第773回例会レポート / The 773rd Regular Meeting Report


The 773rd Regular Meeting Report
Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 November 5th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 21 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

Our #773 regular meeting was held in Hatobakaikan as usual. Even the weather was cool and calm, our meeting was very active exciting since diversified generation from early 20s to around late 70s.
A small award ceremony of the evaluation contest was held at the beginning. Congratulations award winners!

The Toastmaster of the day (TMOD) was performed by TM.N from online. He went through the meeting smoothly with a good time management.
The meeting theme was “What books have you been reading recently?”.
Role takers for this meeting introduced variety of books such as novels, business readings, self-development etc.

今回のTMODは、TM. Nが務めました。スムーズな進行で会議運営をしました。

The “Word of the Day” was “enlighten”. It was a bit difficult to use in the speech, but everyone tried to use it during the meeting.
Then, we moved on to the Table Topic session proceeded by TM.A. The questions were based on the books which she read with her daughter.
Two guests joined the session and enjoyed making speech inpromptuly.
1. Do you prefer playing the park or stay home in your childhood?
2. Tell us tips for a good sleep
3. Have you ever wet the bed?
4. What would you like to spend upcoming holiday season?
5. Where is your favorite place to swim?
6. Where do you want to go if you can fly?

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Aの司会で進められました。本日の質問はTM Aが娘さんと読んでいる本を題材としていました。2名のゲストも即興のスピーチをして楽しみました。
1. 子供時代は公園で遊んでいましたか?それとも家にいましたか?
2. 安眠の秘訣をおしえてください。
3. おねしょしたことがありますか?
4. 今度のホリデーシーズンはどうすごしますか?
5. どこで泳ぐのが好きですか?
6. もし空を飛べたとするとどこにいきますか?

Then we moved on to prepared speech session. There were four prepared speakers lined up.
The first speaker was TM.A, he explained the benefit of being an Area Director of toastmasters.
The second speaker was TM S. he shared a story of having been placed the catheter in the heart a couple of weeks ago with humor.
TM M made a speech about the experience she succeeded in reducing 8kg in accordance with the book published by RIZAP.
The fourth speaker was TM N. she told us lessons learned from organizing the reunion party.
最初のスピーカーはTM Oがトーストマスターズのエリアディレクターになることのメリットを説明していました。
2番目のスピーカーであるTM Sは数週間前に受けたカテーテル手術のことをユーモアたっぷりに話していました。
TM MはRIZAPの本に従って8㎏の減量に成功した経験を話してくれました。
4番目はTM Nは同窓会を企画したときに学んだことを語ってくれました。

General Evaluation session started by TM N after 10min intermission. Four evaluators gave valuable and constructive feedback to designated speaker. We expect prepared speakers will make better speeches by taking evaluator’s feedback.
Lastly, we moved on to the Award session.
Award winners were as below.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM. YA
Best Evaluator: TM. AN
Best Speaker: TM. M

休憩をはさんで、TM.Nの進行でGeneral Evaluatorがスタートしました。4人の論評者がそれぞれの発表者対して価値のある建設的なフィードバックをしました。今回の準備スピーチをした方々がフィードバックを受けて次回以降よりよいスピーチをされることを期待してます。

Best Table topic Speaker: TM. YA
Best Evaluator: TM. AN
Best Speaker: TM. M

We were not only practicing speech in English but also learning a lot from all participants in that meeting as always. Also we went to the pub near Kannai Station and deepen our friendship by giving further feedback could not be shared in the meeting.
YTMC meeting is held on the first and third Saturday of every month, we welcome guests who are interested in developing public speech in English and leadership skills.
The next meeting will be on November 19th at Sakuragicho PioCity. Looking forward to seeing you!



第772回例会レポート / The 772nd Regular Meeting Report


The 772th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 October 15th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 22 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

It was a sunny day in late Autumn. Our #772 regular meeting was held in Hatobakaikan. It is gradually getting cool and calm but the meeting was hot and exciting as always.

At the beginning of the opening, the president NS told us about a ten-year diary which his wife brought. It is a nice idea because writing a diary is good not only to look back the event that had happened on the same day for 10 years, but also to improve brain abilities, like prevent from forgetting something like Kanji.


On top of that, this day was a TM.O’s birthday. Congratulations! We all celebrated his birthday by singing “Happy birthday song”.
And then, an award ceremony of the evaluation contest in the previous meeting was held. Congratulations to all the winners and participants!

また、この日は、TM.Oの誕生日。みんなでHappy birthday songを歌って彼の誕生日を祝いました。

After that, the regular meeting started.
The Toastmaster of the day (TMOD) was TM.N who has served as the TMOD for the fourth time. He proceeded the meeting smoothly with a good time management.
The meeting theme was “The most surprising thing this year.” He talked about his surprising story this year which his sensitive coriander censor didn’t work when drinking Coca-Cola. Who knows ingredients of Coca-Cola contain corianders?
Other speakers also talked about their surprising stories this year. They spoke their topics regarding from experiencing great landscape in northern Kanto area, the beautiful sunrise, to being infected with the Covid-19, and also the social issues like former president Abe’s assassination or Ukraine war.

今回の定例のテーマは“The most surprising thing this year.”。 彼の今年一番の驚いたことは、彼の敏感なパクチーセンサーがコカ・コーラで作動しなかったことでした。コカ・コーラにパクチーが含まれているなんて誰も知らないですよね。その他のメンバーからは、北関東の広大な風景や美しい日の出の話やコロナに感染したこと、安部元首相の事件、ウクライナ戦争などの時事ネタまでいろいろなサプライズの話しがありました。

The “Word of the Day” was “eager”. It definitely suited us because we are eager to learn.
Then, we moved on to the Table Topic session led by TM.K. The questions were about “learning”. It sounded like the perfect theme in autumn. There were six questions about a skill they want to get, the benefit of online learning, how to learn the skill, their secret to get a skill, an episode of learning from YTMC and so on. All speakers made their wonderful impromptu answers about their learning ways. Some people said that YouTube has become the best way to learn nowadays.
We noticed that there have been significant changes of learning style.

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Kの司会で進められました。本日の質問は、「学習」について。秋にはピッタリのテーマだと思います。身につけたいスキルやそのスキルを身につける方法や秘策、オンライン学習について、さらにはYTMCから学んだエピソードなど、学習に因んだ素晴らしい即興スピーチがありました。

After the Table Topics session, we moved on to prepared speech session. There were four prepared speakers this time.
The first speaker was TM.A, the title was “Last words”. Starting from an emergency scene of calling an ambulance, it sounded like a serious drama. The story was that she met an old smoker in a smoke free café in Kamakura and she listened to his last words before the sudden and shocking accident that happened to him.
It was a surprising experience for her this year, but an unforgettable one.

最初のスピーカーはTM A、タイトルは「Last words」でした。救急車を呼ぶシーンから始まって、まるでシリアスなドラマのようでした。鎌倉のカフェで偶然出会ったタバコを好きの老人のお亡くなりになる前の最後の言葉の話しでした。この出来事は、彼女にとって今年のサプライズであり、忘れられない出来事でした。

The next speaker was TM.A, her title was “Nervousness Control” That was the story that she could overcome her nervousness by practicing repeatedly her regular routine 30 times with her senior friend to acquire the green belt of Karate, and finally she passed the belt examination. It was a short speech but also like an amazing drama. Congratulations on getting the green belt!

次のスピーカーは、TM.A、タイトルは「Nervousness Control」。緑帯の試験に向けて彼女の同僚と30回の同じ練習を繰り返したことで緊張感を克服し、ついに試験に合格したという、これもショートドラマのような興味深いスピーチでした。緑帯の獲得おめでとうございます。

The third speaker was TM.K, the title was “Millennials and Technology”. He researched and analyzed the characteristic and activities of Millennials from technology point of view through a drinking party with his teammates. He felt generation gap between Millennials who can use Social Media well. They are the same human being, but he said that he felt like they are aliens. It was very impressive.

3番目のスピーカーは、TM.K。テーマは「Millennials and Technology」 。チームメイトとの飲み会を通じて感じたSMS好きのミレニアムズとの世代間のGapについて、テクノロジーの観調査と分析に基づいた素晴らしいスピーチでした。同じ人間なのに、ミレニアムがズエイリアンのように感じたという彼の言葉はとても印象に残りました。

The last speaker was TM.M, the title was “What young people face today”. It was his first speech in YTMC. The story was about three comments from students in the university where he has worked as an academic advisor. All of them were very informative and interesting topics. Especially, it was new to us that people in Australia don’t take a shower every day because of the water service restriction. It was a wonderful speech that we felt that TM.M has given the students kindly supports.

最後のスピーカーはTM.M、タイトルは、「What young people face today」 YMTCでの最初のスピーチとなります。彼の大学での仕事を通じた3人の学生からのコメントについて、情報に富んだ興味深いスピーチでした。特に、オーストラリアの不便なシャワー事情については初めて知りました。TM.Mが学生の皆さんに親切なサポートをしていることを感じることができた素晴らしいスピーチでした。

After the intermission, General Evaluation session started led by TM. N. There were four evaluators, and they gave constructive and valuable feedback to each prepared speaker.
Then, we moved on to the Award session which was our main event.
The result of Award session was following.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM.T
Best Evaluator: TM.O
Best Speaker: TM. A

休憩をはさんで、TM.Nの進行でGeneral Evaluatorがスタートしました。4人の論評者からそれぞれの発表者に対する適切で素晴らしい論評がありました。
Best Table topic Speaker: TM.T
Best Evaluator: TM.O
Best Speaker: TM. A

We enjoyed it and learned a lot from this meeting. This meeting will become the first topic which President NS will write down on this day’s page in the ten-year diary. The next regular meeting will be held at Hatoba kaikan on November 5th.
Please feel free to join us as a guest if you are interested. We look forward to having you! See you at next meeting. Thank you!



第771回例会レポート / The 771th Regular Meeting Report


The 771th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 October 1st 2022/ Venue: Hatoba-Kaikan + Online
There were 17 people participated in the meeting.

Today is October 1, and the weather is clear.
The temperature was still hot at nearly 30 degrees Celsius,
but the air was dry and pleasant. The venue was Hatoba Kaikan.

Today’s theme was “Evaluation Contest,”
so we started the day a little differently than usual.

The order of the contest was as follows by strict rock-paper-scissors-scissors.

The order of the English contest is
1. TM K
2. TM N
3. TM A
4. TM O
5. TM A

The order of the Japanese contest is
1. TM O
2. TM A
3. TM T
4. TM N

The contest was opened by the President, TM S.
TM S. He said that several of the scheduled reviewers had problems today and that he was busy coordinating replacements for them.

The contest chairs were introduced by TM S.
She thanked TM N and TM K for their willingness to fill in for them.

Then, the roles of timer, Vote counter, and web site reporter were explained.
After that, the rules of today’s contest were explained.
As for the flow of the contest, there will be a test speech first,
followed by the commentary by the commentary contestant.

The English contest begins.
The English test speaker will be TM K from Atsugi-Zama TMC.

In contrast to the glamorous Tokyo Olympics,
the work of the network administrator as a sober
and unobtrusive behind-the-scenes worker.
She talked about how she was able to revamp a system that was not working properly and make it work again, how she was moved when her boss recognized her importance,
and how it was a gold medal for her.
I was also moved by her wonderful speech about recognizing each other.

Next comes the Contestant Evaluator.

The first Evaluator is TM K.
Vocal Variety, gesture is also excellent.
I felt that the background of the speech was very well organized with a commentary that there was room for improvement.

The second contingent was TM N.
He spoke about the use of the camera and good facial expressions.
He said that the vertical movement of the camera used for the online speech was correct,
but the horizontal direction was not used effectively,
and that more could have been done about the vocal variety.
The evaluation level was very high.

The third contestant was TM A.
I was pleased with her preparation, body language, and the content of her speech.
In particular, the storyline was good, starting with the Olympics,
followed by the behind-the-scenes story about herself,
and finally, the recognition of her importance and the conclusion that drew the audience in.
On the other hand, the title of the speech could have been improved a little.
I felt it was also well organized.

The fourth contestant was TM O.
There were three good points.
First, the contrast between the glamorous Tokyo Olympics
and the behind-the-scenes work of the Olympics,
but being recognized by one’s superiors was good.
Comments were also made on areas that could be improved.

The fifth contingent was TM A.
She started off calmly.
It was noted that simple phrasing and speed were appropriate.
Second was the effective use of gestures.
Third, the message was clear.
It was emphasized that it was good that she was talking to the audience rather than giving a speech.

Next was the timer’s report, all of whom were in 3-3.5 minutes,
which was appropriately timed.

Moving on to the interviews. The interviewer was TM T.
Interview with test speaker TM K.
She had an interesting story about how she came up with the speech.
As for how she learned gestures and facial expressions,
she said she practiced using ZOOM.

Next, we interviewed TM K.
He said he was a little nervous because the contest was decided on short notice due to circumstances,
but he enjoyed it.
He answered humorously that the waiting room was on the 4th floor, so it was difficult to move around.

Next was an interview with TM N.
He also said that he had a hard time because the contingent was decided on this morning on short notice.

Next, an interview with TM A.
The speaker’s speech exceeded her expectations, and she expressed her gratitude.

Next, an interview with TM O.
He told us that he was a little nervous, although he is not usually nervous.

Finally, an interview with TM A. Since it was the last contestant,
she talked about what she was thinking while she was waiting with a sense of humor.

The English contest is now complete and we are going to take a break.

The Japanese contest begins.

The Japanese test speaker will be TM M.

This speech is about avocados.
That although avocados are tasty and popular,
there are negative information about them such as environmental destruction,
being a source of income for gangs, etc.,
and that they have become the “avocado of fear.
By looking at the news a little differently, she has learned that tomatoes,
which are produced more than avocados, use more water,
and that production is increasing in Asia,
where gangs have less influence, in addition to South America.
The speech was about learning that we need to look at the news more broadly.

The first Evaluater was TM O.
Three good points.
The title was interesting, the atmosphere was good with natural smiles, and the speech was persuasive.
The improvements were that it felt like he was reading a manuscript, which she may not have read, the way she compared the water usage of tomatoes and avocados,
and the fact that he was a little hard to follow
when he changed from talking about avocados to social speeches.

The second Evaluater was TM A.
He made three good points.
Three good points: first, the title;
second, the honesty was well conveyed;
and third, she learned the beauty of changing perspectives.
The only thing that could be improved was the overall monotone of the presentation,
which could have been better with a few more changes.
Also, there was a suggestion that it would have been more memorable
if the main focus had been on her own personal experience
rather than what she had researched.
Finally, she made a comment about the avocados stored in her freezer,
which made me laugh, and I felt that it was a commentary that made a difference.

Third was TM T.
What was good was the speed and tone. The story line was also good, starting with the food, then the health and social aspects, the fear of avocados, the research done and the generalization of it.
Suggestions for improvement were that the food should be viewed in a more positive light.

Fourth, TM N.
There were five good points:
1) the title,
2) the development of the story.
3) The addition of specific figures to the explanation.
4) Explanation of the importance of another viewpoint by generalizing at the end.
5) Daring to reduce the number of movements,
which made the story easier to understand.
As for points to be improved, it was suggested
that actual avocados and fewer movements would be acceptable,
but that it would be better to change the facial expression
from happy to sad during good news stories, and darker during scary news stories.
The suggestion was persuasive, as it was about the power of expression that TM N is usually good at.

Next was the Timer’s Report, and everyone was on time.

Moving on to the interview section. TM T was in charge.
TM M, the test speaker,
commented that being a test speaker for an editorial review contest was more nerve-wracking than she had imagined, which I felt was very raw.
The four contestants were also a little less nervous now that the commentary was over,
and they continued to make pleasant comments in the interview corner.

As for the final ranking

<English Contest
1st Place = TM A (3rd reviewer)
2nd Place=TM O
3rd Place=TM A (5th reviewer)

<Contest in Japanese
1st Place=TM O
2nd Place=TM N

The first place winner will move on to the Area Contest on November 20.

In this commentary contest, I heard various comments on one speech, and I learned that people evaluate speeches in different ways, and some of the comments were very impressive.
I listened as a reporter and learned a lot.
Thank you very much.


本日のテーマはEvaluation Contestということで、いつもと少し違った感じでスタートしました。
1. TM K
2. TM N
3. TM A
4. TM O
5. TM A
1. TM O
2. TM A
3. TM T
4. TM N

開会はPresidentのTM Sからスタート。

コンテストチェアはTM Sが紹介されました。
TM N、TM Kが代役を快く引き受けて頂いたことへの感謝の言葉がありました。

そして、タイマー、Vote counter、WEB site reporterの各役割の説明を実施。

英語のテストスピーカーは厚木座間TMCのTM Wが行います。



最初のEvaluatorはTM Kです。
Vocal Variety, gestureも素晴らしい。

2番目のコンテスタントはTM N。
vocal varietyについて、もっとできたのではないか?という求めるレベルが非常に高いEvaluationであると感じました。

3番目のコンテスタントはTM A。

4番目のコンテスタントはTM O。

5番目のコンテスタントはTM A。

インタビューに移ります。インタビュー担当はTM T。

テストスピーカTM Kにインタビューです。

次にTM Kにインタビューです。

次にTM Nへのインタビュー。こちらも急遽今朝コンタントに決まったので大変だったと言う話がありました。

次にTM Aへのインタビュー。スピーカのスピーチが予想以上で、感謝の言葉がありました。

次にTM Oへのインタビュー。いつもは緊張しないが、少し緊張していたという話がありました。

最後にTM Aへのインタビュー。最後のコンテスタントであった為、待っている間何を考えていたか、



日本語テストスピーカは、TM Mさんが担当します。


一番目の論評者はTM O。

二番目の論評者はTM A。

三番目はTM T。

四番目は、TM N。
普段のTM Nが得意としている表現力について提案があり、説得力がありました。


インタビューコーナーに移ります。担当はTM T。
テストスピーカのTM Mさんが、論評コンテストのテストスピーカは想像以上に緊張した、というコメントが生々しいな、と感じました。


1st Place =TM A(3番目論評者)
2nd Place=TM O
3rd Place=TM A(5番目論評者)

1st Place=TM O
2nd Place=TM N




第770回例会レポート / The 770th Regular Meeting Report


The 770th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 September 17th 2022/ Venue: Pio city + Online
There were 19 people participated in the meeting.

With a typhoon looming over Japan,
today’s meeting was not held at our usual venue, Hatoba-Kaikan,
but at Pio City in Sakuragicho.
It is refreshing to hold a meeting
in a different place every once in a while.
The meeting started on time at 2:00 p.m.,
with President S. declaring the meeting open.


The Word of the day was then announced by TM.K.
Today’s word of the day is ‘cool’.
It is a magical word that can be used not only as cool
but also as a positive expression such as I’m all light.
Let’s use it positively!

続いて本日のWord of dayがKさんより発表されました。
涼しいだけでなく、I’m all light とかpositive な表現として使えるマジカルワードなんですね。

Today’s Toastmaster of the Day was TM.A.
He proceeded in a cool manner.
The theme of today’s meeting was “Autumn – the season of change.
Let’s have everyone express their thoughts and feelings. 

そして彼が設定した今日のミーティングテーマは 「秋 – 変化の季節」。

The table topic was veteran TM.A.
Today’s topic was SDGs.
She asked questions that were in line with the 17 goals of the SDGs.
A timely topic!
It was a good opportunity to think about the SDGs again.


Today we had four speakers.

1. TM. I. Are we alone?
 Are there creatures other than Earth?
Are there none and are we alone?

2. TM. N. Lost with translation—funny signboards
 Let’s recruit 3 project members and look for weird signs until December.
 There are going to be a lot of things!

3. TM. N. Do it thoroughly and never give up
 Sleep study method…I tried to do it back in the day.
 If I had done it, my life would have been different by now!

4. TM. O. Make sales partners around the world!
 He spoke passionately about the know-how to develop business worldwide.
 Whether you are an individual or a corporation,
it is reassuring to have a partner you can rely on.

1.Iさん 私たちは孤独なのか

2.Nさん 街で見かけるヘンな英語の看板について

3.Nさん 徹底的にやり、諦めない

4.Oさん 世界にセールスパートナーを作りましょう

After a short break, we moved on to Evaluation Session.
Today’s General Evaluator was TM. T, a veteran.
And each evaluator had a cool commentary within a limited time frame.
Toastmasters does not have a teacher,
but it is wonderful to see everyone improving their skills
through friendly competition.


The results of today’s awards are as follows.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM.M
Best Evaluator: TM.S
Best Speaker: TM.N

ベスト即興スピーカー: Mさん、
ベスト論評スピーカー: Sさん
ベストスピーカー: Nさん

Today’s meeting was completed at exactly 16:00.
Time management is also cool.
See you again at the Evaluation in house event on Saturday, October 1.

それではまた、10月1日(土)の Evaluation in house eventでお会いしましょう。


第769回例会レポート / The 769th Regular Meeting Report


本日の例会は、13人の会員が会場で参加(オンサイト)、8人の会員が参加、さらにゲストさんが3 人も! 毎回ゲストが参加してくださるので、既存メンバーも気合が入ります!

The 769th meeting was held at Hatoba-Kaikan, an online hybrid facing the Port of Yokohama.
Today’s meeting was attended by 13 members onsite, 8 members in attendance, plus 3 guests! 
With a guest joining us every time, our existing members are fired up!

S会長の安定の挨拶から始まり、Kさんより「本日の言葉(Word of the day)」の紹介がありました。
「skosh」 = 「少し/ a little bit」 という意味だそうです!! まさに学校では教えてくれないコトバ!
思わず へ~~なるほど~~となり、使ってみたくなりますね♪

Five minutes before the start time, all onsite & online participants were ready to go, quintessential!
The meeting started with a stable greeting by President TM S., followed by the introduction of the “Word of the day” by TM K.
He introduced the word of the day as “skosh” which means a little / a little bit. It is the first time to learn this word!!
Exactly the kind of word we don’t learn in school! I felt I want to use this word!!

続いて、本日のTMOD(Toastmaster of the Day)のKさんにバトンが渡り、例会のサポーターの紹介がありました。
本日の例会のテーマは「Rest of the year planning /今年残り4か月のプラン」でした。

The baton was then passed to today’s TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day), TM. K, who introduced the supporters of the meeting.
The theme of today’s meeting was “Rest of the year planning”.
It was an interesting theme, and each member presented their unique plans, which excited the audience.

続いて、即興スピーチセッションに移りました。本日のTable Topics Masterは、経験豊富なOさんです。

We then moved on to the impromptu speech session, which is called Table Topic Session.
Today’s Table Topics Master is Mr. O, who has a lot of experience. Today’s topic was very unique: “Let’s make a tour plan for a family from the U.S. who is coming to Yokohama for a vacation! It was very unique.

1つ目の質問:「ランチはどこに連れていきますか?」 という質問に対して、Aさんはズバリ「スシロー」と答えました!
2つ目の質問:「横浜でどこに観光に連れていきますか?」 3つ目の質問:「ディナーはどこに連れていきますか?」 4つ目の質問:「どこのホテルに宿泊しますか?」
時間が足らず、4つしか質問及び回答が出来ませんでしたが、この即興スピーチセッションの締めとして、Table Topics MasterのOさんは「皆さんの回答を元にガイドブックを作ります!」と会場を盛り上げてくださいました。

The first question: “Where do you take them for lunch?” TM. A answered “Sushi-ro(スシロー)”!

It was very interesting that he chose Sushi-ro for its entertainment value rather than an expensive sushi restaurant.
Second question: “Where would you take them for sightseeing in Yokohama?” 
Third question: “Where would you take someone for dinner? 
Fourth question: “Which hotel would you like to stay at?”
Although time was short and we were only able to ask and answer four questions, Table Topics Master, TM. O, made the audience excited by saying, “I am going to make a guidebook based on your answers!

1人目のスピーカーの大ベテランのAさん、これまでキャンプはNG(虫が嫌だ、快適な場所で寝たい)だったが、初めて体験してからキャンプにハマってしまったお話。 ストーリー性があり、ユーモアあり、とても楽しいスピーチでした。そして、スピーチの締めは、「いつかYTMCのみんなと一緒にキャンプしたいですね^^」 →ぜひ実現させましょう♪

We then moved on to the preparatory speech session. There were three preparatory speakers today.
The first speaker, TM. A told a story about how she had never camped before (she didn’t like bugs and wanted to sleep in a comfortable place), but after her first experience, she was hooked on camping. 
It was a very enjoyable speech with storytelling and humor.
She ended his speech with, “I would love to camp with everyone at YTMC someday ^^” → Let’s make it happen!

2人目のスピーカーも経験豊富なOさん。なんと!!!「木のブロックに同時にネジを締めた最多人数」というギネス認定記録保持者でした!! たった30秒で完了する認定のための作業のための準備に、なんと6か月もかかったこと、この壮大なプロジェクトの背景や経緯、当日までの苦労など、沢山の写真を用いてドラマチックに表現されていました。「600人が同時にネジ締めをした」というギネス記録達成、おめでとうございます!

The second speaker was also very experienced, TM O.
What a surprise! He was the Guinness World Record holder for “Most people screwing on a block of wood at the same time!” He told us how it took him 6 months to prepare for the certification, which only takes 30 seconds to complete it, and how he had to work hard on the project to get it done.
The background of this grand project and the hard work that went into it were dramatically illustrated with many photos.
Congratulations to the team for achieving the Guinness record of ” The most people screwing screws into blocks of woods simultaneously!”

複数の友人とたったの2時間の話し合いで全て旅行の予約をしたこと、そして外国人から見て感じた屋久島の自然の素晴らしさをとても分かりやすく表現されていました。 聞いている全員が「行ってみたい!」と思ったのではないでしょうか?
The third speaker was TM. S.  She told us a story about her first trip to Yakushima with her friends.
She expressed very clearly how she booked the entire trip after only two hours of discussion with several friends and how wonderful the nature of Yakushima was from a foreigner’s point of view. Everyone listening must have thought, “I want to go there!”

After a short break, we moved on to an Evaluation Session. Today’s General Evaluator was TM T.
The three evaluators gave highly original feedbacks for today’s excellent speeches.
One of the great things about Toastmasters meetings is that we can learn and discover a lot from the presentations of the reviewers!


ベスト即興スピーカー: Aさん、
ベスト論評スピーカー: Nさん
ベストスピーカー: Oさん


Today’s meeting went smoothly according to the agenda with no audio problems. Proof that all of our members are getting used to all of their roles!
Finally, TMOD announced today’s award winners. Congratulations!
Best Table Topic Speaker: TM. A
Best Evaluator: TM. N
Best Speaker: TM. O

It was a very beautiful meeting today. See you at the next meeting!


第768回例会レポート / The 768th Regular Meeting Report


Beautiful sunny day of Yokohama Harbor,
Our meeting was held in Hatobakaikan where were filled with blue sky and blue ocean.


We had a new member joined this time and conducted induction ceremony!
It is the first new member of this term.
New member, TM. M was former member of other TM club and he had around 10 years’ experience.
He chooses our club since he felt very friendly atmosphere!
Let`s have a wonderful experience together!

今期の最初の新メンバーとなるTM. Mはすでに他クラブで10年の経験があります。

Toastmasters of the day was TM. P, first time she tried.
She chooses the meeting theme as “Obon Holiday” and started with wonderful Introduction.

本日のToastmasters of the dayはTM. Pでなんと初めての司会進行役です。

Table topic master, TM. T brought very interesting concept into Table topic.
He showed a picture of uninhabited island and asked simple question what you want to create in here.
Many members came up various idea,
City Hall, Factory, Beer Stand, Shrine, Hotel, and Amusement Park.
It was funny that one member said there were too many buildings and this island lost the nature!

Moving to prepared speeches, we had 4 speakers.

1. TM. P “About Myself”
He talked about Indian Festival!

2. TM. I “My Future plan and Toastmasters”
It was speech how Toastmasters will save your old age.

3. TM. N “Do the Shakyo”
The funny story about How we can relief from Stress”

4. TM. S “You Head Will Be Alright”
Humous speech about forgetfulness

We really enjoyed various speeches.


1. TM. P “自分自身について”

2. TM. I “将来設計とトーストマスターズ”

3. TM. N “写経をしよう!”

4. TM. S “あなたの頭はまだ大丈夫!”

Them, moving to Evaluation session. All evaluators were experienced one and let me introduce some phrased form their evaluation.

1. TM. K Ice breaking is the Business card!
2. TM. S Let`s change your speech from “Monotone” to “Colorful one
3. TM. N Asking question is really good tool to get involvement of audience
4. TM. N Good eye contact and body motivates audience


1. TM. K アイスブレークスピーチはビジネスカードのようなもの!
2. TM. S モノトーンなカラフルなスピーチに変えよう!
3. TM. N スピーチの中にリスナーに質問をすると、みな引き込まれます!
4. TM. N 良いアイコンタクトとジェスチャーはリスナーを刺激する!

The Result of Award session was following.

Best Speaker: TM. S
Best Evaluator: TM. N
Best Table topic Speaker: TM. M (New member!)

Best Speaker: TM. S
Best Evaluator: TM. N
Best Table topic Speaker: TM. M (新メンバー)

 Thanks for wonderful facilitation by TM. P even it was a first assignment as TMOD. Great meeting and glad we have wonderful members and wonderful location of Yokohama!!

素晴らしいファシリテーションありがとうTM. P. 今回が最初の司会進行だったなんて信じられません。よい仲間と最高のロケーションで行うことができた最高の例会でした!!



第767回例会レポート / The 767th Regular Meeting Report


The 767th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 August 6th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 22 people participated in the meeting.

It was a sunny midsummer Saturday in Yokohama, and many members attended the meeting on-site.

The TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) for the day was TM RS. It was her first time to be a Role, but as her character suggests, the meeting started in a cheerful atmosphere.

The impromptu speech table topic was moderated by TM TN, one of the most experienced member who had not joined us for a long time.

At the end of the meeting As the General Evaluator pointed out in his general review, all the questions were very good and easy to answer.
Often the questions are elaborate and difficult to answer and very pressuring, but that was not the case today.


この日のTMOD (Toastmaster of the Day / 司会者) はTM RSでした。初のRoleでしたが彼女のキャラクター通り、気負いない明るい雰囲気で例会が始まりました。

即興スピーチのテーブルトピックは、久しぶりに参加してくださったベテランのTM TNの司会で行われました。
例会の最後に 総評でGeneral Evaluatorが指摘なさったとおり、どの質問も簡単で答えやすくとてもよかったと思います。

TM HA, the Best Table Topic Speaker, talked about his recent addiction to camp, and shared her fascination with it in an easy-to-understand manner and with a rich vocabulary.
Fresh from a camping trip the day before, she shared with us how lightweight, compact, and functional camping gear is.
It certainly makes everyone want to collect all sorts of cap goods! I totally agree.

Best Table Topic SpeakerとなったTM HAは、最近ハマッているキャンプについて、わかりやすく豊富な語彙でその魅力を伝えてくれました。

Following a fun impromptu speech session, the preparatory speech session began, with four speakers taking the stage.
TM KT talked about the history of school bags, which she learned through preparing for her child’s entry into elementary school.
She talked about how randoseru (school bags) were introduced to Japan with an easy-to-understand presentation dating back to the Meiji Era. I did not know that the start was from Gakushuin.
I heard that there are very expensive and colorful randoseru (school bags) these days, and I could somewhat guess the parents’ concerns how difficult to choose the one.

TM KTは、お子さんの小学校入学準備を通して知った「ランドセルの歴史」について。

TM NS gave a very realistic talk titled “Experiencs in my US life” about his experiences when he was posted to the US and felt the cultural differences.
In the U.S., first of all, he was driving in the same way as in Japan: if one stops suddenly at a yellow light, one is likely to hit the car following you, so have to go through the intersection quickly.
However, when he did so, a police car followed him and told him to “Raise your hand,” and he was lightly questioned by putting his hand on the back door of the car he stopped.
I did not know that in the U.S. a yellow light is an absolute stop. He admitted his mistake and logically explained the justification for not stopping and escaped the situation in peace. How great!

TM NSは「Experiencs in my US life」というタイトルで米国赴任時に経験なさった、文化の違いを感じた経験を臨場感たっぷりに話してくださいました。
黄色信号は「急に止まると後続車にぶつかるから急いで進む」という日本の認識のまま アメリカでも同様に運転していたら
パトカーが追ってきて「Raise your hand」と言われ 停止させた車のバックドアに手をついて軽く尋問されたそうです。

TM HA, titled “TMOD in the real world,” told us about a trouble she had at a meeting where a company executive was asked to take the stage as an impromptu moderator.
At the beginning of the speech, she called out “Sato san!” “Sato san! Where are you?” I looked around and was drawn in. (By the way, there is no “Sato-san” in our club.)

She was very good at drawing us in for a first few seconds before we realized that she had already started her speech. It was interesting.
It was a speech with a sense of urgency, showing how unexpected happenings occur in real business and how she managed to get out of them.

TM HAは「TMOD in real world」というタイトルで、即興で司会を任された会社役員が登壇する会議でのトラブルを語ってくださいました。
冒頭、「Sato san!」「Sato san!」「Where are you? Sato san!」と連呼なさったので、あれ?佐藤さんっていうメンバーいたっけ?とつい周りを見回して引き込まれました。

TM MT gave a humorous speech titled “My nickname story” about his unique nickname history.
I thought it must be strange for a man to be called “Barbara”. Ironically, that’s why it’s so easy to remember and stick with.
I am glad to hear that his changed his nickname to “Terry” when he was transferred overseas in business, and that he likes this name best, which calmed my bothered feelings. Good for him!

TM MTは「My nickname story」というタイトルで ご自分のユニークなニックネームの遍歴についてのユーモアたっぷりのスピーチでした。
その後 海外赴任時に「テリー」に変わった、この名が一番好き、とのことで、私もモヤモヤが落ち着きました。よかったですね!

After the break, TM HA served as the General Evaluator for the review all the sessions that began after the break.
TM YO, TM YA, TM HO, and TH TP who took the stage as Evaluators, all of them are well experienced who have served as officers before (or this year), and some of them are from overseas.
I was impressed by how YTMC’s members are well rounded and listened to them with great interest.
I participated onsite, and since evaluaters seated both sides, in many meanings it was a bit difficult decision to vote! (LOL)

さてこの後、休憩をはさんで始まった論評セッションでは、TM HAがGeneral Evaluatorを務めました。
Evaluatorとして登壇したTM YO, TM YA, TM HO, TH TP、いずれもofficerを歴任(または今年着任)の超ベテラン、海外の方もいらっしゃるので
英語の運用能力だけではなく構成含めて どの講評も粒ぞろいで甲乙つけがたく、さすがは層が厚いYTMC、とすっかり感心して聞き惚れました。
私はオンサイトで参加して、両脇にどちらもEvaluatorが座っていらしたので、いろんな意味で投票は 苦渋の判断でした!(笑)

The Best Evaluator Award went to TM YO, who presented his commentary in an easy-to-understand manner and with a soft demeanor.
During the Bouquet & Brickbats, TM RS, who was the first TMOD of the day, was presented with a bouquet of flowers for her bright and witty performance.
The first TMOD can be a very nerve-wracking experience for anyone.
Usually everyone tends to make many small mistakes and have advice from other members. then how quickly respond with a humorous remark to ease the situation and move on, makes a big difference.
“TM RS was able to do that, that was really great!” that GE pointed out. Indeed!
One guest joined us onsite and commented on the meeting in fluent Queen’s English.

特にわかりやすい表現でソフトな物腰で論評を披露したTM YOがベスト論評者賞を受賞しました。
ブーケ & ブリックバッツ (花束と酷評) の時間には、今日初めてTMODを務めたTM RSに その明るく当意即妙なパフォーマンスに花束が贈られました。
初めてのTMODは誰でもとても緊張するものです。ちょっとしたミスやアドバイスを受けたときに、パッとユーモアある一言を返して場を和ませて進ませるスキルが大きな差になるのですね。TM RSはそれができていました。

Web site reporter : TM YN


第766回例会レポート / The 766th Regular Meeting Report


The 766th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 July 16th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 19 people participated in the meeting.

Although the rainy season should have ended, many members joined the meeting on-site for the first time in a while, despite the continuous rain.
At the beginning of the meeting, President NS. showed everyone a new banner with this term’s slogan “Have a Nice Day” which was displayed on the speech table.
The slogan is now more familiar to all, surrounded by pictures of many cute stuffed bears.

開会冒頭、S会長が壇上に飾った今期スローガン「Have a Nice Day /よい一日を」の新しいバナーをみんなに披露してくれました。

The “Word of the Day” was “Fabulous (wonderful, legendary, tremendous),” which was carefully introduced by TM AI with examples.

The TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) of the day was TM MT. Despite having been a member for less than a year, he showed that he had carefully prepared for the event.

Word of the Day (本日の言葉) は「Fabulous (すばらしい、伝説的な、途方もない)」で、この言葉にまつわる事例を交えながら、TM AIがプレゼンつきで丁寧に紹介してくれました。
この日のTMOD (Toastmaster of the Day / 司会者) はTM MTでした。入会してまだ1年経たないにも関わらず、入念な準備をして進めてくださっているのがよくわかる司会でした。


The moderator for the impromptu speech, table topic master was TM AN, who was also taken this role for the first time.
He wrote large, question-and-answer questions on his prepared slides and asked questions related to “summer.”
TM TT said, “I used to want to go outside, but now I prefer to read books and magazines under the air conditioning!” I strongly agreed with her!

即興スピーチのテーブルトピックでは、こちらも初めてセッションマスター役に挑戦するTM ANの司会で行われました。
TM TTの「昔は外に出てあちこち行きたかったものだけど、今はエアコンの下で本や雑誌を読んでいたい」には強く共感しました!

After the fun impromptu speeches, the preparatory speech session began, with three speakers presenting their speeches in English.
TM AT gave a speech on EasySpeak, which he introduced at YTMC last year, with the theme “Has the new system made YTMC better?”
Understanding the hard work of the members who hold every meeting, he reaffirmed the effectiveness of EasySpeak.
I will be careful not to “accidentally forget to look at it” so that I can take advantage of this wonderful system!

TM ATは、昨年彼が中心となってYTMCに導入したEasySpeakについて「新しいシステムはYTMCをより良くしたのか?」についてスピーチしました。
毎回の会議を取りまとめるメンバーの苦労を理解しつつ EasySpeakの効力を再確認しました。素晴らしいシステムが活きるよう「うっかり見忘れる」ことのないよう気を付けます!

TM KO gave us an easy-to-understand explanation of the Toastmasters organization, titled “Toastmaster’s Numbers,” in which he laid out the numbers of clubs and DTMs overseas vs Japan, and YTMC.
While showing us the actual search screen, he told us that the number of clubs in Corona is decreasing, but online meetings are increasing, and that we can easily join meetings abroad with EasySpeak.
I will definitely try to join clubs in other countries as a guest.

TM KOは「トーストマスターの数字」というタイトルで、他国と日本 2つの値を並べながらクラブ数やDTMの数、DTMになるためのステップなどについてわかりやすく説明してくれました。

TM HK was titled “AHA moments on leadership. He said that good leadership is to give members clear goals, enough time, and enough training.
Personally, especiallyI was impressed by the title “AHA moment”. I thought it made me feel less formal and closer to the audience when sharing what I had learned.

TM HKは「リーダーシップについてハッと気づいたこと(=AHA moments)」というタイトルでした。

After the break, TM TP served as the overall evaluator for the first time.
The comments from each judge were excellent, both encouraging and informative.
The Best Evaluator Award went to TM TS, the former president of YTMC, who gave a constructive and well-organized commentary.
In the “Bouquet & Brickbats” (flowers and dry comments), the President presented a bouquet each to the TMOD, Table Topic Master, and GM, who all performed well in their first major roles.
Despite the rain, one guest joined the venue and contributed a very short, witty comment, caring for time.

休憩をはさんで始まった論評セッションでは、TM TPが初めてGeneral Evaluatorを務めました。
ブーケ & ブリックバッツ (花束と酷評) の時間には、会長がTMOD、Table Topic Master、GM、それぞれに初めての大任を素晴らしいパフォーマンスで終えたことへの花束が贈られました。

YTMC Website Reporter: TM YN.


第765回例会レポート / The 765th Regular Meeting Report


The 765th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 July 2nd 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 19 people participated in the meeting.

July 2nd was the start of a new year for Yokohama Toastmasters Club. The 765th meeting was held under clear blue skies at Hatoba Kaikan facing Yokohama Port and Online. To my surprise, it is the 35th year since the establishment of Yokohama Toastmasters in this term. Such a powerful team of officers for this term consists of a good balance of mid-career and younger members, led by a veteran president. I am very much looking forward to this term’s club activities, especially the 35th anniversary events.

President S, looking a little bit nervous, started the meeting by greeting. The topic was how to avoid heat stroke. As expected of a veteran, he excited the audience with his practical topic. Next, the word of the day, “Aesthetic,” was introduced. In Japan, the word is well-known as “ESUTE”.

Next, O-san, the new vice president of education, explained the educational policy for this term. His explanation was logical and orderly, as if he were an astute businessman.

Next, we moved on to the impromptu speech session. HERE, A PROBLEM OCCURRED. Today’s subject person was not available due to the failure of online connection. O-san, the vice president of education, suddenly volunteered to pinch-hit for the session. He enlivened the impromptu speeches with questions that did not seem impromptu. The questions were “What new things have you tried recently?”, “Do you protect your loved ones by law or by force?”, “What are you most proud of?”, “If I were to entertain my parents, what would I do?” “What is your favorite movie?”, and “If I could be reincarnated as someone else, who would it be?” The best prize went to T-san, who answered “Kaguyahime” to the question, “If you could be reincarnated as anyone, who would it be?

Next, we moved on to prepare speeches’ session. There were three prepared speakers.
O-san, who joined last month, introduced herself, A-san gave an award speech based on the scene where she won the center of AKB48’s election, and N-san gave a speech about her trip to Hokkaido, all of which were impressive. The best speaker was A-san.

After a short break, the last session was an evaluation session. The moderator was newcomer S-san. Moreover, it was the first time for S-san. I wondered how it would turn out, but I needn’t have worried. What a MAGNIFICENT moderator she was. The audience applauded her tactful moderation, as she asked for additional comments from evaluators whose evaluations were short on time, and when she noticed that not many today’s word usage, she had everyone practice pronunciation of the word. The best evaluator was M-san, who gave practical advice to S-san’s speech, such as “Take off your mask and show the expression on your face.”

It was a fun and fast-paced two hours. It seems that Yokohama Toastmasters Club will continue to be a very warm and enjoyable place this term. Everyone, please come to one of our meetings. ll the members are looking forward to seeing you.








by K.O










第764回例会レポート / The 764th Regular Meeting Report


The 764th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:30 June 18th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 25 people (including 1 guest) participated in the meeting.

The meeting started with business section from TM HO. As our club VPE in the next term, he informed about the new system for role assignment that includes an excel file and easy speak. The excel file will be used to assign for three key roles: TMOD, prepared speakers, general evaluator up to next three months. TM O will inform assigned members via email before updating easy speak.

Next, TM A facilitated the meeting as the Toast Master Of the Day (TMOD). Her warm accent and bright smile maked other people feel comfortable and enjoyable during the meeting. She introduced the theme of meeting: Memory of the first haft 2022. She shared her best events about professional life and social life. Then, the role takers: TM O as grammarian, TM HN as Ah counter, TM AY as vote counter, TM P as website reporter explained their roles and share their best memory of the first haft 2022.

Then, the meeting continued Table topic master section- the most interesting section where speakers had to answer questions without preparation.

In prepared speeches section:
TM AN provided a very energetic speech about his motivation to join YTMC. He would want to talk properly, listen attentively, give feedback constructively, and so bring values to audiences.
TM HO shared his interesting memory about the song gangnam style in 2012. There are differences in promoting culture and business between Japan and Korea. In Japan, please just be yourself, do your job well, and people will notice good points about you.
TM K gave us an useful lesson learn in his life. “Camera is always on”, but it is not only technical camera, the eyes of people around you are cameras. Behave yourself, be consistent, and be successful.

Our meeting had 10 minutes intermission before evaluation section. Evaluators gave prepared speakers valuable comments and improvement points about speech title, structure presentation, gestures, and how to successfully deliver main points to audience.

The awards in the meeting are as below:
Best table topic: TM HK
Best prepared speaker: TM HO
Best evaluator: TM O


This meeting was the last meeting of this term 2021-2022. So we had a summary main event YTMC last year and award for members who had path completion or significant contributions for our club. Then we had the Officers Installation Ceremony for the next term 2022-2023. The new officers team commit to work together and make our club become more and more enjoyable and valuable.
The next meeting will be held at Hatoba Kaikan on July 2nd.


ミーティングはTM.Oのビジネスセクションから始まりました。次期のクラブVPEとして、彼は、Excelファイルと簡単な説明で役割分担の新しいシステムについて通知しました。 ExcelファイルをTMOD、スピーカー、論評者など主要な役割を次の3か月間に割り当てるために使用する。また、イージースピークを更新する前に、割り当てられたメンバーに電子メールで通知すると説明しました。

次に、TM Aは、トーストマスターオブザデイ(TMOD)としてミーティングを促進しました。彼女の温かみのあるアクセントと明るい笑顔は、ミーティング中に他の人々を快適で楽しい気分にさせました。彼女はミーティングのテーマを紹介しました:2022年の最初の柄の記憶。彼女は職業生活と社会生活についての彼女の最高のイベントを共有しました。次に、役割を担う人、文法係のTM O、AhカウンターのTM HN、投票集計係TM AY、ウェブサイトレポーターとしてのTM Pが自らら役割を説明し、2022年の前半の印象に残った思い出を共有しました。


TM ANは、YTMCに参加する動機について非常にエネルギッシュなスピーチを行いました。彼はきちんと話し、注意深く耳を傾け、建設的にフィードバックを与え、聴衆に価値をもたらしたいと考えています。

TM HOは、2012年に江南スタイルについての興味深い思い出を共有しました。日本と韓国では、文化とビジネスの促進に違いがあります。日本では、自分らしくいて、上手に仕事をしてください。そうすれば、人々はあなたの良い点に気付くでしょう。

TM Kは、彼の人生で学ぶ有益な教訓を私たちに与えてくれました。 「カメラは常にオン」ですが、それはテクニカルカメラだけでなく、周りの人の目もカメラです。自分自身を振る舞い、一貫性を保ち、成功します。


ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー:TM HK
ベスト論評者:TM O
スピーカー:TM HO


