第750回例会レポート / The 750th Regular Meeting Report


Meeting #750 Nov. 20th at Hatoba Kaikan 1F.
This was the 750th meeting, and we were blessed with a beautiful autumn day with a clear blue sky to celebrate.

The venue was decorated so colorful as if it was an early Christmas, and YTMC Founder TM I was wearing a stylish suit, which gave the atmosphere of venue for celebration. Right behind him, there were members in Mario and Luigi costumes operating audio equipment, and TMOD wore birthday-cake-hats and “Happy Birthday” tassels, and members wearing cute animal hats took the stage in turn. It was a very humorous meeting.
会場は一足早いクリスマスのように華やかにデコレーションされていて、YTMC FounderのIimureさんがビシリと格好よくスーツを着ていらして、場のお祝いムードが各段にアップしていました。ちなみにIimureさんのすぐ後ろにはマリオとルイージのコスチュームを着たメンバーがオンライン機材を操作していて、TMODはバースでケーキの帽子と「Happy Birthday」のタスキを身に着け、かわいらしい動物の帽子をかぶったメンバーたちが入れ替わり登壇するという、なんともユーモア溢れるミーティングとなりました。

The meeting theme was “color”. We enjoyed everyone’s speeches with a few words of their own personality, sharing what colors they like, with a little story. One of the member said that “my favorite color changes with age and occasion, for example…” I thought that was very interesting.

The Table Topic was well thought out to coincide with the 750th anniversary, such as “What is your most memorable speech to date?” “What role would you like to play in the next big celebration, the 35th anniversary?” All of the veterans gave skillful and heartwarming answer speeches, and it was a good time to think about this club’s history of the past and the future a little further ahead.

Table Topicは750回目の区切りに合わせてよく練られていて、「これまでで一番心に残るスピーチは?」「次の大きなお祝いイベントとなる35周年記念にはどんなロールを担当したいですか?」など、いずれも大ベテランの方々が巧みで心暖まる回答スピーチを披露し、これまでの歴史と少し先の将来に思いを巡らせるいい時間となりました。

The 750th meeting was brought to a close with the sound of a ship whistling from the harbour during speeches and a taste of the port city of Yokohama.


Of course, after the meeting we had a small celebration (with due consideration for Corona) and had a very enjoyable day.

