The 555th Meeting Report: YTMC In-House Contest



The 555th YTMC regular meeting was held on Sep. 7th.

This time, we had very many contents(In-House Contest, Workshop, Induction Ceremony, Recognition for Immediate Past President etc.) and 15 guests came at the meeting!

The English and Japanese In-house contests were very exciting.
All members and guests, thank you for cheering and helping our contest!

The workshop “Mentor Mentee” from our President was very good timing.
I think that 3 new members(Mentees) are of course, 3 new Mentors also need learn.
Please do your best each other.

And we have the Recognition for Immediate Past President.
Even now, he is giving officers advices, very nice guy!

Finally, The 1st and 2nd winners of both in-house contests advance to the Area Contest on 10/6. TM N.G., TM T.M. and me, let’s do our best!

If you can make time, please cheer us.


Induction Ceremony for 3 new members.

Workshop from our President.

English award session.

Japanese award session.

Recognition for Immediate Past President.

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 554th Meeting Report



The 554th YTMC regular meeting was held on Aug. 17th.

This time, regular members were less than usual for Bon vacation. Therefore
TM H.A., TM H.S. and me had double role. Thank you for their cooperation!

And we had 6 guests at this meeting. How, 3 persons of them will become new member! I hope good luck with you and our club.


Tea time after meeting.


*** The comment from TMOD ***

The 554th YTMC regular meeting was called order by energetic voice of TM N.G.

It was our regular meeting, and it became one of the special day in this year.

Joke by TM G.M. was focused on Tall Tale Speech, and everyone laughed with story of Momotaro.

Before the Prepared Speech Session, we could hold one workshop about Tall Tale Speech, because we all Toastmasters will hold Tall Tale Speech Contest in this Autumn,

The workshop including Table Topic Session was hold in energetic way.

TM H.S. the presenter showed image and example of Tall Tale Speech and asked to audience speak Tall Tale.

Many of them raised their hand, and I couldn’t believe their comment before the meeting “I’m shy and it is difficult to speak during Table Topic Session.”

In Prepared Speech Session, our President TM N.G. also hold workshop about making speech.

I was really moved, and I learned the value of speaking in front of a lot of people.


PR again,
All Toastmasters Club in Japan will hold Tall Tale Speech Contest in this Autumn, Please check those informations, and let’s go to the contest place, and see the great speeches!


Picture-card show of Momotaro.

Our President TM N.G.

Award session!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 553th Meeting Report



The 553th YTMC regular meeting was held on Aug. 3rd.

This time, we had so many members and guests at this meeting.
Because the English champion TM Tamura visited YTMC!

Fortunately, we heard the champion’s great speech and workshop.
It was so exciting!


Many members and guests!

Wow!? Japanese champion TM S.K also visited!


*** The comment from TMOD ***

Many of us heard the champion’s speech once already in Nagoya Spring Conference.
The wonderful speech should be heard again and again.

The every time we hear it, the appreciation enhances.

It was such a pleasure to invite TM Tamura to the YTMC venue.
Yokohama members as well as 27 guests heard the precious stories behind the winning speech.

In addition to it, TM Tamura kindly offered us some tips for speech preparation.

I am very happy that YTMC officers put this successful meeting together.
I wonder what exciting meetings will be planned by President Nirupam and his team.


Award session!

The English champion TM Tamura!

All members and guests again!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 552th Meeting Report



The 552th YTMC regular meeting was held on Jul. 20th.

This time, TM E.Y and TM M.H had double role. Thank you for their cooperation!
And we had very many guests(How 8 persons!) at this meeting. I was very surprised and happy.

Additionally, the first time VPE TM R.K conducted YTMC briefing session for new members before regular meeting. It was nice challenge. I hope this session is continued.


By the way, here is my question!

What is a good speech?

Next time, we will find the answer here.

Fortunately, all members have a chance to hear it.

Don’t miss this big invaluable opportunity!!



YTMC_551_20130706_01YTMC briefing session!

YTMC_551_20130706_19Award session!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 551th Meeting Report



The 551th YTMC regular meeting was held on Jul. 6th.
It was the first meeting during 2013-2014 terms.

There were 4 prepared speakers on this meeting.
And 3rd speaker, TM H.S’s song and action were so fun!

In addition, we had many members and guests at this meeting. It was very active.


By the way, I have a big information.
August 3rd, fortunately, the Champion will visit YTMC!! 

Please check the flyer for details.

Don’t miss this wonderful, invaluable opportunity!


New officers!

Many members and guests!

Award session!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 550th Meeting Report



The 550th YTMC regular meeting was held on Jun. 15th.
It was a last meeting during 2012-2013 terms.

There were 3 prepared speakers on this meeting. And 1st speaker, TM K.S pretended to be the NY tour guide in her speech!
She brought a night view picture in NY and miniature Statue of Liberty,
and explained about good things of NY to us.
I’ve never been to NY. So I’d like to go there!

In addition, we had the special event that is new officer’s induction ceremony!!
They lead YTMC from next month. And next president is….

TM Nirupam Gupta!!!!

He is one of the most energetic YTMC members!!
We try to various attempts in a time span of a year.

New YTMC starts on Jul. 6th. I’m looking forward to the next meeting!

Don’t miss it!!


1st speaker TM K.S!!

Next president TM Nirupam!!

Award session!!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!


The 548th Meeting Report



The 548 YTMC meeting was held at Gino Bunka Kaikan.

The next officers were elected today and their term will start from July.
The new elected officers are followed;

President                   TM Nirupam
VP Education             TM Koganei
VP Membership         TM Taketomi
VP Public Relations   TM Marutani
Secretary                    TM Rolando
Treasurer                    TM Takanashi
Sergeant-At-Arms       TM Tabuchi

We hope these officers will draw new pages in the YTMC history.

As you know, time management is important for toastmasters,
but it is difficult to keep it every time.
If there are many information which you want to share with your members,
you have to pick up most important topics for your members.

Next meeting will NOT be held regularly on May 18, because of the D76 Speech Contest in Nagoya.

We will meet the 25th Anniversary Meeting at Hatoba Kaikan and Party at Jukei Hanten Bekkan, respectively, on June 1st.
Let’s enjoy memorial meeting and party!


Today winners TM H.A, TM T.M and TMOD TM G.M

Tea time after the meeting

If you want to see more photos, please click here!!


The 547th Meeting Report



The 457th YTMC regular meeting was held at Hatoba kaikan on Apr. 20th.

Then our president, TM T.M said ‘Today is last normal regular meeting in current officer’s term.”
How time flies!!!
So officers, let’s enjoy remaining term!!

Today we had a special guest. She is Toastmasters in Paris. Wow!!
Then she was assigned to evaluator suddenly, and she took table topic speaker. So I’m sure she enjoyed our meeting!

In the next meeting, we have a plan of election for deciding next officers. It is most important event in our club.
The venue is Gino-bunka-kaikan. Not Hatoba!! Please be careful.



Our president!!

Award session!!

If you want to see more photos, please click here!!


The 545th Meeting Report



The 545th YTMC meeting was held at Kannai on Mar.2nd. The venue of the meeting was artifice room of Gino-Bunka-Kaikan.
It was quite different from usual, but I thought it’s OK sometimes!!

In this meeting, TM T.Y took presentation of YTMC 25th anniversary within 15min.
We will hold 25th anniversary event on Jun.1st, and he is steering committee chair of this event.
He explained YTMC members in detail about this event. Some members asked questions.
And TM N.G is making the DVD for 25th anniversary, and he showed a video picture to YTMC members in this presentation.
It is halfway yet, but very nice video picture!!!
I can’t wait to be completed!!!

And today, there were four speakers. One of them was a male, the others were females.
Then I recalled tomorrow is Hina-Matsuri which is girl’s festival in Japan, and I thought today’s prepared speech session is Ohina-sama version!!
One Odairi-sama, and three Ohina-sama!
And…TM M.K won the award for the prepared speech session!! Congratulation!!!
She is the youngest member in YTMC.
I’m looking forward to her future progress!!

On Mar.16th, Area 42 contest is scheduled. YTMC is a host club for this contest.
And TM T.Y and TM T.M will join it as a contestant.
So let’s provide the best contest together, and let’s cheer for two contestants!!!


Table Topics session

Award session!

Tea time after meeting

If you want to see more photos, please click here!!


The 543th Meeting Report



The 543th YTMC meeting was held at Hatoba Kaikan, our home ground, on Feb 2nd.
Today there were three prepared speakers,and new member TM N.S gave first speech in YTMC!!
He was nervous, but his speech was nice, and his theme of speech was interesting.
I’m looking forward to his next speech!!

Today’s best prepared speaker was TM E.Y She talked about her experience of YTMC officers.
She said” Sometimes officer’s work is hard, but those improve my communication skill and leadership skill.”
Election of YTMC officers will be held on May in this year.
Let’s go up for officers in order to improve your skills!!

Next meeting is In-house contest! It is very exciting event in YTMC. So please join us!


Winners, TMOD and Table Topics speakers

Big lemon!!!

first PARTY!!

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