第651回例会レポート“What’s up?” #651 TMOD Meeting Report


大型台風18号が刻一刻と近づき足元の悪い中、8人のゲストを含め、会場は満席。最近すごい勢いでメンバーが増えていて嬉しいです。一方、全員と話す機会が減っている寂しさもあるため、お互いをもっと理解したいと思い、テーマは”What’s up ?”にしました。フランスへの引越し準備中、ジョギングをはじめた等のお話を聞くことができました。


明日はTall Talesのエリアコンテストです。このため、インハウスで勝ち上がった2名の練習も実施しました。

TMOD: Mayumi N.

Despite the huge typhoon approaching the Kanto area, we had a full-house meeting with eight guests.
Recently, the number of club members has been increasing step by step, thanks to the officers’efforts and the warm atmosphere members create for the guests.
Having more members is super wonderful, but we don’t have enough time to talk with all members, which makes me sad.
I’d be happier if members understood each other more, so I picked up “what’s up ?” as a theme of the meeting.
From the information they gave me, I was able to know what some members had been up to.
TM G had been busy preparing for the move to France, TM H had started jogging with TM F and so forth.

We had four prepared speeches, which included one CC#1 (first speech)…Congratulations on your first speech!,
two CC#10 (final speech of CC manual) speeches…Congratulations on finishing the basic manual! and one speech from the Advanced manual.
All speeches sounded like typical Toastmasters speech, which means positive in a nutshell. In their speeches, they talked about how they’d overcome difficulties and become winners.
They made the audience feel positive. Thanks for the great speeches.

Since we’d have “Tall Tales Area Contest” next day, two in-house contest winners had a rehearsal in front of us.
They made us laugh a lot by further-improved props and storylines.
Watch out the time and try to be qualified at the contest.

TMOD: Mayumi N.


カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .