英語好き集まれ!英語を話す機会を増やそう! 第676回例会レポート #676 TMOD Meeting Report


第676回例会レポート #676 TMOD Meeting Report


例会の冒頭でTM Sが”今日の言葉”として「bustle(せわしく働く、急ぐ、にぎわう), bustling(せわしい、騒がしい、ざわめいた)」を紹介しました。例会の度に新しい単語やボキャブラリーが増えるのもトーストマスターズの楽しみの一つです。

最初のセッションはTM Kの司会で即興英語スピーチセッションです。TM Kから指名されたメンバーは即座に質問に回答しなければなりません。経験豊富なメンバーでも緊張するセッションです。TM Kの最後の質問は「How do you learn English?」。英語好きが集まる会場は誰が回答するか興味深々でしたが、ベテラン英語講師のTM Nが「反復練習が重要」と全員納得の回答でセッションを締めくくりました。

続いて準備スピーチセッションに移ります。4名のメンバーが趣向を凝らしたスピーチを披露しました。TM Nは”Guilty Pleasure(後ろめたい喜び)”に対する自身の造語”Official Pleasure”を紹介。とても日本的な発想に会場の笑いを誘いました。TM Fのスピーチは、タイトルこそ”何も期待するな!”と厳しいものでしたが、幸せな日常を送るヒントを伝えるスピーチでした。TM Sはトーストマスターズ入会前のエピソードをユーモラスに話ました。TM Sは入会前にトーストマスターズがカルト集団ではないか心配したとのこと。会場は大きな笑いに包まれました。TM Tはパワーポイントで統計や図を効果的に使い「便利さは人を成長させるのか?」という素晴らしいビジネスプレゼンを披露しました。


メンバーの投票の結果、ベスト即興スピーカーにはTM T、ベスト準備スピーカーにはTM S、ベスト論評者にはTM Nが選ばれました。最近入会したTM Nは初めての論評でしたがベスト論評者を受賞しました。TM Nの並々ならぬ実力を感じさせ、今後の活躍が楽しみです。


私は横浜トーストマスターズに入って2回目の司会者“TMOD: Toastmaster Of the Day”でしたが、メンバーの温かい協力で大変楽しくこなすことができました。メンバーの皆さん、有り難うございました。


Twenty members of Yokohama Toastmasters Club attended the 676th regular meeting on autumn weekend that warmed up after a long time. The theme of the meeting was “Autumn”.
The meeting was started introducing each member’s speaking of autumn.

TM S introduced “bustle” and “bustling” as a word of the day at the beginning of the meeting. It is one of our pleasures to get new words and vocabulary each meeting.

First session was impromptu speech session that we call “Table topics”. TM K hosted this session.
The members asked by TM K must immediately answer his questions. Even experienced members will be nervous in this session. The last question of TM K was “How do you learn English?”
The members were curious about who answered and how answered this question. The veteran English teacher TM N closed off this session with “Repetition of practice is the most important” as an answer.

The meeting moved on to the second session, preparatory speech session. Four members presented speeches with interesting tastes. TM N introduced her own coined word “Official Pleasure” against “Guilty Pleasure”. Her very Japanese idea invited the laughter of the members. TM F’s speech title “Do not expect anything!” was hard, but it was a speech that conveyed tips to send happy daily life. TM S humorously talked about the episode of Toastmasters before joining. TM S worried that Toastmasters was a cult group before joining. The venue was surrounded by big laugh. TM T demonstrated a wonderful business presentation which title was “Does convenience grow people?”. He used statistics, figures and graphs effectively in his slides.

The third session was the evaluation session. Four evaluators commented on the speeches on 4 speakers. Evaluators require an ability to make motivative and useful suggestion to speakers to improve their next speeches in a short time. By being evaluators, communication skills which used in business are trained. All the speakers who received advice from each evaluators seemed satisfied. So, this session was a great success.

As a result of the member’s vote, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM T, Best Prepared Speaker was TM S, Best Evaluator was TM N. Newcomer TM N was the first time as a evaluator, but he received the best evaluator award. I felt TM N’s extraordinary skill and I was looking forward to his future success as a Toastmaster.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. T’s induction ceremony was held.
TM T, Welcome to Yokohama Toastmasters. All members are welcome.

This meeting was my second times as a TMOD(Toastmaster of the Day). But thanks to the cooperation of the members, I was able to do well with a lot of fun. Thank you.

After finishing this big role, I drank delicious beer with wonderful members.



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .