第645回例会レポート #645 TMOD Meeting Report



今回、4人の準備スピーチがありましたが、中でもベストスピーカーを見事獲得したIさんは、CCマニュアル プロジェクト10 “聴衆を鼓舞する”という目標で、“ History”というタイトルで彼の30年間の思いをぎっしり詰めたスピーチを披露しましたが、まさに30年の節目と、新しい30年を迎えるこの時期にふさわしいスピーチでありました。





I’m definitely sure that #645 meeting was one the most memorable meetings for all 27 attendees as the very last meeting in the term.
We had four prepared speakers though, TM I who won the best speaker out of four in the meeting delivered CC #10 project,“inspire your audience”, title: “History”. His speech was really suitable one and surely inspired all attendees because his speech fully constellated with a lot of his emotion since he founded YTMC with several founder almost 30 years ago. I guess there should be kind of mountains and valleys during the term though, he must surely took part of significant role not only brilliant moments, but also hard times in order to set up mile stones. Thanks Mr. President. I really appreciate your continuous effort.




第644回例会レポート & 横浜花火イベント”Fireworks watching” #644 TMOD Meeting Report


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私は今回でTMOD(Tostmaster of the Day、例会の進行役)の役は3回目でしたが、いつも思うのは、多くのメンバーに助けられ、また支えられて例会が成り立つことを実感させられます。






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The regular meeting of Yokohama TMC was held on July 3rd.
The weather was very fine, and the atmosphere of the meeting was also fine and energetic.

That meeting was a little special, there was a new member’s induction ceremony and club officers’ election before the regular session.
TM N joined YTMC as a new member. He seems to be so positive that he will excite YTMC more.

We change club officers once a year in Toastmasters Club.
We elect 7 officers, and they lead the management of meetings or other events.
In this election, TM T was elected as President of YTMC.
I’m sure she will make our club more enjoyable, more heart-warming, and more exciting!

We omitted some regular sessions due to the election, we had speech session and evaluation session mainly in the meeting. In the speech session, 4 speakers made various speeches.
The first speaker, TM S is a new member who joined YTMC recently. He spoke about his teacher who influenced very much in his speech.
TM K made a speech about how to enjoy YTMC more. He explained a lot of merits of joining drinking at English bar after meeting.
TM H read a best-seller book “Who Moved My Cheese?” in his speech. He read it aloud with great feeling.
The last speaker, TM I gave us a speech about Japanese comic story “Rakugo” in English.
His calm tone gained more humor and every audience had a good laugh at his speech.

Then we moved on to evaluation session.
I think evaluation session is unique found only in Toastmasters.
It’s rather difficult to evaluate other member’s speech, but it helps us to give speakers accurate feedback and to brash up our speech skill as well.
Some member evaluated for the first time. However, everyone made typical evaluations.

At the end of the meeting, we awarded a prize to the best speaker and the best evaluator, and the meeting finished successfully.
It was the third time to take the role of TMOD for me. Every time, I realize that the meeting succeeds thanks to many supporters, volunteers, and helpers. So, I really appreciate great cooperation of all the member.

And one more thing at the day, there was fireworks watching event after the meeting. We enjoyed fireworks with drinking and relaxing on a lawn, and we got really lively!
In Yokohama TMC, we plan a lot of events like this, so, we can enjoy YTMC in many ways.
If you’re interested in YTMC, please try to join us as a guest!

See you next time!




第643回例会レポート“Mother’s Day” #643 TMOD Meeting Report



最初に関西から来られたTM Tの入会式を行いました。
引き続いて、TM Oが本日の”Word of the Day”は熟語で、”mother and father of all …”であることを発表した後、各Role Takerからそれぞれの役割の説明がありました。

本日のテーマは ”Mother’s Day”。テーマに関連した質問は “母の日に何をしますか?”でした。殆どのメンバーが何らかの贈り物をするか、一緒に食事をする、ということでした。

TipsセッションはTM Hで、Storytellingのスピーチでは自分の経験や興味ではなく、聴衆の関心に基づいた話をすることが大切である旨の紹介がありました。
JokeセッションではTM S夫妻によるジョークが披露されましたが、ジョークそのものは全く受けず、夫妻のやり取りが笑いを誘っていました。
WorkshopではTM Nから6月3日に予定されているオフィサー選挙についての説明がありました。今回は内容が盛りだくさんだったのでTable Topicセッションはお休みとなりました。

スピーチセッションでは、4名がスピーチをしました。TM Sによる初めての自己紹介、TM Tによるストレスの発散方法、TM Gによる反物質の不思議、TM Tによるオンラインミーティングシステムのセールスを題材にしたロールプレイでした。特に、最後のロールプレイはTM TとTM Fによるやり取りが臨場感にあふれていて楽しめました。
その後のEvaluationセッションは経験豊富なEvaluatorによる的確な評価を聞くことができました。また、General Evaluatorを務めたTM Oによる全体評価はユーモアにあふれた楽しいセッションとなりました。




Meeting #643 was held at Hatoba Kaikan in Minato-mirai. The meeting room was almost full including 6 guests, probably because everybody got refreshed thanks to Golden Week Holidays.
At first, induction ceremony was conducted for TM T who moved from Kansai area.
After that, TM O announced “mother and father of all …” as today’s Word of the Day. Each role taker explained his/her role today.

Today’s theme was “Mother’s Day”. The related question was“What would you do for your mother on Mother’s Day?”. Most of the members planned to give some gifts or have meal together.

TM H conducted Tips Session and he introduced the opinion that says it is important to deliver the storytelling speech based on the audiences’interest, not on your experience or interest only.
TM S (husband and wife) conducted Joke Session, but there were almost no laughter. Rather, the way they talk each other was funny.
In the Workshop Session, YM N explained the officers’election which is planned on June 3rd . Table Topic Session was not conducted because there were so many sessions today.

In the Speech Session, four members made speeches, self-introduction by TM S, how to release stress by TM T, miracle of antimatter by TM G, role play by TM T which is based on the selling of online meeting system. The role play was pretty much enjoyable due to the realistic communications between TM T and TM F.
Then, we had Evaluation Session where experienced four evaluators gave accurate evaluation. General evaluation, conducted by TM O, was full of humor and we enjoyed it.
At the business session in the end, committee announced offices nomination list for next term.

This was my first experience to conduct TMOD in YTMC. Thanks to members’help and cooperation, I could somehow finish this role. Thank you very much.



第642回例会レポート “Holidays” #642 TMOD Meeting Report



Tipsセッションは通常は最新号のToastmasters magazineから記事をピックアップして紹介するのですが、今回Iさんはなんと25年前の1992年3月号の記事の紹介をしていただきました。いかに自分のスピーチを聴衆に聞いてもらうかについての記事で、25年前と今とでその根本的なところは全く変わっていませんでした。




The 642nd regular meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club was held at Hatoba-Kaikan on 6th May, 2017, during the “Golden Week”. We had 21 participants including 6 guests even in Golden Week. The theme of this meeting was, of course, “Holidays”. Every members answered the TMOD’s question, “If you have one-month-holiday, how would you spend it?”. I got various answers,for example, unique one such as “go to an island which has same name as mine”, practical one such as “clean up everywhere in my house” and so on.

Tips session usually introduce an article in the latest issue of Toastmasters magazine, but TM I introduced an article “Make Your Speech Listenable” issued in March, 1992, no less! Even though the article was issued 25 years before, the basis of the speech did not change!!
In joke session, TM M talked two jokes, and we enjoyed them!
Table Topic session was conducted by TM T. There were 4 questions about Toastmasters Club or English skills, for example, “Who is your role model of Toastmasters?” and 5 members and guests answered impromptu.

In prepared speech session, there were 4 speakers. All the speakers made attractive speeches showing their slides by projectors. They introduced the most up-to-date auto-driving technology, diet experience, useful App of smartphone, and New Zealand travel.

In evaluation session, each evaluator evaluated each speaker accurately. Evaluators evaluate prepared speeches just after the speeches. Nevertheless, every evaluator explained good points and rooms to improve the speech correctly.
General evaluator (GE) was TM A, who is the role model of many members in Yokohama Toastmasters Club. She conducted the evaluation session smoothly and it was well-organized.

We really enjoyed this meeting. It was the second time for me to take TMOD. The last time was about 1 year ago. Has my TMOD improved in a year? Anyway, we completed the meeting successfully with the support of all the participants!! I really appreciate them, especially TM M, TM T and TM O who took double roles!!!
See you in the next meeting!!



第641回例会レポート #641 TMOD Meeting Report



この日のプレジデント、スーツ姿に頭はバンダナ巻きで登場。あれっ? と思っていると「スピーチはトライアルとエラーの繰り返し、失敗を恐れるな!」と言いながら例会をスタート。バンダナを巻いてみたけど (トライアル) 失敗だった (エラー)、というデモンストレーションだったのです。いつもいろいろ趣向を凝らして例会をスタートするプレジデント、さすがですね。バンダナ姿も似合っていましたよ!
そしてこの日は大阪出身のSさんが新たに入会され、入会式が行われました。Sさん、YTMCを楽しんでくださいね! 当日のWord of the DayはピンチヒッターYさんが選んだvernal (春の、若々しい)。春にふさわしい単語ですね。


メインセッションはTさんのWorkshopでスタート。お題は「Know Your Audience」。スピーチをするにあたり、観客を知ることの重要性について簡潔に語って下さいました。観客の年齢、職業、趣味嗜好など、調べておいてからスピーチをすると効果絶大、ビジネスと同じですね。

Table Topicはいつも簡潔明朗なSさん。前回Gさんが行ったTable TopicのWorkshopに感銘を受け、スピーカーが喋りやすい簡単な質問を心がけたそうです。世界滅亡の日まで残り1週間。あなたなら何をする? という質問に「お花見!」と答えたTさん、お見事でした!

この日の準備スピーチは4名。全てのスピーチが奥深く、考えさせられる内容でした。トップバッターMさんの “Heart Touching” は、人の心の深奥に如何に触れるかというお話で、Jokeを交えながら面白おかしく語って下さいました。2番目のHさんはDivision Contestで3位入賞の強者 (ツワモノ)。コンテスト以降初めて行うスピーチで “Mindfulness” について語って下さいました。過去も未来も忘れろ、今に集中しろ、そして判断するな、というメッセージを、トレードマークの「目力」で力強く送ってくれました。3番目のKさんは、殆ど毎回スピーチをする精力的なスピーカー。今回は “Read Between the Lines” というタイトルで、自分の恋愛経験談を交えながら「行間 / 空気を読む」重要性を語ってくれたのですが、最後に3本線が引かれた売り上げ予測チャートを見せて、「この線の間を読むことが重要なんです!」とスピーチを締めくくりました。ユニークなアイデアですね。スピーチセッションのラストを飾ったのはベトナム出身のHさん。タイトルは「マーフィーの法則の例外」。旅先で立て続けに不運に見舞われながら、最後には無事旅を終えることができた、マーフィーの法則にも例外がある、という内容を、展開毎に一歩一歩観客の方に近付きながら力説し、Your Body Speaksというスピーチ目標を見事達成されました。

論評セッションは、General Evaluatorが初挑戦のNさんが取り仕切りました。最近読んだ記事を紹介し、「一人で練習するだけでは上達しない。フィードバックが大事」と、フィードバックセッションとも言える論評セッションの冒頭を飾ったNさん。とても初めてとは思えない堂々たる司会でした。4名の論評者はそれぞれ的確に、時にはジョークを交えながら各スピーカーのスピーチを論評し、アドバイスを送っていました。即興で行う論評は例会中いちばん難しい役割だと思いますが、みなさん即興とは思えない素晴らしい論評でした。

論評セッションの後、TMODがGeneral Evaluatorのパフォーマンスを簡単に論評しました。冒頭の記事紹介がアイスブレーカーとして素晴らしかったこと、各論評者に対する論評時間がもっとあれば良かった点などを指摘しました。そして例会の最後を飾ったのはもちろん表彰式。この日は無礼講ということで、少々時間をオーバーしたスピーカーも受賞候補に加わり、全員参加のもとで判定されました。ベスト・テーブルトピック・スピーカーには入会したばかりのSさん、ベスト・スピーカーにMさん、ベスト論評者にIさんが選ばれました。おめでとうございます!



The 641st Official Meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club was held on April 15th, 2017, at Hatoba Kaikan inside Zou-no-hana Park, which was fragrant with beautifully blooming spring flowers. Around 30 people attended the meeting, which includes six guests, Area Manager TM J, and our Vice President of Education who joined from England (via Zoom system) this time with his friend (he joined from Paris at the last meeting).

At the beginning of the meeting, our President TM I took the podium wearing bandana around his head, which surprised us all as he usually wore business suits only. Then he said, “Making errors and trials makes a good speech. Don’t be afraid of making errors!” His unusual attire meant to be the demonstration of ‘Trial (wearing bandana) and Error (it was a mistake!)’. He always makes an interesting ice-breaker like this when he starts a meeting. Good job President, the bandana suited you well!

After the impressive starter, Mr. S, who came from Osaka, was inducted into our club. Enjoy YTMC Mr. S!
The Word of the Day was introduced by a pinch-hitter TM Y. She chose ‘vernal’ for it, a good choice for fresh spring!

The Induction Ceremony was over and the time came to start a main session. TMOD of this meeting was assigned to me, who had done this job many times in other TMCs but never done it at YTMC. It’s always quite unnerving to do things for the first time in public, but I somehow managed and did my best. There were some members who made a last-minute-cancellation, but TM G took a role of Grammarian and TM N performed as Timer. Thank you both for your cooperation!

The main session started with the Workshop conducted by TM T. The title of it was “Know Your Audience”. She spoke about the importance to know the audience before making a speech in crisp and organized manner. Knowing the audience’s age demographic, profession, tastes, hobbies, etc. makes a big difference like it does in business occasions.

The Table Topic Session was facilitated by TM N. S., who is always fun and precise. He was impressed by the Workshop done by TM G at the previous meeting, and tried his best to give each speaker an easy question to answer. TM T’s answer to the question, “The world is about to end in a week. How would you spend the final week of your life?” was “I’ll go to ‘Ohanami (cherry blossom viewing)’!” Attaboy, TM T!

We had four speakers in the Prepared Speech Session. Every speech was profound and made us think deeper about the subject. The first speaker was TM M, who talked about how to touch the hidden side of human hearts in his speech titled, ‘Heart Touching’. Despite the serious topic, he gave his speech humorously with gentle smiles.
The second speaker, TM H, is an excellent speaker who won the 3rd place in the Japanese Division Contest this spring. This was his first speech since the contest, in which he talked about the ‘Mindfulness’. With his strong power of eyes, which is his trademark, he sent us a message to the effect, ‘Forget about the past and the future, focus on what’s happening NOW. And DO NOT JUDGE.’
The third speaker was TM K, who is one of the most enthusiastic speakers of our club as he makes a speech at almost every meeting. His speech title this time was ‘Read Between the Lines’. He talked about how important reading between the lines is by introducing anecdotes through his love relationship experiences in the past (or in the present?!). The most unique feature of his speech was revealed when he closed his presentation by showing us the sales forecast chart that had three lines and gaps in-between and he said, ‘You see? Reading between THESE LINES is important!’ What a unique idea!
The finale of the Speech Session was performed by the fourth speaker, TM H, a pretty PhD student from Vietnam. Her speech title was intriguing ‘An Exception of Murphy’s Law’. She introduced us the series of funny misfortunes that happened to her during her trip. However, despite these misfortunes that seemed to be following the Murphy’s Law, she was able to finish her trip without another mishap, which made her think the Murphy’s Law got to have an exception. Every time the scene changed, she strongly stepped forward to the audience, which made me think she successfully accomplished the objectives of her speech, ‘Your Body Speaks’.

The Evaluation Session was conducted by TM N, who did it for the first time. At the opening, she introduced an article she’d read recently and said, ‘Practicing alone won’t improve your skills. The most important thing is to get feedbacks.’ Her icebreaker was quite appropriate as an opening to the Evaluation Session, which is in fact a feedback session. Not only she gave each role taker feedbacks, but also she gave four evaluators good advice. Her evaluation was on the mark and her sense of humor was brilliant. All in all she didn’t look like a first-time General Evaluator. Good job TM N! As for the four evaluators, although evaluating speeches on the spot is the most difficult of all roles in TMC meetings, all evaluators in this meeting did it amazingly well.

After the Evaluation Session, TMOD (me!) gave the evaluation to the performance of General Evaluator (in the way written above). One thing I regret is that I couldn’t give her enough time to give each evaluator more thorough evaluation.

The finale of the meeting was of course the Award Presentation. In this meeting, I suggested that we go crazy sometimes, so the speakers who went overtime were also made eligible for the award competition. The Best Table Topic Speaker was awarded to TM S, who had just joined the club on this day, The Best Speaker went to TM M, and The Best Evaluator was given to TM I. Congratulations all of you!

Lastly, I’d like to thank all the officers, members, and my mentor who kindly supported me in fulfilling my big task for the first time. Without you I could never have finished my job and would have gone home crying…thanks to you all it was such a fun meeting filled with happy laughter and smiles.
Thank you again and see you at the next meeting!



第640回例会レポート #640 TMOD Meeting Report



今日の言葉「Word of the day」は今回初挑戦のHさん。「upbeat/明るい・楽しい・上向きな」という言葉が紹介されました。ポジティブな単語で、例会中も複数のメンバーがスピーチ中に「upbeat」、を使っていました。

ジョークセッション(Joke Session)はFさんが担当。2種類のとてもユニークなお話をしてくださり、メンバーを笑わせてくれました。
Tipsセッション(Tips Session)では、GさんがToastmaster magazineの2017年3月号の中から、「8 Tips for Table Topics / 即興スピーチセッションの8つのポイント」という内容について、お話をされました。今後のTable Topic Sessionで役立つ情報が満載でした。
テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ)セッション(Table Topic Session)は、経験豊富なTさんが担当。「桜のこの時期に友人や家族とで最も思い出に残った出来事は?」など、4月のこの時期に合った4つの質問が出されました。Tさんはいつもその月、その季節に合った素晴らしい質問を出してくるので、毎回ワクワクさせられます!

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そして、スピーチセッション(Speech Session)では4人のスピーカーが個性的なスピーチを披露されました。

総合論評セッション(General Evaluation Session)は、なんと今回初挑戦の、Fさん。ご自身なりにしっかり事前準備をされ挑んでいました。スタートから緊張している様子が伝わってきましたが、各役割に対して、たくさんの評価、フィードバックをしてくれました。



Meeting#640 on April 1st.2017, the day of April was held on Yokohama-youth near Sakuragicho-station.
We had 2 guests and the number of participants were less than usual but the meeting started smoothly with warm atmosphere.

Our Vice President of Education, TM Nakanishi joined today’s meeting via Web from Paris.Although we were not able to hear his voice clearly, we able to see and enjoyed the view of city, Paris.
Today, TM H challenged [Word of the day’s] role first time and he introduced us the word ’upbeat’. Several members used this words during the meeting.
Today’s joke master was TM F. He entertained us with 2 unique stories. Next Tips session, TM G provided us many useful tips about Table Topicmaster using Toastmaster magazine.
Today’s Table Topismaster was one of the very experienced members, TM T. She gave us 4 questions related to Spring and a first year of school. The question which I liked was ‘On the day of the entrance ceremony, you as the president of university have to make opening remark to new fresh students. What would you say? What would you tell them? And TM S answered this question. In the past, I haven’t imagined the situation that I am a president of University, so it was very difficult but thought-provoking question for me.

In today’s speech session, we had 4 speakers.
1st Speaker, TM O was very new member and it was his ice-breaker (first speech) today. Even so, his speech was well prepared and he gave us great introduction’s speech about him.
2nd Speaker, TM T made us very heartwarming and dramatical speech about her experience with his boyfriend. Her speech’s message’ leave work stress behind’ was very clear and strong.
3rd Speaker, TM K gave us an interesting speech about his trip to New York with his grandmother. Based on his project manual, he showed many pictures as visual aid during his speech. Not only his speech itself, I also enjoyed his many pictures.
Last speaker was TM I who is one of the very experienced member in our club. His advanced manual was Entertaining Speaker and his unique speech was about his experience during his trip with family. Although he faced on big trouble at the immigration of US, he successfully flied on to Hawaii and then went back to Japan safely. The story was very interesting and exciting.

During the evaluation session, each evaluator made a great evaluation for their speakers. Especially, TM S provided very effective and appropriate advisements for TM I to make his speech better.
Today’s General evaluator was TM F and it was his first challenge to be a General Evaluator. So that, he prepared a lot before the meeting and during the session, he gave us many comments. I felt he was very nervous to challenge this role but I am sure he will be a great General evaluator next time!
TM N.Sakamoto who was Grammarian also provide many useful and informative grammatical report.

Today’s meeting was finished without any big issue and all members had a chance to speak and talk at least one time. Some members took double roles and helped each other’s.
Thank you so much for your big support to make a great meeting!!!



第639回例会レポート”Farewell” No.639th regular meeting TMOD report



まず冒頭で関西から越してこられたTM Aの入会式を行いました。

3月といえば日本では卒業シーズンであり、また、1年あまりYTMCで積極的な参画をされたTM JとTM Nの両名が母国に帰られるということでテーマを「Farewell」にしました。



などテーブルトピックマスター Tによる豊かな想像力を要する質問で楽しいセッションとなりました。

TM FのリーダーシップのワークショップやTM Hのコンテストスピーチなど
今回が最後となるTM Jが日本への思いと感謝をスピーチに乗せ、見事最優秀スピーカーを取り最後を締めくくりました。

例会後に有志でFarewell Partyを行いTM J と TM Nの前途をお祈りして大変盛り上がり印象に残った一日となりました。




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Meeting #639 has been held at Hatoba-Kaikan as usual.

Firstly, we had an induction ceremony of TM A who moved from Kansai area.
I feel induction ceremony is done at every meeting, it reminds me of my Day 1.

We never meet without a parting.
Theme of the meeting was “Farewell” since March is the season of graduation in Japan.
Also, TM J and TM N who actively involved YTMC for a year will leave Japan and are back to home country at the end of March.

Participants shared their memorable farewell stories.
Wept bitterly like the end of the world over teacher’s farewell ceremony of elementary school since farewell means eternal good-bye.
Reunited after years of separation from primary school by chance.
Graduation ceremony of university was canceled due to Tohoku earthquake.
Table topics session was held along with Farewell.
It was very interesting thanks to questions by table topic master requires rich imagination such as
“Would you make a speech to president in case president decides to retire from YTMC?”

Three prepared speech was done for the meeting. it was less than usual since we had special sessions like Workshop by TM F and Contest speech by TM H.
Speech of TM J was perfect for the finale, he won “Best speaker award” by making a fantastic speech about thoughts and appreciation for Japan.

After the regular meeting, many of participants had a party with them.
Hoping this meeting was one of the most memorable farewell for TM J and TM N.

Finally, the meeting was successfully finished with warm atmosphere throughout the day though it was my first attempt of TMOD.

Thank you all for making the meeting great.



第638回例会レポート No.638th regular meeting TMOD report


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みなさん、こんにちは~!第638回目の例会は桜木町ぴおシティ6Fよこはまユース にて行われました。






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Hello, Evrybody! The No.638 regular meeting was held at Yokohama-Youth that is near Sakuragi-cho station. I have belonged to Yokohama TMC for more than 5 years. However I came here for the first time. I felt fresh at this place.

Today we had the regular meeting, but the agenda was totally different. We set a practice session for the contest. That was for our representatives.
We held our In-house contest at the last meeting. And we decided representatives of YTMC. In this year, TM H, TM I and TM T were the representatives, and they will join Area 54 Contest that is the upper level contest compared to In-house contest. At this session, they gave their own contest speeches and obtained feedback about the speeches from members.
We thought to better their speeches from various points of view, for example body language, vocal variety, structure, delivery and so on.
I think the most important thing for the contest is “ The Power of Club”. That means the contest is not an individual play but a team play. This session proved the bond of our club. And as a TMOD, I was glad to share such a special session with members.

Also prepared speech session was very exciting!! There were two basic speeches and two advanced speeches. They performed with their own things. As a result, TM F got the best speaker title!
We enjoyed lots of speech at this meeting.

Next is Area 54 Contest.
Your support will make that contestants can give their best speech to audience. Now this is what I call “The Power of Club!!” Let’s support them.



第636回通常例会 YTMC #636 Regular Meeting (Theme “SNOW”)


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TM Tがユニークな方法で進めましたが、当たった人たちは四苦八苦。


論評のセッションは、TM Yがおこないました。
でも、さすがTM Yはそんな中でもうまくまとめていました。
また、論評も比較的新しいメンバーのTM Mが最優秀論評賞を受賞。これからの活躍に期待が持てます。



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This is the second meeting in 2017. The theme is “SNOW”. I predicted it would snow on that day but it was a fine day! Thanks for this, a lot of members and guests got together.

The meeting was held introducing their episodes regarding “SNOW”. One member’s episode was he was late for the entrance exam due to the delayed transportation by snow or some were living in the snow area and had to shovel snow for long hours! Some enjoy ski, snowboarding, hot spring, and more!

The impressive time in this meeting was Table Topic Session. TM T conducted in the very unique way but it was challenging and reanimating (←word of the day). The assigned speakers were struggling to reply to the tough questions.

At the prepared speech session, three out of four speakers used slides, and the other used some gadgets. Not only by the contents of their speeches but also visually we could enjoy them. I felt the speaking style is changing.
Due to mal-management of TMOD, the time of the evaluation session got shortened. But TM Y made a point and wrapped up very well. Sorry, Ms. General Evaluator! In this session, the relatively new member got the best. Congrats! TM M, we can expect more for his next speech.

The meeting of this time was finished in the warm and relaxing atmosphere as always so. Thanks all for making this meeting successful!



第635回新年例会 2017 New Year Meeting


Theme of Meeting: #635.was “Bird”
The meeting was staerted with video “2017 YTMC Now begin”and song “Wings to Fly”

Answers of theme were

“When I was a child I imagined birds as beautiful creatures and they can fly high. But now, when I imagine about birds, the idea certainly come into my mind is “Angry Birds.” That is how Technology changed us.”

“My image about birds are simple. My image about Birds are birds”

“Before I felt they are lovely, but now sometimes I think of bird flu.”

“As for your question, I think of the Blue Jay! The Toronto Blue Jays is the baseball team from my hometown. The Blue Jay is a native bird of Ontario, Canada and I saw many of them camping as a boy scout.”

“As to the answer to the theme, my image about the bird is “Freedom, flying over the sky as you like”

“I like a swallow, as:
– It has a beautiful shape and colors, wearing black formal suites,
with white shirts and red neck tie.
– It flys and turns with very high speed like a modern fighter,
with a beautiful acute angle.
– It was loved by people, believed to be a beneficial bird.
– Swallow is the symbol mark of my college. “

“The first thing that comes to my mind is a book called ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull (かもめのジョナサン)’, since this is probably the first English-written book I read in my life. Second comes the movie called “Birdy”, which impressed me a lot in my adolescence.”

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The Table Topic was TM J show us ruffle topics by computer.
The Workshop was “Creating the Best Club Climate ” (The Successful Club Series)
conducted by TM F. It was so benefit for members.
Speeches were
“Break time” by TM R.N from Kawasaki TMC
“Zou-no-HANA park” by TM M.N.
“Men and women – the difference”.TM N.S.
They were enchanting speeches and good at for new year meeting.
Evaluation session was condacted by General Evaluator: TM T.S.
TM A, TM T, TM I were shown us wonderful evaluation.
First meeting of 2017 was adjourn in successfully.


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例会は“2017 YTMC Now begin”の映像と、“Wings to Fly”の歌でスタートしました。





「鳥といえば、私は”Blue Jay(アオカケス)”を思い出します。トロント・ブルージェイズは私のホームタウンのベースボールチームなんです。Blue Jay(アオカケス)はカナダのオンタリオ州生来の鳥で、私がボーイスカウトでキャンプをしていたときにはたくさんのアオカケスを見かけました。」





川崎トーストマスターズから参加されたR.Nさんによる「Break time (休止期間)」



