第675回例会レポート #675 TMOD Meeting Report
さてこの日、TM Fによって紹介された今日の言葉はOkeydokey でした。今日の言葉を例会中に使うと罰金が減る決まりになっているので、メンバーは例会中に機会を捉え、よく今日の言葉を自分のスピーチに取り入れます。当日も、TM Fが使いやすい言葉を選んでくれたお蔭で、Okeydokeyはしっかりとメンバーの頭に記憶された事でしょう。
皮きりに、TM Mがジョーク・セッションで場の雰囲気を一気に和ませました。万人受けするジョークを思いつくのは簡単ではありませんが、生来のエンターティナーTM Mは持ち前の明るく良く通る声、表情豊かな表情、ひょうきんなジェスチャーをもって観客を大いに沸かせました。
テーブルトピックは横浜トーストマスターの皆のお母さん的存在のTM Tの進行の下、和やかに進みました。
指名されたメンバーは、トランプのババ抜きの様にTM Tからカードを引き、そのカードの裏に書かれた問題を答えます。楽しいアイデアでした。
当日は、厚木座間トーストマスターからTM W をゲストに迎えました。突然の予期せぬ質問にも動ぜず、臨機応変にユーモアで応える鍛え抜かれたスピーチに全員が聴きほれました。観衆を喜ばせる程の優れたスピーチがなされる場に直に遭遇することは、特に新しいメンバーにとって、素晴らしい刺激となりました。TM W、またのお越しをお待ちしております。
通常例会は4本の準備スピーチがあります。TM K がトーストマスターで培われた友情について語り、TM H はSMS の有益性と有害性について客観的な事実をもとに論理的にスピーチを展開し、TM S は準備体操の有益性を体全体で説明し、大変ユーモラスに観客を沸かせました。そして最後のスピーカーTM K は彼らしい意欲的な切り口で、今までの仕事の数々の経験で勝ち得た素晴らしい成果を熱く語りました。
特にTM N.Sには、他の論評者が数分前に行った論評について、同じ3分という時間制限で論評しなければならないというベテランならではの試練が与えられました。
論評に安定した自分の型をもっているTM Tがベストに選ばれました。安定した論評者の論評は聴いていて安心感があります。理路整然としているからでしょうか?論評は早く自分のスタイルを確立することがコツなのかな、と彼の論評を聴き感じました。
今回私は2回目となるTMOD(Toast Master Of the Day)の役を務めさせて頂きました。前回とくらべ、細かい台本を用意していったつもりでしたが、実際に動いてみるとまだ穴があり、分かっているのにするべきことを忘れてしまったり、順番を間違えたりと結構失敗をしてしまいました。
こんなふうに考えられるようになったのは横浜トーストマスターを構成する一人一人のメンバーのお蔭です。こんな英語クラブは、なかなかないですよね? 大変有難いことです。
是非、皆さんもそんな雰囲気を体験しに来ませんか? お節介好きなメンバー一同、熱い気持ちで皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。
Twenty avid members of Yokohama Toastmasters Club got together for a regular meeting on Saturday afternoon of Sep.
15th, the first day of three-day weekend, though it was drizzling all day. Three days before and after Sep. 1st are designated as the National Disaster Prevention Week in Japan, so the question; Are you prepared for unpredictable-sized natural disasters? , was asked to all role takers before coming to the meeting.
Japan is composed of beautiful islands where distinctive nature of four seasons can be enjoyed throughout the country, but at the same time, this means unpredictable natural disasters can hit us anytime, anywhere. Natural disasters are something unavoidable for the people of Japan. It’s best to prepare for the worst regularly.
In order to enhance the disaster prevention awareness of the club members, I asked the question above to each role taker during the meeting, however, the numbers of people who answered ‘No’ was more than I expected, which was rather shocking to me!
Natural disasters can happen to any of us. It is also said that once it hits us, the restoration of basic infrastructure will take for a few days, or worse, for a few weeks.
So, if your answer was ‘No’, I strongly recommend that you make sure of your emergency supplies at home as soon as possible.
The word-of-the-day at the meeting was “Okeydokey”. By our club’s rule, if you use the word-of-the-day, the amounts of your silence-filler-fine will go down in accordance with the times you use that word, which makes members try to use the word more often. Thanks to the TM F’s nice choice of word, I am sure the word ‘Okeydokey’ was also strongly stored in attendants’ minds.
Firstly, TM M brightened up the atmosphere with the Joke session. Although it is not easy to think of funny jokes that can be well received by people of all ages, he proved himself to be a born entertainer with his unique style of presenting speeches. His clear voice, expressive face, and comical gesture were good enough to win the applause from the audience.
The Table Topic session went smoothly in a warm atmosphere by the effort of TM T, whose presence is always like a big mom of our club.
Just like a baba-picking of a Japanese card game, an assigned member picks a card from TM T, then answers the question written on a card. It was a fresh idea!
We had an honorable guest, TM W, from Atsugi-Zama Toastmasters Club on that day. We were all enthralled by his witty answers that entertained the whole floor. It was a great opportunity especially for novices in our club to observe an experienced Toastmaster handling a table topic question flexibly with ease. Please come and see us again, TM W, to show us the path to follow.
We had four prepared speeches that day. TM K talked about the friendship he had made at Toastmasters Clubs. TM H maintained her opinion about the benefits and risks of using SNS with some concrete evidences, TM S made us laugh to roll on the floor with his comical radio exercise during his speech!! The Final speaker TM K impressed us passionately on what he has won through his multiple job experiences.
The latter part of the meeting was started with the evaluation session, led by an experienced TM H.I. It is not an easy job to evaluate a speech that was made just a while ago within three minutes, what is more, in English!
Evaluators are required to concentrate on the context of the speech, being very busy deciding on what to omit and what to comment in the three-minute evaluation.
Excellent evaluators are not made in a day. They are self-trained to be the one through hundreds of practices.
Especially TM N.S, an advanced Toastmaster, had a suitable tough task to make another evaluation on one of the evaluator’s speeches.
TM T won the best award for the evaluator, for he has a concrete frame-work to be used at the evaluation, which adds more persuasiveness to his evaluation speech. It might be helpful to build our own evaluation style to give a good presentation like TM T.
It was my second time doing TOMD role. I had prepared the detailed script for the meeting but actually, it didn’t turn out good enough; I forgot something to do or did something in a wrong way…
Nevertheless, this didn’t spoil the whole meeting, for there was always warm atmosphere during the meeting, and I was really relieved that I could return the control of a meeting to our president, TM F, without an unacceptable delay.
The warm ambience of Yokohama Toastmasters Club never lets you down or makes you feel ashamed when you make some mistakes at a meeting,
I feel that you can learn something only where you can be yourself, rather than in a place where you become nervous. It is not a shame to make mistakes. Let’s think positive. Making a mistake is a great thing because you can learn from it. My three- year experience in Yokohama Toastmasters club has made me a different person to think that way.
I owe my progress in command of English to every member of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club. You can hardly find such a wonderful English club, can’t you? I am very thankful about it.
If you are interested, please come to our club and feel the friendly atmosphere yourself. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you at our meetings!