC!
Best Speaker, TM M.S.
Best Evaluater, TM M.K.
Award Session!
Souvenir picture!
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The 564th YTMC regular meeting was held on Jan. 18th.
This time, we had Facilitating Discussion! It was rare opportunity and very exciting. TMOD R.K, Thank you for your many preparation.
*** The comment from TMOD ***
Dear Members and all people who see this article, Good morning, good after noon, and good evening.
Thank you so much for staying at Doll House on 3rd Sat. Jan.
It was little bit different meeting from regularly because all members who attend the meeting take role of one drama.
The management of YTMC Food was suited the critical situation, and we need to discuss a lot of things.
The way of the meeting is to solve the problems, and find the way which make the YTMC Food keep it’s business.
It may little bit tough to find the details of the situation, and some member may feels uneasiness, but how pleasant, every member support the meeting positively, and no one break it.
The discussion under serious problem -Food Poisoning- went smoothly, and a lot of good ideas were found, for example, YTMC Food should try to sell chicken etc.
I believe all members who attended the meeting got not only the skill of impromptu speech, but also find the way of team work under serious situation without much information.
Thank you so much again, and if you are interested in the way of this meeting, please let me know.
We can share the plan/proposal and evaluation.
TMOD, Chief Executive Offcier, Good Job!!
Chief Operating Officer, so serious!
Discussion time
Award Session!
Souvenir picture!
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We made a flyer of Facilitating Discussion!
Next meeting on Jan. 18th (Sat) 14:00~16:00 at Yokohama Doll Museum 2F multipurpose room.
* This meeting is based on one manual of Toastmasters,’Facilitating Discussion’.
All programs will be held by English.
*** The comment from GE ***
(YTM = Yokohama Toastmasters Club / MTM = Musashi-kosugi Toastmasters Club)
The 562nd YTM regular meeting was held on Dec. 21th.
Today’s meeting was the last meeting in 2013 and special meeting, which was Joint Meeting with Musashi-Kosugi Toastmasters Club!!
It was a very big meeting and there were more than 50 people in the meeting room with some guests.
The meeting was started with Call to Order by President of MTM.
For Today’s supporters as Grahco, Timer Vote Counter, 2 members were assigned in each role, 1 for YTM and 1 for MTM. Many of them haven’t met before but they worked together very well during the meeting.
Today’s Word of the day was [feast].(ご馳走・御馳走する)Feast!! What’s a great word during this holiday season!! The word made me hungry in the meeting….
Before a regular session, we had a small workshop hosted by TMOD. We made small groups with 4~5 members and introduced ourselves and ask questions about memory of 2013 and own vision and objective of 2014 etc. Through this workshop, we were able to relax and know the member of MTM. That was a great session!
Joke Master was conducted by TM N.S and he picked up some characters from Star Wars movie and gave us very unique lines of those characters in the movie story. Good job!
Table Topic Session was conducted by TM T.T and she gave us 5 very interesting questions related to our own memory and experience of 2013, New Year and Christmas.
After her Table Topic session, there was ‘Table Topic Evaluation Session’, which is original session of MTM. Table Topic Evaluator of MTM gave great evaluation for both TM T.T and five table topic masters.
For YTM members, it was good experiences to have ‘Table Topic Evaluation Session’!
Today, we had 6 prepared speakers, 3 from YTM and 3 from MTM. All speeches were well-prepared and each speaker gave us very interesting and inspiring speeches! TM T.N’s speech was about the love history of Kamakura Era. TM A.T finished his last speech on CC manual, which is project #10. Congratulation TM A.T!! He gave us a wonderful speech about his experiences with his parents. TM H.A delivered an inspirational speech about her experience in high school and how to overcome her bad experiences. We all enjoyed very much their individual well-organized speeches!!
Unfortunately, two of six speakers were ineligible due to time excess. We also learned again that time management is very important for TM club!!
General Evaluation Session was conducted by TM K.T (‘I’) and six evaluators did great evaluation for each speaker. Each Evaluator explained both positive comments and room for improvement. Unfortunately, two of six speakers were ineligible. After that, I gave the general evaluation about TMOD, all supporters, Joke Master, T.T Evaluator, Speech Evaluators. As there were many Role takers which I had to evaluate, it was a big challenge but it was a great experience for me to be GE in big event!!
Finally, we had Award Presentation and TMOD made announcements for award winners.
The best T.T master was TM B (MTM), the best Evaluator were TM O (MTM) & TM S.I (YTM), and the best Prepared Speaker was TM H.A (YTM)
Congratulation to all award winters!!
Lastly, today’s meeting was closed with Adjournment by President of YTMC.
He gave us very positive feedback about today’s meeting.
Overall, Joint meeting of MTM #229 and YTM #560 was finished successfully.
Thank you for organizing the wonderful joint meeting, thank you President and VPE!
I really hope that we’ll have a chance to have a joint meeting with MTM again in the future!
Next Meeting will be held on Jan 4th but it is TM member only.
So, for guest, please come to visit the meeting on Jan 18th!
Best wishes for the holidays and New Year!!
Joint Meeting with Musashi-Kosugi TMC!
a small workshop!
Award Session!
Souvenir picture(ver.A)!
Souvenir picture(ver.B)!
If you want to see more photos, please click here!
We was held YTMC 25th anniversary party on Jun. 1st.
Then we played quiz game about YTMC and 25 years history!!
There are 11 quizzes.
Why don’t you try those quiz?
Q1 When Yokohama Toastmasters Club was chartered?
(1) 1988/5/1
(2) 1988/6/1
(3) 1988/7/1
Q2 Who was the President of U.S.A in 1988?
(1) Jimmy Carter
(2) Ronald Reagan
(3) George H. W. Bush
Q3 Who was the last Prime minister of Showa area?
(1)中曽根康弘 Nakasone, Yasuhiro
(2)竹下登 Takeshita, Noboru
(3)宇野宗佑 Uno, Sousuke
Q4 How many people in Yokohama 1988?
(1) 2,992,926
(2) 3,151,087
(3) 3,697,006
Q5 How much Exchange Rates Japanese yen per U.S dollar at June 1988?
(1) 126yen/$
(2) 100yen/$
(3) 95yen/$
Q6 When Russia was born?
(1) 1991/12/25
(2) 1988/10/1
(3) 198911/1
Q7 When first club chartered in Moscow?
(1) 1990
(2) 1989
(3) 1988
Q8 When the first meeting was called order in the world?
(1) October 1924
(2) September 1912
(3) July 1898
Q9 When Membership opened to Women?
(1) 1945
(2) 1960
(3) 1973
Q10 How old was Dr. Ralph C. Smedley died?
(1) 78
(2) 87
(3) 101
(1) The Last Emperor
(2) Dances with Wolves
(3) Rain Man
Click here to check the answers!
It was my great honor to handle a special meeting to celebrate a quarter-century anniversary of Yokohama Toastmasters club as a master of ceremony.
I would like to take this opportunity, at first, to show my appreciation to all who have supported our club activities for 25 years, as well as attendances of this commemoration.
On this occasion, all current members could look back on our club history in order to look to the future, I belived.
It was an opportunity to acknowledge that our club gave birth to seven sister clubs and a few winners for All Japan Speech Contests of Toastmasters in Japan.
Especially, I was very happy to welcome TM A as a guest speaker for this meeting.
She was the 15th president as well as one of winners for a domestic contest of Toastmasters.
Her speech encouraged all attendances to challenge to be a better communicator by saying she was a noviece when she joined this club.
I only hope Yokohama toastmasters club can continue to be a club where people with challenging spirits come togather.
Award Session
Attendances of 25th Anniversary meeting
Attendances of 25th Anniversary party!!!
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