英語スピーチは論評やフィードバックがもらえて練習するたびにレベルアップ!/ 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第698回例会レポート


本日、Mr. Nが新たにメンバーに仲間入りしました。これから一緒に楽しみながらスピーチの練習をし、リーダーシップのスキルを伸ばして行きましょう!

The 698 regular meeting took place at Hatoba Kaikan on September 7. The meeting room was a little small for the participants, but that made an intimate atmosphere. The meeting theme was “Music”. Some Vietnamese music people played on the street outside the meeting room backed up our meeting theme. Mr. N became a member of YTMC today. Let us learn how to make good speeches and improve our leadership skills together. “


■Today’s Guest / 本日のゲスト


We had 3 guests today. One of them is from a TMC in Tokyo and another one made up her mind to join YTMC.
Today’s Guest: Ms.M.S, Mr.H.K, Mr.K.S


■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

“Epic” presented by TM.A.T
noun [countable]
1. a long narrative poem telling of a hero’s deeds

1. very imposing or impressive
surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
2. constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic

名詞 可算名詞
1叙事詩,史詩 《英雄の業績や民族の歴史などを歌った長詩; cf. lyric 1》.


TM Tが選んだWord of the Dayはepic (adj.)で、すごーい、超~という意味のスラング。友人などに使ってみましょう。


■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

【Q1】What is your first CD you have bought in your life?
/ 人生で初めて買ったCDはなんですか?
Speaker TM.N.S Time:1.45 min.

【Q2】Who is the best vocalist you think in the world?
/ あなたが考える世界で一番のボーカリストは誰ですか?
Speaker TM H.A Time:2.14 min.

【Q3】Who is your favorite musician? And tell us your recommend of the musician.
/ あなたのお気に入りのミュージシャンは?おすすめポイントも教えて下さい。
Speaker TM H.N Time:2.14 min.

【Q4】If you could play any musical instrument, what would you like play?
/ もしどんな楽器でも演奏できるとしたら何を演奏したいですか?
Speaker TM Y.O Time:1.48 min.

【Q5】Speaking of summer, what song or sound do you imagine?
/ 夏といえばどんな音楽や音を想像しますか?
Speaker TM S.K Time:1.49 min.

【Q6】If you could be one famous musician, who would you like to be?
/ もしあなたが有名なミュージシャンになれるとしたら誰になりたいですか?
Speaker TM S.T Time:1.58 min.

【Q7】If one favorite singer came to your birthday party and sang “Happy birthday” for you, what singer would you like to come your party?
 / あなたの誕生日パーティに有名な歌手が来て「Happy Birthday」を歌ってくれるとしたら、誰に来てほしいですか?
Speaker TM T.S Time:1.40 min.

皆さん、それぞれに好みの音楽が違っていて、でもお好きな分野に精通していて、答えが面白かったです。TM Sが初めて買ったレコードがSylvie Vartanというエピソードにメンバー大爆笑。クラシックからロック、歌謡曲までメンバーの好みは幅広いようです。

Each speaker has different taste of music and displayed a considerable knowledge of their favorite genre, from classical music to rock, pops. All of these comments were fun and informative.


■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Title/タイトル:”My Leadership Challenge”
Speaker TM H.M Time:6.56 min.
She provided a speech about her leadership style. She looked confident.


【2】Title/タイトル:”Cutural Difference”
Speaker TM H.I Time:5.40 min.
ベテランのトーストマスターですが、Pathwayに移行して、Ice Breaker Speechを披露。
She made an Ice Breaker speech. Her first speech after transferred to Pathway, even though she is an experienced member.


Speaker TM K.T Time:7.31 min.
She gave us a speech about special watermelon that she loves. Many members got interested in the fruit.


【4】Title/タイトル:”Where do you cut your hair?”
Speaker TM S.K Time:6.52 min.
His last speech was about his hair cut and his father. His episode with his father was touching but had a good sense of humor at the same time.

4 speakers made speeches. All four titles fired up my interest in their speeches.



■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM S.H Time:3.14min.
 Her passion for work was delivered.
 The contents should be more detailed.
《How to improve》
The process to be independentを語る。I worked very late every dayなど。
Talk about “The process to be independent”, such as I worked very late every day.”


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM Y.A  Time:3.41 min.(overtime) 
Her facial expression is great. The speech structure and time allocation for each, opening, body and closing were balanced. Transition was smooth.
Take a moment after asking what does chart show, and give the audience some time to think. The speech title was too regular, should make the audience want to hear.
《How to improve》
Decide a speech title as if to decide a movie title.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM T.S  Time:3.30 min.
Passion for a watermelon, seasonal topic, well searched data.
《How to improve》
Add a visual aid compared a regular watermelon and a special watermelon that she introduced.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM S.I  Time:3.00 min.
The humorous speech, such as his memory with his father.
Take more time to show a chart.


■General Evaluation / 総合論評
General Evaluator TM A.I

1.Table Topicでよく使う、Impromptuは間違えやすいので気をつける。
Lots of members mistake on using “Impromptu” .

2.Table Topicの質問がわかりやすくよかった。
The questions at the table topic were simple and easy to understand.

TMOD prepared well.

今日のGeneral Evaluator、TM A.Iの落ち着いた進行はさすがベテランメンバーです。本日のevaluatorは優しい人が多かったのか、それほど鋭いツッコミはなかったような気がします。
Today’s general evaluator was TM I. He’s an experience member and conducted the session really smoothly with poise and confidence. Four evaluators were sweet. I did not find their comments so harsh today.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート
Do not repeat the same word and phrase without meaning.


■Word of the day report / 「今日の言葉」のレポート
Many members used the word in the meeting.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM T.S

【Best Evaluator】TM T.S

【Best Speaker】TM S.K


本日のポットウィナーはTM. S.Kでした。
Pot winner was TM S.K.




Regular Meetingカテゴリーの記事