新年最初の英語スピーチ例会。2019年も横浜から楽しい英語スピーチを発信します! 第682回例会レポート


第682回例会レポート #682 TMOD Meeting Report

2019年第1回目のミーティングは1月5日に波止場会館にて行われました。ミーテイング・テーマは “今年の抱負”と 毎年初にはいつも選ばれそうな凡庸なテーマでしたが、皆様からの回答は面白いのは当然ですが まじめで 身につまされる解答も多くありました。
急な病気のため 1つのスピーチがキャンセルとなりましたが 役の無くなった論評者がAgenda Timer を喜んで引き受けて頂くなど スムーズに進行致しました。


テーブルトピック・モデレーターは 範囲の広い話題で わかり易い楽しい質問でした。

3つのスピーチはいずれもPathways baseで それぞれ異なるジャンルのスピーチで それぞれ印象的でした。各スピーチはそれぞれの論評者によってポイントをついた評価がなされ、エバリュエーションセッションは大変良くまとめられていました。ミーティング全体として 皆様の協力もあって スムーズに行われたと思います。


The first meeting in 2019 was held on Jan.05 at Hatoba Kaikan. The meeting theme was “New Year’s Resolution” which was a mediocre theme in this season, but I was impressed with the answers, as the most of the theme related answers from role takers were serious, meaningful, and interesting ones.
Unfortunately, one speech was canceled due to the speaker’s sudden illness, but his evaluator kindly accepted the Agenda Timer’s role. Joke speech was interesting and funny. Table Topic moderator asked well-selected questions covering broad areas. 3 prepared speeches were based on Pathways, and they were very well done.

They were relatively serious and impressive ones. Each evaluator gave serious evaluations of the corresponding speech. Each speech was evaluated very well, and Evaluation session was done smoothly and successfully. Overall, the meeting was done smoothly.

However, I had some difficulties with the preparation for the meeting as a TMOD. First, I need to apologize that all member address I used was not effective today at all, and it caused the whole process delayed. Also, it caused many inconveniences in the year-end season. Also, I confess it is difficult to get all confirmations, all answers to theme related questions, speech information in this vacation season.



即興で英語スピーチするコツを教えてください! 現役英語教師のスペシャリストが秘訣を伝授してくれました。第681回例会レポート








横浜トーストマスターズクラブ 会長F



  The last meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club in 2018 was the special workshop named “Table Topics Boor Camp” held on Dec. 15.
“Table Topics” is an impromptu speech session in which randomly pointed members make a short speech for one or two minutes for various questions from the topic master. At a regular meeting, we have Table Topics session for twenty to thirty minutes, and around ten members answer a question without preparation. It is quite difficult. So we held a special workshop specific to table topics for two and a half hours in this “Table Topics Boot Camp”.

  We invited TM W (Atsugi-Zama TMC) as an instructor. He is an English teacher at high school, won the second prize at Toastmasters International Speech Contest, has held a lot of workshop about Table Topics.

  First, we made a group of four people and every member made an impromptu speech in each group. We used questions that each member wrote down on paper and shuffled.
Next, TM W gave us a lecture about table topics speech technique simply.
Then we made a speech again in each group of four. At that time, we answered the same question as before. So we could answer better than the first time. We could practice what we learned and I felt I could get the sense of table topics speech more or less.
Lastly, we had a regular table topic session together.
Besides, we had feedback and Q&A session and two and a half hours went by fast.


  The most impressive thing that I learned from TM W is “In Table Topics Speech, don’t pay attention to your feeling. Pay attention just to the question.”
In addition, TM W smiled all the time and lectured with humor. It was impressive, too. Thanks to that, I think everyone was able to relax and enjoy the workshop.
Personally speaking, I was always nervous at table topics session before, but this is the first time for me to have such a fun time in table topics.
I’d like to make the most of what I’ve learned in the workshop, and raise the level of table topics speech little by little.

Thank you everyone who participated in the workshop.
And TM W, thank you so much!

Yokohama Toastmasters Club
President F


寒さに負けるな!熱気あふれる英語スピーチクラブ! 第680回例会レポート


第680回例会レポート #680 TMOD Meeting Report

YTMC Meeting No.680はとても楽しい会合でした。
今日の単語は “illustrious”でした。








YTMC Meeting No.680 was so Enjoyable. Word of the day was “illustrious”.
Intonation was a little bit difficult but useful.
TM T leaded meaningful workshop “Mentoring”.
We could realize how “Mentoring ” was so important for new members.
Dec.1st was The Day of Movie.

So we enjoyed table topics for about movies. Speech session had 3 speakers.
How to control the anger, what is Russia, how to change the job, were
very interesting.

Best Table Topic Speaker was TM M.
Best Evaluator was TM O.
Best speaker was TM H

We had 2 guests,
They said enjoyed meeting and want to watch and learn more about movies.

All of the attendees, thank you very much for your support.

Member’s Favorite Movies as following.
Let’s watch them in year-end holidays.


“The Greatest Showman”
“Ocean’s Eight”
“Bohemian Rhapsody”
“2001 Space Odyssey”
“Out & Out”
“Mirai no Mirai”
“Back to the Feurter2”


Queen of Snow
Battleship Potemkin


秋はまだまだ、英語スピーチを楽しもう! 第679回例会レポート


第679回例会レポート #679 TMOD Meeting Report



例会の冒頭、著名なクラブ表彰のセレモニーがあり、我々横浜トーストマスターズはPresident Distinguished Clubという上位10%程度しか与えられない貴重な表彰をいただきました。

続いては、ミーティングテーマ。今日のテーマは「Autumn Leave」(紅葉)。おすすめの紅葉スポットはどこですか?偶然にも今日の言葉と一致しました。皆さんからいただいた紅葉スポットをいくつかご紹介しました。最後にNさんから焼き芋を推薦されました。美味しそうですね。


「Table Topic session」ではSさんが進行。カゴから選んだ著名人を説明するというユニークな進め方でした。ユニークな進め方で皆さんは大変楽しんでいました。本日ゲストで来られた方も回答され会場は盛り上がりました。

今日の「Speech Session」は4名。

休憩の後、総合評論者のOさんの進行による「Evaluate Session」。

今回は初めてのTMOD。例会をコントロールできるのか不安がありましたが、Agenda TimerのTさんの正確なタイマーでスケジュール通りに運営できました。有難うございました。


The 679th Meeting was held on November 17 at the Hiranuma Memorial Rest House the same place as the last meeting. A Speech evaluator was absent in the morning. We need a substitute, but we were able to get it with teamwork. I felt that communication from every day will be useful in case of emergency.
Before the regular meeting, “Business English consultation meeting” was held. We were able to share valuable information that can’t get from a book from experience of an overseas resident.
At the beginning of the meeting, We had a club awards ceremony, We Yokohama Toastmasters Club were awarded a valuable award “President Distinguished Club”. It was given only to the top 10%.

Last president TM.T was presented with a commendation ribbon, and a new history has been added to our club, which celebrated its 30th-anniversary last year.
In the meeting, TM.I introduced “Today’s word”. Today’s word is “Leave”. “Leave” has many meanings and uses. Please use it a lot.
Next, the meeting theme. Today’s theme is “Autumn Leave” (KO-YO), where is the recommended place for seeing Autumn leaves? It’s same as the word of today!
I introduced recommended some spots from everyone. In the end, TM.N was recommended sweet potato. It is delicious.
After explaining each role, “Joke Session”. TM. N gave a joke speech fluency.
It is very difficult to take a laugh in English, but surely, she took a laugh.
In “Table Topic session”, TM.S conducted. This session was unique to explain celebrities chosen from the basket.
Everyone enjoyed it in a unique way. Two guests also enjoyed very well. The venue was very excited.

Today’s “Speech Session” is 4 people.
TM. S gave a speech that significance to protect coral reefs. The speech was a long speech with Q&A and response and 15-minutes long speech completed.
The next Speaker is TM.K. Today was his birthday, so it was a memorial speech.
TM. K isn’t good at preparing in advance. Today he didn’t prepare anything to dare, and he did his best speech as he can.
Next is TM.A. In association with the scent of “KINMOKUSEI”, she gave a speech about bitter memories in her school days. Everyone was impressed by her powerful speech.
Finally TM. O He is going to participate in the Kanagawa -ken rookie competition held in this December. His speech was a preparation for the competition.
So, He gave a serious speech just like a real contest.
After the break, “Evaluate Session” conducted by general evaluator TM.O.
Each evaluator was an experienced person and gave an accurate evaluation of each speech. Especially it was very impressive that TM. A gave a hard evaluation in order to get a successful speech in competition.

Following the report from each role, the meeting progressed the final stage. We had the award session.
The best table topic speaker was TM.O. The best evaluator were two persons TM. A and TM.M and the same point. The best speaker was TM.O. Congratulations!
This was the first TMOD. I was worried that I could control the meeting, but I managed to conduct it on schedule through the strict control of Agenda Timer by TM.T. Thank you.



横浜の秋の深まりと英語スピーチを楽しむスピーチマラソン開催! 第678回例会レポート


第678回例会レポート #678 TMOD Meeting Report




本日のWord-of-the-dayは、Kさんです。”Note” ということで動詞や名詞として比較的使いやすい言葉が登場しました。

いつも通り各役割担当者自身による役割の説明に続き、テーブルトピックセッションではTさん司会による”Mentor or Mentee”を主題にした即興スピーチセッションが行われました。「何をMenteeにアドバイスをするか」「Mentorから何のアドバイスを授かったか」など、もしかしたら普段あまり意識をしていないものの、トーストマスターズにおいては重要な機能について思い起こす良い機会となりました。

Hさんは ”Will AI replace teachers?” というタイムリーなお題目でした。中学校の現職英語教師であらせられる人による真摯なスピーチであり、感銘を受けた聴衆者が多く見受けられました。内容の濃いフィードバックが多く寄せられたのではないかと推察します。
Nさん は “Early Bird” というお題目で、「早起きは3文の徳」を実践なさっているお話でした。見習うと良いことがあるかもしれません。
Oさん は数ヶ月前に入会され、今回は2回目のスピーチであるものの堂々となさっていました。お題目は “Marketing in Japan” ということでご自身の仕事内容を土台としながら、国際商取引きの内容を普遍的に図解してくださいました。
Tさん は入会後、最初のスピーチでお題目は “Initiation to the fishery Industry” というものでご自身の漁業と共に歩んできた半生記と自己紹介を兼ねたものでした。何となく壮大な絵巻でも見ているような感覚に陥りました。
Mさんは”Runtastic-Night Excursion”というお題目で、ご自身のランニングで使用している便利なアプリの説明と夜の横浜ランニングコースを写真付きで紹介していただきました。妖しい夜のお店も登場しそうになりアダルトの世界に誘っていただきました。
Hさんは”My Communication Style”というお題目で、いつもの手慣れたスピーチの秘密が少し垣間見れた感じがしました。




678th regular meeting was held at Hiranuma Kinen Rest House which is located nearby to Yokohama Bunka Taiiku-kan and having a meeting at this venue seems to be for tor the first time. Both facilities, which are not so new at all, make us feel something as if we were back to Showa era.
At the beginning of a meeting preparation, I had to seek one speech evaluator out of six speech evaluators and thankfully a voluntary candidate was offered immediately by some members.
This admirable assistance made me feel confident and ease of keeping on my duties.
The short of role takers also required an assist from other club members and we asked one person for a timekeeper accordingly.

Before the regular meeting, a one-hour ad-hoc meeting was offered and conducted by Toastmaster A for a free-discussion relating to English learning tips. Many discretional participants seem to have been enjoying the meeting. I bet many members look forward to joining the 2nd round of the meeting before the next-next regular meeting.

It was Culture Day so to facilitate choosing a meeting theme, “Culture Shock” In the opening, I talked about my experience what I was amazed in Osaka. Despite it was one of my original favorite fake stories (I have ever talked it to Toastmaster N personally before) and I had been assured to make the audience feel extremely funny (surely telling them it was a fake story), it was not so successful in fact. In my view, I found I had some issues on it: the content made fun of Osaka people slightly; some expressions might be substituted with other effective ones to make the story more attractive; failed to speak smoothly in the most important part to make my audience laugh.

Word-of-the-day by Toastmaster K was, “Note” He gave us a word we could use relatively easily in verb or noun when we delivered a speech or spoke something in the meeting. After having a role explanation by respective role takers, as usual, Toastmaster T as a Table Topic Master conducted a table topic session. Every topic she put forward were based on or referred to mentee or mentor in Toastmasters e.g. “What will you advise to your mentee?” or “What kind of advice have you ever received from your mentor?” She gave us an opportunity to remind ourselves an important function in Toastmasters we tend to forget occasionally.

We had 6 speakers in the prepared speech session. “Will AI replace teachers” by Toastmaster H, who is a junior high school English teacher, was a timely topic and her honest thoughts gave us something to consider a lot. I suppose she received many valuable feedbacks from the audience.
“Early Bird” by Toastmaster N is a story about herself who enjoys getting up early in the morning. We may have something lucky if we do the same. “Marketing in Japan” by Toastmaster O, who joined the club just a few months ago, illustrated a world trading business with overhead projector briefly based on his current business. His speech looked confident enough despite it was only his 2nd-time speech. “Initiation to the fishery Industry” by Toastmaster T, who joined the club recently and it was his 1st-time speech, was his self-introduction along with his long journey with the fishery industry. Because of his extensive experience including his expatriate life several times, I felt as if I was watching a spectacular pageant.
”Runtastic-Night Excursion” by Toastmaster M was about a useful app on running along with his Yokohama night excursion on running one day by demonstrating with an overhead projector. I bet nightclub enthusiasts also enjoyed his speech.
”My Communication Style” by Toastmaster H revealed something about the well-determined speeches he delivered consistently.

The evaluation session was conducted by a general evaluator, Toastmaster A. We had 6 individual evaluators for each speech. All the evaluators today were an experienced member or a member who are just back from the USA after an expatriate so that we had a good opportunity to learn fruitful evaluations.

The best table topic speaker was awarded to Toastmaster As (a guest from Zama Toastmaster club?), the best evaluator was awarded to Toastmaster SN, and the best-prepared speaker was awarded to Toastmaster M.



英語でハロウィンを楽しもう例会! 第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


テーマはTrick or Treat. オープニングでは私の北米での始めてのハロウィン体験談をさせていただきました。Trick or Treat.も安全面から治安のよいところでないとなかなか行われないとのこと、世の中いい人ばかりではないのはどの国も同じですね。Trick or Treatで子供たちに振舞われるお菓子はもともとリンゴ飴だったのはご存知ですか?リンゴに針などを仕込む人が出てきたりもして、もはや見知らぬ人の手作りのものは食べられない時代になってしまったのはちょっと悲しいですね。

本日のWord of the dayは、T.Sさん。ハロウィンらしくHorrifiedを挙げてくれました。Horror、Horrifyなどなど恐怖や怖がるなどという意味ですが、びっくりするという意味でも使われる単語です。








Regular meeting #677 was close to Halloween. According to the president’s request, all members wore a costume. I dressed up as a devil.
The meeting venue was different from the regular one, and right next to the pub where we also have regular off-site meetings.

The meeting theme was “Trick or Treat”. I talked my first experience of Halloween in North America for the opening. “Trick or Treat” is the only for safe residence area. There always are some bad people as every country does. The sweets giving away to children used to be a candy apple. Those bad people hid a needle in a candy apple so that nowadays, we cannot eat a sweet provided by strangers anymore. That’s sad though.
More and more Halloween custom has been becoming widespread in Japan. But it is mostly like a costume parade event just to have fun. You can see the products related to Halloween in the season on a front shelf everywhere. The Halloween is becoming more commercial as well as North America.

Anyway, the meeting starting with a costume. Toastmaster T.S raised horrified” for the word of the day which fit Halloween-like. “Horror” and “Horrify” are another word class for “Horrified” meaning scary but it can be used for surprised in some context.

Joke master was Toastmaster O who has a high hope in our club. Telling joke is quite difficult for Japanese, but he did a really good job with three jokes.

Table topic master was Toastmaster N who also is a promising new member. The theme was ” How do you answer the question regarding Japan when you’re asked by Americans”. It was a good theme since lots of Japanese have an experience being asked regarding Japanese culture, custom and history by non-Japanese. Japanese needs to prepare to answer those type of questions because the world is becoming more and more globalized recently. The questions were simple but difficult to answer. The table topic session was very interesting.

We have four prepared speakers including two experienced speakers, Toastmaster N who is currently ongoing manual “Storytelling” and Toastmaster K who talks about music. They were all good especially the one with “Parkinson’s disease” title. We had Q & A time in his speech
and learned lots of thing about Parkinson’s disease.

Today’s general evaluator is Toastmaster M with four evaluators for each speech. Evaluators gave good points and some advice to speakers.

The best table topic speaker was Toastmaster T who answered the question regarding the population in Japan. The best evaluator was Toastmaster H.I who always gets the point with a keen observation and cute voice. The best speaker was Toastmaster I who gave a speech
regarding Parkinson’s disease.

We had a photo time wearing a costume at the end of the meeting. I was thinking the president dressed up as a cow but actually, he was a dog of “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”. Sorry!!



英語好き集まれ!英語を話す機会を増やそう! 第676回例会レポート #676 TMOD Meeting Report


第676回例会レポート #676 TMOD Meeting Report


例会の冒頭でTM Sが”今日の言葉”として「bustle(せわしく働く、急ぐ、にぎわう), bustling(せわしい、騒がしい、ざわめいた)」を紹介しました。例会の度に新しい単語やボキャブラリーが増えるのもトーストマスターズの楽しみの一つです。

最初のセッションはTM Kの司会で即興英語スピーチセッションです。TM Kから指名されたメンバーは即座に質問に回答しなければなりません。経験豊富なメンバーでも緊張するセッションです。TM Kの最後の質問は「How do you learn English?」。英語好きが集まる会場は誰が回答するか興味深々でしたが、ベテラン英語講師のTM Nが「反復練習が重要」と全員納得の回答でセッションを締めくくりました。

続いて準備スピーチセッションに移ります。4名のメンバーが趣向を凝らしたスピーチを披露しました。TM Nは”Guilty Pleasure(後ろめたい喜び)”に対する自身の造語”Official Pleasure”を紹介。とても日本的な発想に会場の笑いを誘いました。TM Fのスピーチは、タイトルこそ”何も期待するな!”と厳しいものでしたが、幸せな日常を送るヒントを伝えるスピーチでした。TM Sはトーストマスターズ入会前のエピソードをユーモラスに話ました。TM Sは入会前にトーストマスターズがカルト集団ではないか心配したとのこと。会場は大きな笑いに包まれました。TM Tはパワーポイントで統計や図を効果的に使い「便利さは人を成長させるのか?」という素晴らしいビジネスプレゼンを披露しました。


メンバーの投票の結果、ベスト即興スピーカーにはTM T、ベスト準備スピーカーにはTM S、ベスト論評者にはTM Nが選ばれました。最近入会したTM Nは初めての論評でしたがベスト論評者を受賞しました。TM Nの並々ならぬ実力を感じさせ、今後の活躍が楽しみです。


私は横浜トーストマスターズに入って2回目の司会者“TMOD: Toastmaster Of the Day”でしたが、メンバーの温かい協力で大変楽しくこなすことができました。メンバーの皆さん、有り難うございました。


Twenty members of Yokohama Toastmasters Club attended the 676th regular meeting on autumn weekend that warmed up after a long time. The theme of the meeting was “Autumn”.
The meeting was started introducing each member’s speaking of autumn.

TM S introduced “bustle” and “bustling” as a word of the day at the beginning of the meeting. It is one of our pleasures to get new words and vocabulary each meeting.

First session was impromptu speech session that we call “Table topics”. TM K hosted this session.
The members asked by TM K must immediately answer his questions. Even experienced members will be nervous in this session. The last question of TM K was “How do you learn English?”
The members were curious about who answered and how answered this question. The veteran English teacher TM N closed off this session with “Repetition of practice is the most important” as an answer.

The meeting moved on to the second session, preparatory speech session. Four members presented speeches with interesting tastes. TM N introduced her own coined word “Official Pleasure” against “Guilty Pleasure”. Her very Japanese idea invited the laughter of the members. TM F’s speech title “Do not expect anything!” was hard, but it was a speech that conveyed tips to send happy daily life. TM S humorously talked about the episode of Toastmasters before joining. TM S worried that Toastmasters was a cult group before joining. The venue was surrounded by big laugh. TM T demonstrated a wonderful business presentation which title was “Does convenience grow people?”. He used statistics, figures and graphs effectively in his slides.

The third session was the evaluation session. Four evaluators commented on the speeches on 4 speakers. Evaluators require an ability to make motivative and useful suggestion to speakers to improve their next speeches in a short time. By being evaluators, communication skills which used in business are trained. All the speakers who received advice from each evaluators seemed satisfied. So, this session was a great success.

As a result of the member’s vote, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM T, Best Prepared Speaker was TM S, Best Evaluator was TM N. Newcomer TM N was the first time as a evaluator, but he received the best evaluator award. I felt TM N’s extraordinary skill and I was looking forward to his future success as a Toastmaster.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. T’s induction ceremony was held.
TM T, Welcome to Yokohama Toastmasters. All members are welcome.

This meeting was my second times as a TMOD(Toastmaster of the Day). But thanks to the cooperation of the members, I was able to do well with a lot of fun. Thank you.

After finishing this big role, I drank delicious beer with wonderful members.



食欲の秋、スポーツの秋、いやいや英語スピーチの秋でしょう! 第675回例会レポート #675 TMOD Meeting Report


第675回例会レポート #675 TMOD Meeting Report


さてこの日、TM Fによって紹介された今日の言葉はOkeydokey でした。今日の言葉を例会中に使うと罰金が減る決まりになっているので、メンバーは例会中に機会を捉え、よく今日の言葉を自分のスピーチに取り入れます。当日も、TM Fが使いやすい言葉を選んでくれたお蔭で、Okeydokeyはしっかりとメンバーの頭に記憶された事でしょう。

皮きりに、TM Mがジョーク・セッションで場の雰囲気を一気に和ませました。万人受けするジョークを思いつくのは簡単ではありませんが、生来のエンターティナーTM Mは持ち前の明るく良く通る声、表情豊かな表情、ひょうきんなジェスチャーをもって観客を大いに沸かせました。

テーブルトピックは横浜トーストマスターの皆のお母さん的存在のTM Tの進行の下、和やかに進みました。
指名されたメンバーは、トランプのババ抜きの様にTM Tからカードを引き、そのカードの裏に書かれた問題を答えます。楽しいアイデアでした。
当日は、厚木座間トーストマスターからTM W をゲストに迎えました。突然の予期せぬ質問にも動ぜず、臨機応変にユーモアで応える鍛え抜かれたスピーチに全員が聴きほれました。観衆を喜ばせる程の優れたスピーチがなされる場に直に遭遇することは、特に新しいメンバーにとって、素晴らしい刺激となりました。TM W、またのお越しをお待ちしております。

通常例会は4本の準備スピーチがあります。TM K がトーストマスターで培われた友情について語り、TM H はSMS の有益性と有害性について客観的な事実をもとに論理的にスピーチを展開し、TM S は準備体操の有益性を体全体で説明し、大変ユーモラスに観客を沸かせました。そして最後のスピーカーTM K は彼らしい意欲的な切り口で、今までの仕事の数々の経験で勝ち得た素晴らしい成果を熱く語りました。

特にTM N.Sには、他の論評者が数分前に行った論評について、同じ3分という時間制限で論評しなければならないというベテランならではの試練が与えられました。
論評に安定した自分の型をもっているTM Tがベストに選ばれました。安定した論評者の論評は聴いていて安心感があります。理路整然としているからでしょうか?論評は早く自分のスタイルを確立することがコツなのかな、と彼の論評を聴き感じました。
今回私は2回目となるTMOD(Toast Master Of the Day)の役を務めさせて頂きました。前回とくらべ、細かい台本を用意していったつもりでしたが、実際に動いてみるとまだ穴があり、分かっているのにするべきことを忘れてしまったり、順番を間違えたりと結構失敗をしてしまいました。

こんなふうに考えられるようになったのは横浜トーストマスターを構成する一人一人のメンバーのお蔭です。こんな英語クラブは、なかなかないですよね? 大変有難いことです。
是非、皆さんもそんな雰囲気を体験しに来ませんか? お節介好きなメンバー一同、熱い気持ちで皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。


Twenty avid members of Yokohama Toastmasters Club got together for a regular meeting on Saturday afternoon of Sep.

15th, the first day of three-day weekend, though it was drizzling all day. Three days before and after Sep. 1st are designated as the National Disaster Prevention Week in Japan, so the question; Are you prepared for unpredictable-sized natural disasters? , was asked to all role takers before coming to the meeting.
Japan is composed of beautiful islands where distinctive nature of four seasons can be enjoyed throughout the country, but at the same time, this means unpredictable natural disasters can hit us anytime, anywhere. Natural disasters are something unavoidable for the people of Japan. It’s best to prepare for the worst regularly.
In order to enhance the disaster prevention awareness of the club members, I asked the question above to each role taker during the meeting, however, the numbers of people  who answered ‘No’ was more than I expected, which was rather shocking to me!
Natural disasters can happen to any of us. It is also said that once it hits us, the restoration of basic infrastructure will take for a few days, or worse, for a few weeks.
So, if your answer was ‘No’, I strongly recommend that you make sure of your emergency supplies at home as soon as possible.

The word-of-the-day at the meeting was “Okeydokey”. By our club’s rule, if you use the word-of-the-day, the amounts of your silence-filler-fine will go down in accordance with the times you use that word, which makes members try to use the word more often. Thanks to the TM F’s nice choice of word, I am sure the word ‘Okeydokey’ was also strongly stored in attendants’ minds.

Firstly, TM M brightened up the atmosphere with the Joke session. Although it is not easy to think of funny jokes that can be well received by people of all ages, he proved himself to be a born entertainer with his unique style of presenting speeches. His clear voice, expressive face, and comical gesture were good enough to win the applause from the audience.

The Table Topic session went smoothly in a warm atmosphere by the effort of TM T, whose presence is always like a big mom of our club.
Just like a baba-picking of a Japanese card game, an assigned member picks a card from TM T, then answers the question written on a card. It was a fresh idea!
We had an honorable guest, TM W, from Atsugi-Zama Toastmasters Club on that day. We were all enthralled by his witty answers that entertained the whole floor. It was a great opportunity especially for novices in our club to observe an experienced Toastmaster handling a table topic question flexibly with ease. Please come and see us again, TM W, to show us the path to follow.

We had four prepared speeches that day. TM K talked about the friendship he had made at Toastmasters Clubs. TM H maintained her opinion about the benefits and risks of using SNS with some concrete evidences, TM S made us laugh to roll on the floor with his comical radio exercise during his speech!! The Final speaker TM K impressed us passionately on what he has won through his multiple job experiences.

The latter part of the meeting was started with the evaluation session, led by an experienced TM H.I. It is not an easy job to evaluate a speech that was made just a while ago within three minutes, what is more, in English!
Evaluators are required to concentrate on the context of the speech, being very busy deciding on what to omit and what to comment in the three-minute evaluation.
Excellent evaluators are not made in a day. They are self-trained to be the one through hundreds of practices.
Especially TM N.S, an advanced Toastmaster, had a suitable tough task to make another evaluation on one of the evaluator’s speeches.
TM T won the best award for the evaluator, for he has a concrete frame-work to be used at the evaluation, which adds more persuasiveness to his evaluation speech. It might be helpful to build our own evaluation style to give a good presentation like TM T.
It was my second time doing TOMD role. I had prepared the detailed script for the meeting but actually, it didn’t turn out good enough; I forgot something to do or did something in a wrong way…
Nevertheless, this didn’t spoil the whole meeting, for there was always warm atmosphere during the meeting, and I was really relieved that I could return the control of a meeting to our president, TM F, without an unacceptable delay.
The warm ambience of Yokohama Toastmasters Club never lets you down or makes you feel ashamed when you make some mistakes at a meeting,
I feel that you can learn something only where you can be yourself, rather than in a place where you become nervous. It is not a shame to make mistakes. Let’s think positive. Making a mistake is a great thing because you can learn from it. My three- year experience in Yokohama Toastmasters club has made me a different person to think that way.
I owe my progress in command of English to every member of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club. You can hardly find such a wonderful English club, can’t you? I am very thankful about it.
If you are interested, please come to our club and feel the friendly atmosphere yourself. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you at our meetings!



楽しみながらプレゼンとヒアリングを学ぶ英語スピーチマラソン開催 第674回例会レポート


第674回例会レポート #674 TMOD Meeting Report


今回はスピーチマラソンを開催し6名の方が準備してきたスピーチを行いました。TM. Sから本日のWord of the Dayは「Memorable」であることが発表されました。今回は新しい門出へと旅立つ方もいて、まさにMemorableな会となりました!

各Role Takerから役割の説明があった後、TM.Nによるテーブルトピックセッションが始まりました。この即興のスピーチセッションはトーストマスターズの神髄です。このセッションはランダムにスピーカーを当てて、その場で2分間のスピーチをするというもので、会場はドキドキモードになるのですが、今回はTM.Nによるリードのおかげで皆さんリラックスし、楽し気なユーモア満載のスピーチが多かったです。その中でもTM.Aのガールズトーク的なネタをベースにした小話に会場は笑いの渦に巻き込まれました。(もちろん、TM.AがBest Table topic speakerです)

今回はスピーチマラソンなので、なんと6名の方が畳みかけるようにスピーチを行いました。 TM. Aによる「トーストマスターズと私」を皮切りに、TM. Hによる「フォスターケア(里親制度)」、TM. Mによる「飛行機が飛ぶ不思議の解明」、TM. Tによる「大問題!日本のホームレス」、TM. Sによる「病気になる計画」、TM.Nによる「少しだけ私について」です。

今回は社会的なスピーチや、自分の家族を題材にしたユーモア満載スピーチ、型にはまらない自由な表現のアイスブレークと多岐にわたるジャンルのスピーチがあり、学習あり、笑いあり、納得ありの連続でした。なかでもTM.Aの親子三代でトーストマスターズに入会したい!という意気込みが皆の心をとらえ、Best Prepared Speaker に選ばれました。TM.Aは産休に入り少しお休みをとります。元気な赤ちゃんとともにトーストマスターズに戻ってきてくださいね!

今回のGeneral EvaluatorはTM.Kです。今回の会は私とほぼ同時期に入会したメンバーが主要なロールを担当した会ですので「2018年入会組」による会といってもよいでしょう!TM.Kは適格にTime Managementの重要性を伝えておりました。
Best General Evaluatorは飛行機シュミレーションゲームはまっているTM.Iです。




The 674th regular meeting was held at Hatoba-kaikan where is one of the best location of Yokohama city on September 1st(Saturday). It is getting cooler and we felt the sign of Autumn. This time, we conducted “Speech Marathon” event that 6 speakers gave the prepared speech. Today`s word of the day is “Memorable” introduced by TM.S. Today, we had members who has a Journey to the next step, so it is truly Memorable day for us.

After the explanation of each role, the table topic scission was begun. The table topic scission is the most exciting part of Toastmasters and each member is giving around 2 minutes of impromptu speech without any preparation! Usually, all members are little bit nerves, but this time, by fantastic lead by TM.N, everyone was so relaxed and enjoyed giving speeches with humor. Especially, the speech by TM.A which are based of story of ”Girl`s Talk” was always full of big laughter. (Of course, TM.A got the best table topic speaker!)

This time, we had 6 speakers gave wonderful speeches..
“Toastmasters and Me” by TM.A,  
“Foster Care” by TM.H,
“Reveal the mystery of flying plane” by TM.M,  
“A big issue: Homeless in Japan” by TM.T,  
“Plan to get Sick” by TM.S,
“A little about me” by TM.N.
There were wide range of topics from serious speech about social issue to humorous speech about family. Among those, TM.A who will have a maternity leave showed her wish to attend Toastmasters over three generation! She was elected to Best Prepared speaker. Please come back to this club with your beautiful baby!

TM.K took the role of General Evaluator. Member like me and him who joined the club this year starts taking important role of the meeting. TM.K pointed out the importance of time management. TM.I got Best Evaluator and he commented that he played the freight simulation game as introduction to his evaluation of TM.M speech about aviation.

We had 2 members who are returning to their country and it was their last attendance of Yokohama Toastmasters club. TM.T will return to Vietnam and TM.S will return to Taiwan. It was so sad since we all enjoyed their speech about overseas! President F pass the present which are message board from everybody in this club. Please stop by to YTC when you visit to Japan!

This is my first try as TMOD. It is the task of TMOD who put energy into to the meeting and brings participant higher engagement. It requires all kind of skills which we can learn in Toastmasters such as impromptu speech, sense of humor, gesture and intonation. I felt I need to lean more. By attending more meeting of Toastmasters, I felt I can do much better next time!



暑さを吹き飛ばす即興英語スピーチマラソン!英語脳を猛特訓 第673回例会レポート


第673回例会レポート #673 TMOD Meeting Report

第673回の例会は8月18日(土)、はとば会館で開催されました。連日の猛暑にもかかわらず20数名のメンバーが参加しました。今回は新しい試みとしてインターミッションを延長して15分とし、メンバー間の交流を促しました。また、メンバーの即興スピーチ能力向上を図ることを目的としてテーブルトピックセッションを35分としました。TM Oから本日のWord of the Dayは「Absolutely, Positively」であることが発表されました。本日のテーマは「Hot summer days」、テーマに関連した質問は「What is your favorite or secret food to survive in such a hot summer day like this year?」でした。

各Role Takerから役割の説明があった後、いつもより2倍程度長めの時間をとったテーブルトピックセッションが始まりました。TM Kから、今年も半分以上が終わったことを踏まえ、四半期ごとの出来事に関連した面白い質問が11個出されました。いつもの例会より指名される可能性が高いためか、会場内の緊張が高まりました。

 スピーチセッションではPathwaysに基づくスピーチが3名、Advanced Manualに基づくスピーチが1名、合計4名がスピーチを行いました。TM Oによる「息子の変化とその理由」、TM Nによる「ヨットに賭ける情熱」、TM Hによる「平成最後の何々」、TM Iによる「人生のマイルストーン」のスピーチがありました。各スピーチともに自らの経験や出来事に基づいた内容で、楽しく聞くことができ、また勉強になりました。

Evaluationセッションでは、TM TがGeneral Evaluatorを務めました。Evaluator4名はそれぞれの視点から、各スピーチに対する的確な評価を行いました。特にTM Kは、Pathways Project #2のSecond Speechの評価という難しい役割で、 なおかつ初めてのEvaluator役であったにもかかわらず的確な評価を行いました。また、General Evaluator役のTM Tは例会の準備段階から例会修了にいたるまでの各プロセスを取り上げて、General Evaluationのモデルとなるような的確な評価を行いました。ビジネスセッションではPresidentのTM Fから12月22日(土)にArea 52の合同クリスマス例会(パーティー付き)が開催される旨の発表がありました。



The 673th regular meeting was held at Hatoba-Kaikan on August 18th (Saturday). Twenty plus members attended the meeting in spite of recent hot summer days. As a new trial, the intermission was extended to be 15 minutes so that the members can communicate and talk more closely each other. Also, Table Topic Session was extended to be 35 minutes to enhance the impromptu speech capability of members. TM O announced that today’s Word of the Day is “Absolutely, positively”. The theme of the meeting was “Hot summer days” and the related question was “What is your favorite or secret food to survive in such a hot summer day like this year?” After each role taker explained his/her respective role, Table Topic Session started which was two times longer than the usual one. TM K asked 11 interesting questions which were related to the quarterly events or news that happened in this year. Since it was more probable for each member to be appointed the question, many members were a little bit more nervous than the usual meeting.

In the prepared speech session, there were three speeches based on Pathways and one speech based on Advanced Manual. Total 4 members made their speeches. TM O’s speech was “What did change my son?”, TM N’s speech was “My passion for the sailing”, TM H’s speech was “The last something of Heisei era” and TM I’s speech was “The Milestone in My Life, respectively. All the speeches were based on speakers’ own experiences and personal events. They were very educational and interesting to listen. At the Evaluation Session, TM T was the General Evaluator and four members made the precise evaluations from their own perspectives. Especially, TM K made a good evaluation in spite of that this was his first evaluation role and that the target speech was second speech of Pathways project #2. TM T made a model General Evaluation, covering every steps of the regular meeting, stating from the meeting preparation through the end of the meeting. In the business session, President F announced that the Joint Christmas Meeting and Party of Area 52 will be held on December 22nd (Saturday).

It has been a while for me to conduct TMOD role, but, thanks to all the members’ help and support, I enjoyed conducting the meeting. Thank you all. I am a little concerned that the number of guest is declining these days. Let’s try to talk to our friends and colleagues to come and join our club.

